A little lower on this page: Weather in Croatia by months.

Weather forecast for cities in Croatia for a week and 14 days

Baska Voda, weather forecast for Baska Voda for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+10 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+12 ° C at night
Dubrovnik, weather forecast in Dubrovnik for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+14 ° C in the afternoon
+12 ° C at night
Zagreb, weather forecast in Zagreb for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+10 ° C in the afternoon
+3 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+3 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+6 ° C at night
Zadar, Weather forecast for Zadar 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+7 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+10 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
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Korcula, weather forecast for Korcula for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+12 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+12 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+14 ° C in the afternoon
+13 ° C at night
Makarska, weather forecast for Makarska for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+11 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+12 ° C at night
Pula, weather forecast in Pula for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+7 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+7 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
Rijeka, weather forecast in Rijeka for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+10 ° C in the afternoon
+7 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Overcast, rain
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+10 ° C at night
Rovinj, 10 days weather forecast for Rovinj
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+10 ° C in the afternoon
+6 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+11 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
Split, weather forecast for Split for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
Mainly cloudy
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+10 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+13 ° C at night
Cavtat, weather forecast for Cavtat for 10 days
Weather in Croatia
March 1, Sunday
Overcast, light rain
+12 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
2 March, Monday
+13 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
Weather in Croatia
March 3, Tuesday
+15 ° C in the afternoon
+13 ° C at night

Weather in Croatia by months

The climate in Croatia is Mediterranean, very mild, which suits the Russians well. Exhausting heat does not happen even in summer, and constant breezes and dry air make summer heat easily tolerable. Spring and autumn are warm, which allows the resort season to be long: it continues from the middle of May to the horses of September. Peak of the season falls on the second half of July and August, and the water is the warmest in August, when the sea has already warmed up well, but has not yet cooled down due to the approaching autumn weather.

In January

January in Croatia is characterized by a temperature that varies from +1 to +7 ° C - these are the statistics. This month, the water in the sea is, of course, very cold, around +6 ° C. Air in winter is more humid than in summer, often there are winds and rains. In Croatia, as in many countries in Central Europe, this is the coldest and most uncomfortable month of the year, the weather does not even have a long walk.

More information about the weather in Croatia in January.

In February

February brings some warming, in the afternoon it is almost not noticeable, but night temperatures are getting higher. Slightly warmer in February and the sea, it usually heats up to +7 ° C.

More about the weather in Croatia in February.

In March

March is characterized by daytime temperatures around +10 ° C. The period of flowering of plants begins. Croatia becomes very beautiful from this variety of flowers and flowers, but until the beach season is still far: the water temperature in the sea is not above +9 ° C.

Read more about the weather in Croatia in March.

In April

April transforms the country. The air temperature becomes noticeably higher, the average daily temperature is +17 ° C. Blossoms everything that was scared to bloom in March, in places Croatia is simply covered with carpets of flowers. During this period, it is very attractive, but you can not swim yet, the water temperature does not exceed usually +12 ° C. In April the preparations for the new season are in full swing, those hotels are opening in resort towns that do not work in winter.

More information about the weather in Croatia in April.

In May

May begins a full-fledged holiday season in Croatia. The temperature of the air allows you to sunbathe than a lot of people and is engaged on the coast. Swim is even colder, the average May temperature of the sea is about +17 ° C, but many can not wait to plunge into the invigorating freshness of the sea waves, especially since in the bright sun you can get warm well. In hotels and restaurants the number of guests is growing every day, everyone wants to get their share of the bright sun and the gentle sea.

In addition, May is a wonderful month for excursions around the country, the weather for this purpose is just perfect.

More information about the weather in Croatia in May.

In June

June gives vacationers in Croatia a wonderful combination of warm (up to +26 ° C) air, invigorating sea water (around +21 ° C) and fresh breezes. A perfect month for rest with children, the weather in Croatia is ideal for them.

More about the weather in Croatia in June.

In July

July in Croatia is hot, but not debilitating due to the dryness of the air and the incessant breezes: thanks to them, the air temperature, reaching 30 degrees, is easily transferred. This month, the water temperature in the sea is just wonderful, around +25 ° C. The number of vacationers reaches a maximum usually by the end of the month, at the same time, the sea water also gets warmer.

More about the weather in Croatia in July.

In August

August is the hottest month. The average air temperature in August exceeds +30 ° C, and the water temperature reaches +27 ° C. The holiday season in the country is in full swing. All those who are engaged in serving tourists, work hard to ensure that the high level of service that is characteristic of Croatia.

More about the weather in Croatia in August.

In September

September brings a weakening of the heat and some cooling of the water in the sea. And the crowds of tourists are thinning. But the weather in Croatia, however, is still good: the air temperature in the daytime is around +25 ° C, at night it drops a little, to +19 ° C, approximately. The sea becomes cooler, the water is still warm comfortable: about +25 ° C.

More about the weather in Croatia in September.

In October

October is the month of the close of the season. This is understandable: the air temperature during the day on the average +21 ° C, at night it drops to +16 ° C. But the sea in October sharply cools, its temperature is kept around +17 ° C. But trips around the country in October will be easy and comfortable, the weather is at that.

More about the weather in Croatia in October.

In November

November is the pre-winter month, even in Croatia, where such a soft and pleasant climate. The average temperature is about +11 ° C. For Russians, this is a gift, but there is no such weather for bathing or sunbathing, especially since the sea is quite cold, around +10 ° C.

More about the weather in Croatia in November.


December is a cold month. Weather forecast in Croatia for December: daytime around +8 ° C, sea temperature - +6 ° C. Warm up memories of summer, the expectation of a new season and preparation for Christmas.

More information about the weather in Croatia in December.

Weather by month in popular resorts in Croatia


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +12 +13 +14 +17 +21 +25 +29 +28 +25 +21 +17 +14
at night+6 +6 +8 +11 +14 +18 +21 +21 +18 +14 +10 +8
water+16 +15 +15 +16 +18 +22 +25 +26 +25 +23 +20 +18


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +3 +6 +11 +17 +21 +25 +27 +27 +22 +15 +9 +5
at night-2 -1+3 +8 +12 +15 +17 +16 +13 +8 +4 +0


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +8 +9 +12 +15 +20 +23 +27 +27 +23 +18 +13 +10
at night+1@@+1@@+3 +6 +11 +14 +17 +17 +13 +10 +5 +2
water+13 +11 +12 +16 +18 +21 +22 +24 +22 +19 +17 +14


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +10 +11 +13 +17 +22 +26 +29 +29 +25 +20 +14 +11
at night+5 +5 +7 +10 +15 +18 +21 +21 +18 +14 +9 +6
water+15 +15 +15 +15 +18 +21 +24 +26 +25 +22 +20 +17