Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city on the Island of Freedom. Founded in 1514, Santiago does not resemble either Havana or any other Cuban city. It is located on the south-east coast and has a distinctly Caribbean atmosphere. Caribbean influence is felt both in the climate, and in culture, and in the guise of the city, so it is often called "the most Caribbean city of Cuba". It is the most musical, passionate and lively city in Cuba. In Santiago de Cuba you will not find masterpieces of colonial architecture, wide avenues and quiet shady streets. But, having caught the rhythm of the city, having felt the friendliness of the locals, you will surely love Santiago.

The city is reliably protected from sea winds. It is located in the depths of the bay, surrounded by mountains. Not surprisingly, it's always a little warmer than in Havana.
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  • 1 How to call
  • 2 How to get
    • 2.1 Search flights to Havana (the nearest airport to Santiago de Cuba) - $
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Santiago de Cuba
  • 4 Climate
  • 5 Surroundings of the city
  • 6 Events in Santiago de Cuba
    • 6.1 Southern Black Sea Coast $ $

How to call

8-10-53-226-telephone number.

How to get

You can get to Santiago de Cuba by plane from Havana, by train from Havana and Camagüey, or by bus from any city on the island.

Search flights to Havana (the nearest airport to Santiago de Cuba) - $

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Santiago de Cuba

Santiago de Cuba is called the cradle of the revolution. It was in Santiago that Fidel Castro began the struggle against dictator Batista by attacking the Moncada barracks. It was in Santiago in 1838 that Facundo Bacardi began the production of his famous Roma, which later became no less famous brand "Habana Club". Here is also the Bacardi museum, but its exposition is not dedicated to the history of the production of rum, but to archeology, art and the history of the city.

The central square of Santiago - Cespedes Park, the former Arms Plaza, is one of the most beautiful squares. The cathedral, the House of Diego Velasquez - the conquistador, the founder and the first governor of the city, the former town hall surround the Park of Céspedes with a majestic ring.

The city stretches out on the hills, and the winding streets rise and fall, revealing to the visitors unique landscapes. One of these streets - Padre Pico - is a beautiful street-staircase, on the steps that people like to spend time in town, playing their favorite dominoes or maps. And tourists also stop here to relax during excursions or walks. From the top of the street a panorama of the city opens.

The world community highly appreciated the historical traditions and natural attractions of Santiago: UNESCO declared the fortress of San Pedro de la Roca del Moro, built at the entrance to the bay of Santiago, part of the world cultural heritage. The fortress was erected in 1642 to protect the city from pirates. On its powerful walls in due time "broke off teeth" wild corsair Henry Morgan. And in the halls of the fortress now houses the Museum of Piracy and the Armory.


Santiago de Cuba March 1, Sunday
+28 ° С in the afternoon
+23 ° С at night
° С water
Santiago de Cuba March 2, Monday
+28 ° С in the afternoon
+23 ° С at night
° С water
Santiago de Cuba March 3, Tuesday
+28 ° С in the afternoon
+23 ° С at night
° С water
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 27 + 27 + 27 + 28 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 29 + 28
night + 21 + 21 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21
of water + 24 + 25 + 26 + 26 + 27 + 27 + 28 + 27 + 26 + 26 + 25 + 24

Surroundings of the city

At 25 km from Santiago, the white church of El Cobre, the basilica of the Blessed Virgin of Mercy, with a wooden sculpture of the saint, rises majestically on a hill above a remote forest. Devotees of santeria see in it the pagan goddess Oshun and traditionally bring her gifts - flowers (usually yellow), ornaments, toys, awards. Ernest Hemingway donated his Nobel Prize Gold Medal. Here you can also find cups and medals of famous Cuban athletes. In 1916 the Vatican declared the statue of the Virgin to be a shrine.

Not far from Santiago is the Bakonao Park with the Valley of the Prehistoric Period, where you can see the figures of life-size dinosaurs and people of the Stone Age. The halls of the natural history museum located here clearly demonstrate the evolution of man. Park Baconao declared by UNESCO World Nature Preserve

Sights of Santiago de Cuba (Spanish)

Events in Santiago de Cuba

Every July there is a carnival - a real festival of colors, energy and fun. Carnival is the product of African and Franco-Haitian traditions, for the most part - religious. The festivities take place from 24 to 26 July each year, beginning in the 17th century. The holiday sweeps the whole city: solemn processions of the inhabitants of the city and guests of Santiago in carnival costumes and masks, with pennants, banners and brightly colored lanterns, with music and dances. Dancing and the participants in the procession, and those who watch them from the sidewalks. Photo of Santiago de Cuba (16)