Shopping center "Palladium" in Prague

Praha, nam. Republiky, 1

Shopping in the Czech Republic "Palladium" - one of the largest and most visited shopping centers in Prague. It is located on the Republic Square and is housed in a beautiful five-story historic building, which will not be confused even with a great desire.

In the Czech Republic, not only beautiful castles and delicious beer .Here a real paradise for shopaholics is .In pursuit of fashion new clothes come here almost from all over Europe .Probably, there is no brand that would not be represented today in the Czech Republic .Here you can find almost everything: from the most expensive and exclusive companies to popular and popular brands, as well as stunning handmade goods .Note that even luxury brands are much cheaper here than in other countries, including in comparison with Russia..Popular brands during shopping in the Czech Republic will not less please you with their prices .

The center of Czech shopping is Prague. The leading luxury brands are located on Parisian street. Another epicenter of shopping complexes and boutiques is on Wenceslas Square. New clothes for democratic prices are better to buy at Pshikop.

What can I bring from the Czech Republic, except for the suitcase of updates? Of course, the famous crystal, porcelain and garnet jewelry! Do not forget about Czech sweets (waffles, all sorts of handmade sweets) and alcoholic beverages (beer, liqueurs) .Among the fair sex all over the world, Czech cosmetics are highly valued .But we will notice, that means on care of the face and a body here cost not cheaply .But small jars of souvenir volume can still be bought, especially while not forking out $ $ .During shopping in the Czech Republic it is impossible to resist without buying cute toys .There are a lot of them: you can buy as a gift for children, and just as a gift - $ .

Shopping in the Czech Republic

Of course, the center of Czech shopping is Prague. The leading luxury brands are located on Parisian street. Another epicenter of shopping complexes and boutiques is on Wenceslas Square. Here, for example, you can select a multi-storey fashion house. New things at democratic prices are better to buy at Pshikop. One of the famous shopping centers in Příkop is Myslbek Shopping Gallery. The largest shopping complex in the center of Prague is called the Palladium.

If you want to buy souvenirs exclusively handmade, welcome to Mostetska Street. Brands and malls are not your element? Then boldly go for antiques and unusual things to the flea market, that on Kolbenova Street.

Most shops in the Czech Republic are open from 9:00 to 18:00 .Large shopping centers are open until 21:00 - 22:00 .At the same time, there are many round-the-clock stores .Shopping in the Czech Republic can not be imagined without sales .Global sale is here several times a year .The season of big discounts starts in winter - right after the celebrations of Christmas and New Year, continues in spring (in April), in summer (in July) and ends in autumn - in September and October .Another important point about shopping in the Czech Republic is .After each purchase of updates (this does not apply to products, alcohol and other similar products), do not forget to place so-called tax-free forms in the stores..The fact is that when you accumulate these checks for a certain amount (today it is about 100 EUR) at the airport at the customs you will get a nice bonus of .Ask what?

By submitting all forms of tax-free, you have the right to request that you return the VAT tax on purchases (in the Czech Republic it is 20%). As they say, a trifle, but still nice!

Another tip, which is worth remembering while shopping in the Czech Republic. Try to change the currency (be it dollars or euros) into Czech koruns only in official exchangers and in banks. There, as a rule, the most objective course (it can not be profitable, of course, and there is no risk that you will be cheated. But even in such institutions, keep in mind that there is a certain commission for each operation. Therefore, in order to avoid any controversial issues, specify at the beginning how much this fee really amounts to.

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Shopping in the Czech Republic