In Prague, "people lose their heads" all year round, and not only in the spring, as they say in a famous song .This is the city where you can successfully lose not only your head, but also the time $ ±.Prague will forever settle in the heart of everyone who strolls through the Prague Castle at least once, will visit the Old Town Square and enjoy fabulous panoramic views of the banks of Vlatva from the lookout tower of the Petrin Tower .To see Prague's miracles with your own eyes, you can buy a ticket for both the plane and the bus, but perhaps the most suitable way to get to the ancient Czech capital will be the train .Travel under the clatter of wheels to match the romantic and somewhat old-fashioned Prague .

To see Prague's miracles with your own eyes, you can buy a ticket for both the plane and the bus, but perhaps the most appropriate way to get to the ancient Czech capital will be the train.

On the way to Prague

The collection of railway tours to Prague is very rich, but they are all divided into two main categories: with a transfer on a direct train and with a transfer in Brest to a bus. From Moscow to the Czech capital, the train No. 21 "Moscow-Prague" runs, it leaves at 7:30 from the Belorussky railway station and in 28 hours, at 9:47, arrives at Prague's railway station. For tourists, this schedule is very convenient, because they come to the city in the morning, have time to sleep well, and ahead of them there is a whole day of active excursions.

In the rays of the morning sun, the golden Prague is especially delicious, enjoy every minute of walking through the deserted city, its sleepy and quiet streets and as yet deserted brooding areas.

On the way, the train makes several long stops: in Vyazma it costs 23 minutes, in Minsk - 29 minutes, in Brest for the change of wheels and customs passing - 2 hours 35 minutes, the last long stop in Warsaw - 1 hour 20 minutes.

From St. Petersburg to Prague can be reached by train number 49, it leaves from Vitebsky station in the afternoon on Thursday, and in Prague it turns out in a day at 7:00.

For tourists who plan a railway trip to Prague, it is important to know about one feature of Czech trains .Despite the fact that the compartments in these trains correspond to the European class, they represent a small room with three shelves on one side and clothes hangers on the other .The decomposed middle shelf does not allow you to sit on the bottom .So if you get a ticket in the second class compartment, you'll have to find a common language with fellow travelers, go to bed together and wake up .In the compartment of the first class, only two passengers are meant who can dispose of the middle shelf at their will .

Tours and city tours

The minimum duration of sightseeing tours to Prague by train is 8 days, their program usually includes several free excursions (walking through the Old Town with a visit to the Charles Bridge, Tynsky Dvor, Old Town Square, sightseeing tour by bus), as well as a variety of themed excursions for an additional fee .The cost of the tour starts from 455 EUR, this includes train travel (minimum railway fare), hotel accommodation and meals - breakfast, transfer to the station - hotel, guide services; Czech visa (80 EUR) and surcharge for medical insurance for tourists from 65 years are paid separately .

In addition, you can book a combined sightseeing tour to Prague. The routes of such tours cover several countries at once and allow you to visit several European cities in a few days. Combinations will cost more than usual trips to Prague, for example, the twelve-day tour "Prague-Paris" will cost 610 EUR, "Prague-Switzerland" costs from 740 EUR, and for a trip to three countries "Czech Republic - France - Switzerland" will have to pay from 845 EUR.

Information on prices is given for September 2014

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Tours to Prague by train