The main natural healing factor of Karlovy Vary is thermal sodium sulfate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, containing calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, lithium, bromine and other sources. Mineralization up to 7 g / l. According to the chemical composition of water, all sources are approximately the same and differ mainly in carbon dioxide (from 0, 37 to 0, 75 g / l) and temperature.

The mineral waters of Karlovy Vary are mainly used for drinking treatment, the water of the Mill source is bottled, and the water of the source Vrzhidlo is the basis for all the balneotherapeutic procedures used in the resort (carbon dioxide, oxygen, radon, pearl and other baths, swimming in the pools, irrigation, rinsing, etc.) .In addition, natural Carlsbad salt is obtained from the mineral water by evaporation, containing 18% sodium chloride, 36% sodium hydrogen carbonate, 44% sodium sulfate, about 2% potassium sulfate, and also small amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, lithium, fluorine, bromine and others .

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The resort treats patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and biliary tract, as well as metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity and others) .There is a resort polyclinic, balneotherapy, drinking gallery, pump rooms of individual sources, numerous hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums .In medical institutions widely used therapeutic physical training, various types of massage, electro- and light therapy, heat treatment (including mud baths and applications) .For the metered walks there is a health track - over 100 km of tracks that pass through the most picturesque places of Karlovy Vary .

All doctors speak Russian and English.

In Karlovy Vary we offer programs that include full curative care, their duration is 7, 14 or 21 days. The treatment course includes:

  • accommodation in a sanatorium or hotel (see also a list of all Karlovy Vary hotels and sanatoria)
  • initial medical examination and laboratory tests
  • food (full board), the appointment of a diet in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor
  • complex sanatorium treatment in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor (2-4 procedures per day)
  • drinking course appointment
  • final medical examination and laboratory tests

Based on the results of the survey, the spa doctor appoints each patient an individual treatment program, taking into account the state of health and diagnosis. To speed up the treatment process, it is recommended to take an extract from the medical history. The recommended duration of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, the maximum result is usually achieved in 21 days.

A walk through Karlovy Vary

Curative springs of Karlovy Vary

In Karlovy Vary, as many as 79 sources, 13 of them are developed and used for drinking courses. The composition of mineral water from various sources is close, but because of the different temperature and carbon dioxide content, it has different effects. Cooler sources usually have a mild laxative effect, while warmer ones have a softening effect, slowing the release of bile and gastric juice.

  • Garden colonnade
    • Snake source, 30 ° C. Opened in 2001, this source contains fewer minerals than other sources of the resort, but much more CO2. From the snake's mouth, it flows directly into the Garden Colonnade.
    • Garden source, 47, 4 ° C. The source was discovered in the middle of the 19th century when building a foundation for a military sanatorium. It was originally called the "Imperial Source". Comes to the surface on the territory of the Military sanatorium near the colonnade. Access to the source is open every day from 6:00 to 18:30.
    • Source of Freedom, 60 ° C. It was opened in the second half of the 19th century during the construction of Lazne III. His current name he received after the 2nd World War. It used to be called Kurortny, then Franz Josef I. Altanka with the source is located between Lazne III and Mill Colonnade.
  • Mill Colonnade (1871-1881, Joseph Zitek): under the 132-meter colonnade supported by 124 Corinthian columns, there is an orchestra pit and five mineral springs.
    • Rocky source, 53 ° C. Until 1845, flowed into the Teplu River, but after planning the terrain, its water was brought to the current Mill Colonnade.
    • The source of Libuchy, 62 ° C. It was once called the source of Elizabethan roses, but originated by combining four smaller sources.
    • Source of Prince Wenceslas I, 65 ° C. Water from this source was used to produce the Karlovy Vary medicinal salt. They say that at the end of the 18th century, with water and strength, he could measure with Vrzhidl. Prince Vaclav was taken to two vases.
    • Source of Prince Wenceslas II, 58 ° C. Leaves before the colonnade, opposite the orchestra pit.
    • The mill source, 56 ° C. Since the 16th century it has been used for sanatorium-and-spa treatment, earlier - mainly for the preparation of bathtubs. Water from a popular source was once possible to buy in almost all Czech pharmacies.
A tourist who wants to receive medical treatment in Karlovy Vary, first of all, is obliged to comply with dietary nutrition and conduct 12-19 procedures per week.
    • Source of the Mermaid, 60 ° C. From the 16th century until 1945, it was called the New Spring. The water flowing out of it at one time was even more in demand than the water from the Mill source.
  • The market colonnade (1883, Fellner and Helmer) - a wooden building built in the Swiss style, according to the plan was to cover hot springs only a few years. But after she stood over the sources of the Market and Charles IV for more than a hundred years, the city began to maintain it and complete reconstruction.
    • Market source, 62 ° C. The source since the discovery (1838) several times disappeared and reappeared. A number of wells have been made, thanks to which water from the spring can now be prescribed by spa doctors.
    • Source of Charles IV, 64 ° C. The healing properties of this source may have influenced the decision of Charles IV to build here his resort. The discovery of Karlovy Vary is depicted on a relief located above the source.
  • The castle colonnade (1911-1913, Friedrich Oumann) is located directly above the Market Colonnade. It consists of two parts: the Colonnade of the Upper Spring and the Colonnade of the Lower Spring. In the interior spaces of the lower part is the relief of the Spirit of the springs. For many years the colonnade was closed, but after a comprehensive reconstruction, since 2001 it has again been opened to the public.
    • Lower lock source (55 ° C) and Top lock source (50 ° C). In fact, we are talking about one source, the water from which is fed to two vases. But due to the fact that the Upper source is at a high altitude, its temperature and CO2 content differ. The lower castle source for public use is placed on the market square. The spring in the Castle Colonnade is intended only for clients of the Zamkovy Lazne.
  • Vrzhidelni colonnade (1969-1975, Prof. Votruba). Geyser of hot mineral water from the 16th century covered many buildings: the Baroque structure, the Empire Colonnade, the cast-iron or temporary wooden colonnades. The next and until the last building surrounding the hot spring, refers to the late 60s of the 20th century. In the old part of the dungeon of this colonnade, a tourist route will be opened shortly, and an exposition of minerals is exposed at the top.
    • Vrzhidlo, 72 ° C. The productivity of this geyser is about 2000 liters of mineral water per minute. Today it is the only source that supplies water for bathing. But Vrzhidlo is also used for drinking courses. In the colonnade there are a total of 5 tanks with source water at a temperature of 72, 57 and 41 ° C. Pillar of water from the spring can rise to a height of 12 m thanks to the pressure. The pavilion is open from 6:00 to 19:00.
Sources of Karlovy Vary, Czech Republichttp: // export = view & id = 1mNVVlCZgkzecdlNUZo7nigsJP71XLbEe Treatment in Karlovy Vary
Panorama of Karlovy Vary Treatment in Karlovy Vary
The crying fountain in Carlsbad Treatment in Karlovy Vary

The rules of Karlovy Vary drink

It would be a great mistake to consider water from Karlovy Vary's sources as a simple "mineral water", which you can drink when and how much. In fact, this is a complex, highly concentrated mixture of natural substances, not intended for permanent or unregulated use. And when you use it, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water is recommended to be used after consultation with an informed spa physician.
  • To achieve the full therapeutic effect, Karlovy Vary's thermal mineral water is recommended to be used near the outlet of sources to the surface.
  • Karlovy Vary's thermal mineral water is recommended to drink exclusively from porcelain or glass cups of traditional form.
  • The course of treatment is not recommended to combine with the use of alcohol or smoking. Harmful even passive inhalation of tobacco smoke.
  • An important part of the drinking course is movement, therefore it is recommended to combine drinking water with slow walking.
  • The drinking course should take place in a state of peace of mind and relaxation, without haste.
  • It is recommended to repeat the drinking course with the prescribed periodicity of the doctor.
  • Mineral water should not be watered or poured onto the floor of colonnade spaces.
  • When recruiting water from the source vase, for hygienic reasons, you can not touch the source or outlet tubes.

Indications for sanatorium treatment

Due to the special properties of the Karlovy Vary mineral springs and the possibility of their almost universal use, the resort treats patients with a wide variety of gossip.

Basic indications:

  • diseases of the digestive system: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, intestinal disorders, conditions after surgery on the intestines, stomach, gall bladder, chronic liver and gallbladder diseases with cholelithiasis and without it, chronic constipation, disorder of colon function, proctocolitis, post-operative conditions acute hepatitis of any etiology, conditions after acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatic diseases
  • metabolic diseases: type 1 and 2 diabetes, obesity, a disorder of fat metabolism, gout, hyperlipoproteinemia
  • parodontosis
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: spinal lesions, degenerative joint diseases, osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine
  • after cancer onset
  • neurological diseases

The list of treatment procedures in different sanatoria is somewhat different and largely depends on their specialization and equipment.

A walk through Karlovy Vary


  • uncompensated diabetes mellitus
  • gout kidney
  • metabolic disorders
  • pathological changes in the bile ducts
  • exacerbation of acute pancreatitis
  • cholangitis
  • stenoses, chronic parasitic and bacterial diseases of the intestine and stenosis, intestinal stenosis, postoperative stenoses in need of reoperations
  • anus preternatural
  • penetration of the ulcer
  • stone obstruction
  • cholangitis
  • obstruction or infection of bile ducts
  • hepatic insufficiency, anamnesis acute pancreatitis, advanced hepatic insufficiency
  • increased level of creatinine
  • parasitic or infectious diseases
  • malignant tumors
  • epilepsy
  • incontinence of urine and stool
  • pregnancy
  • psychiatric illness, psychosis, alcoholism
  • tuberculosis of the respiratory system
  • labile or decompensated diabetes mellitus
  • total weight loss or loss of power
  • clinical signs of circulatory disorders
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Treatment in Karlovy Vary