Therapeutic sources of Mariánské Lázně

The water of the mineral springs of the resort is saturated with carbon dioxide and bicarbonate salts (10-40 mg / l), therefore they belong to the class of natural acidic sources. The water temperature is within + 7..10 ° C. A truly unique one is the wide dispersion in the chemical composition of sources concentrated on a small area: this allows them to be used in the treatment of a very wide range of diseases.

The cross source got its name from a wooden cross standing nearby $ $ .This is one of the oldest and most widely used sources in the entire resort belongs to the chemical group of hydro-carbon-sodium-sulphate-ferrous Mariánskolazen mineral springs .It is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive organs (stomach, intestine, gallbladder, liver and pancreas), metabolic disorders (obesity, gout, diabetes) and allergic diseases caused by digestive disorders..The presence of a sulfate source in water causes a laxative effect of .

Treatment in Mariánské Lázně
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Treatment in Mariánské Lázně
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The source of Ferdinand is located in the center of Ushovits and is very similar in composition to the Crest source, except that it is slightly more mineralized. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders. It has seven different springs, for drinking therapeutic courses the source "Ferdinand I" is used, water from other springs goes to the preparation of mineral baths, and water "Ferdinand IV" is packaged in bottles as table water.

The source of Rudolph is located near the colonnade of the Ferdinand spring. Acidic waters of this source due to their diuretic effect are used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. It has a high calcium content and is therefore recommended as an adjunctive therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis, and due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect it is also used in inflammations of the urinary tract.

The forest source is located in the northern part of the city and in its composition is very different from other sources. It has a pronounced alkaline effect on the gastric environment and is therefore used in the treatment of various diseases of the digestive system. Also used for inhalation in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, effective in the treatment of certain urological diseases (for example, for dissolution of renal stones of acid origin).

The source of Ambrose is formed by three springs of similar chemical composition. It is a question of weakly mineralized ferric acid waters, recommended because of the high iron content in some forms of anemia, and due to diuretic action also in diseases of the urinary tract. Located near the source of Central Lazne.

The source of Carolina was formerly called New, and drank its water directly at the spring. After the reconstruction of the pipeline, he was taken to the colonnade of Rudolph. In comparison with other sources, it is distinguished by a high content of magnesium (the ratio of calcium and magnesium 2: 5) and therefore is used for the treatment of urological diseases and the removal of kidney stones.

Mariánské Lázně

The main methods of treatment in Mariánské Lázně

Procedures based on natural resources:

  • Gas injections are used to reduce pain, improve blood supply and quickly heal wounds. Are shown at disturbance of a circulation of extremities, ischemic illness of heart, degenerative diseases of joints and a backbone with a painful syndrome. Contraindicated with local inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous space at the injection site, with bleeding.
  • Mud vaginal (vaginal) tampons have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and spasmolytic effects. Indications: chronic gynecological inflammations, postoperative conditions in the pelvic area, female sterility, stress conditions against the background of infertility problems, climacteric syndrome. Contraindicated in acute inflammation of the vagina or small pelvis, benign tumors and pregnancy.
  • Mud envelope is used for disorders of the motor apparatus, gynecological diseases and respiratory apparatus diseases. Indications: diseases of the motor apparatus, gynecological and urological disorders, diseases of the respiratory system and excretory system. It is not recommended for patients with heart and vascular disease who have suffered a stroke or with cancer complications.
  • For inhalation, mineral waters are used that improve the functions of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, have an anti-inflammatory effect, excrete mucus and facilitate coughing.
  • A compress of bentonite clay is used in cosmetics and in chronic painful conditions, in which the classic mud pack is not applicable because of the increased stress on the heart and blood vessels. Indications: cellulite, obesity (as an additional remedy for treatment), chronic rheumatitis, arthritis. Contraindicated in decompensation of the heart and blood flow, exacerbations, skin lesions, edema.
  • For mineral baths, water with a high content of carbon dioxide, mineral salts and humic acids is used. The water in the bath is heated up to 28..34 ° C, to it may be added herbal extracts or salts of the Dead Sea. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, then follows a 20-minute rest in a dry wrap. Indication: heart and vascular disease, kidney and urinary tract diseases, nervous diseases. Contraindicated in cardiac decompensation, epilepsy, propensity to hypotension.
  • The drinking course is the most important component of the treatment (and in the case of kidney and urinary tract diseases, it is the main one) .It consists that 1-3 times a day the patient drinks a certain amount of mineral water according to the doctor's instructions .The recommended amount is 1, 5-2 liters per day .Water changes the composition of urine, accelerating water metabolism, stimulates the kidneys and positively affects the stomach's peristalsis .The intake of water before meals increases the effectiveness of the action of minerals and leads to their better absorption .The most important condition for the effectiveness of the drinking course is compliance with the prescribed by the doctor .
A truly unique one is the wide dispersion in the chemical composition of sources concentrated on a small area: this allows them to be used in the treatment of a very wide range of diseases.
  • A dry carbon dioxide gas bath (gas envelope) is used to improve sexual function in men and to alleviate menopausal symptoms in women. Indications: ischemic disease of lower limbs, hypertension, gynecological and urological disorders, disorders of sexual functions.
  • In addition, to achieve the maximum result of treatment, in combination with procedures based on natural remedies, various baths, hydrotherapy, massages and exercise therapy are used.

Indications for spa treatment in Mariánské Lázně

  • diseases of the motor apparatus: vertebrogenic algic syndrome (back pain), degenerative diseases of the motor apparatus (spine and large joints), osteoporosis, condition after orthopedic operations (implantation of artificial joints)
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract: chronic inflammation, rehabilitation after surgery or crushing impulse radiation of stones in the kidney and bladder, conditions after operations on the kidney and ureter, prostatitis (inflammation, postoperative conditions)
  • diseases of the respiratory apparatus: chronic inflammation, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases of the respiratory tract, conditions after operations of the lower respiratory tracts
  • metabolic diseases: obesity, gout, constipation, diabetes, hyperlipoproteinemia
  • gynecological diseases, including infertility: inflammation of external and internal female genital organs, conditions after gynecological operations, sterility and infertility, menopausal syndrome, urgent and stressful incontinence of urine
  • oncological diseases: rehabilitation of patients after oncology treatment of the breast, genital organs, other oncological diseases - except for malignant blood diseases
  • treatment of non-core diseases: hypertension, ischemic heart disease, ischemic disease of the lower limbs, disorders of potency


  • Pregnancy
  • acute and infectious diseases
  • malignant tumors in the course of treatment, and also progressive, despite the treatment performed
  • often recurring severe bleeding of all kinds
  • inability to serve oneself in daily needs without assistance, and inability to move independently
  • alcohol dependence, use of other addictive and addictive substances
Streets of Marienbad Treatment in Mariánské Lázně
Walking through the streets of Mariánské Lázně

Indications for the treatment of children

In the resort complex of Central Lazne, children aged 6-15 years are treated, accompanied by parents or other relatives. Based on the medical history presented by the patient and an introductory examination of a pediatrician specializing in balneology and medical rehabilitation, an individual treatment plan is prepared for the child using the optimal procedures.

Indications for spa treatment:

  • kidney and urinary tract diseases: chronic and recurrent inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, postoperative bladder, kidney and bladder stones after spontaneous withdrawal, surgery or forced crushing
  • gynecological inflammations and conditions after pelvic surgery, in particular after complicated operations of appendicitis or preventive gynecological operations to prevent infertility in adulthood
  • respiratory apparatus diseases: recurrent catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, sinusitis, allergic colds, frequent inflammation of the bronchus, lungs or bronchial asthma

The recommended period of treatment at the resort for children is 3-4 weeks once a year or two weeks twice a year.

The cost of the classic children's spa package includes an introductory examination of the doctor, check-ups once a week or, if necessary, a final examination and a medical report on the results of treatment. The number of treatment procedures depends on the condition of the child. Also, as a rule, basic tests (blood, urine tests) are included in the cost.

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Treatment in Mariánské Lázně