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Amalienborg Palace

Copenhagen, Amalienborg Slotsplads, 5

 Attractions in Denmark Amalienborg - one of the most beautiful palaces in all of Denmark. This is not only the visiting card of its capital, Copenhagen, but also an apartment building. And the most important people in Denmark live there - Queen Margrethe and her family. The complex of palace buildings in Rococo style is located in front of each other

Copenhagen Town Hall

Copenhagen, Radhuspladsen 1

 Attractions in Denmark One of the most high buildings Copenhagen - Town Hall. Its current appearance appeared in 1905, and the height of its tower today is more than 105 meters - not every urban dominant can boast of such a high.


Copenhagen, Badsmandsstraede 43

 Attractions in Denmark The territory of Christiania consists of former military barracks and the remains of city ramparts, built in 1617 by King Christian IV. Today, these trees preserved only in Christiania are among the best military structures of the 17th century in the world.

Lalandiya Aquapark

Billund, Ellehammers Alle 3

 Attractions in Denmark "Lalandia" is the general name of two large entertainment complexes in Rødby, Lollanne, and Billund. In both parks there are hotels, a skating rink, grounds for different sports, and excellent aqua parks Aquadome, and Bilund is the largest in Scandinavia.

Frederiksborg Palace

Hillerod, Frederiksborg Castle

 Attractions in Denmark Frederiksborg Palace was built at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, and it is located in the town of Hillerod, near the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. The first buildings of the castle were laid here in 1560 by King Frederick. And after the death of the king, his throne was occupied by Christian Fourth - he ruled the country for 59 years.

Christianborg Palace

Copenhagen, Christiansborg Ridebane

Attractions in Denmark Christianborg - this built of granite, with a covered with a greenish copper roof, the palace is located on the island of Slotsholmen. For 800 years it was the main residence of the Danish kings, until a fire broke out in 1794.

Vallo Castle

Koge, Slotsgade, 3

Attractions in Denmark On the island of Zealand in Denmark, just 7 km from the town of Köge, lies the beautiful and mysterious castle of Vallø. When it was erected, for certain it is not known, buildings in this place were still in the 13th century - this is evidenced by ancient books. Then the castle belonged to the wealthy landowner Eskilda Krag.

Castle Sønderborg

Sonderborg, Sonderbro, 1

Attractions in Denmark Sønderborg is a beautiful and majestic castle in the center of the town of the same name, located on the island of Als in the southern part of Denmark. Despite the fact that the castle was built in the 12th century, it is strikingly different from other government residences.

Hammershus Castle


Attractions in Denmark Hammershus is one of the oldest castles in Denmark of the traditional style of construction. It is located in the northern part of the island Bornholm and is a picturesque ruins of fortress walls, where group tours are constantly organized (about 450 thousand tourists visit Hammershus every year).

Egeskov Castle

Kvaerndrup, Egeskov Gade, 18

Attractions in Denmark Egeskov Castle in Denmark is one of the most picturesque places in the country. Its round towers with spiked spiers seemed to have come off the pages of a fairy tale of old times, and the gardens surrounding the castle are worthy of a separate poem.

Royal Library of Denmark - $

Copenhagen, Soren Kierkegaards Plads 1

Attractions in Denmark Lovers of ancient manuscripts will be interested in the Royal Library - a classical building with huge reading rooms and massive furniture. The original manuscripts of Hans Christian Andersen are stored here.

The fortress of Aggersborg

Logstor, Aggersborgvej

Attractions in Denmark Aggersborg is one of Denmark's most visited attractions, a large fortification built, presumably, in the 10th century. Aggersborg refers to six so-called circular castles or ring fortresses of Denmark, built by Vikings.

Legoland in Denmark - $

Billund, Nordmarksvej 9

Attractions in Denmark The first in the world theme park Legoland (Legoland) was opened in Billund (Denmark), in the homeland of the designer LEGO in 1968. Currently, the Danish Legoland, built from more than 46 million LEGO cubes, is the largest in the world.

The World of Hans Christian Andersen

Copenhagen, Radhuspladsen, 57

Attractions in Denmark The exposition begins with a gallery dedicated to the period of the life of the great storyteller of Denmark. Here you can immerse yourself in the imaginary world of Andersen's fairy tales with the help of 3D animation, where the most famous characters come to life.

Bridge in Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark and Malme, Scania, Sweden

Attractions in Denmark Sweden and Denmark share the Straits of Öresund, which serves as a kind of channel between the Baltic and the North Sea. In the past, a water obstacle could only be overcome by a ferry. This magnificent engineering structure became the longest bridge in Denmark and Sweden, its total length is 7 km 845 m.

Ripley's Museum Believe It or Not! in Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Radhuspladsen, 57

Attractions in Denmark The museum of the English collector, journalist and researcher Robert Ripley, who collected all his life unusual items, includes an extensive collection of wonders, riddles, rebuses, interesting incidents and absurdities.

Thorvaldsen Museum

Copenhagen, Bertel Thorvaldsens Plads 2

Attractions in Denmark The Thorvaldsen Museum is next to Christianborg and is the repository for the largest collection of works by an outstanding Danish sculptor from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Bertel Thorvaldsen.

Erotic Museum in Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Kobmagergade 24

Attractions in Denmark The Museum of Erotica is the first museum of its kind in the world. The collection includes: postcards, paintings, photographs, sculptures and video films, as well as pornographic films (from 1930 to the present day).

National Gallery in Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Solvgade 48-50

Attractions in Denmark In the collection of the National Gallery of Denmark: Hogarth, Rubens, Rembrandt. The walls of the restaurant at the museum are painted by Rex Whistler, and the bronze figures at the entrance are the work of the sculptor Henry Moore.

National Museum of Denmark - $

Copenhagen, Ny Vestergade 10

Attractions in Denmark The largest cultural and historical museum of Denmark was opened in 1892. The collection contains exhibits illustrating the history of Denmark from the Stone Age, the Viking period, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and modern history.

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Denmark, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful and most interesting countries in Scandinavia is .Here, everyone will find something attractive for themselves..The cities of Denmark are rich in ancient monuments of architecture and impressive innovations .Numerous museums in Denmark will allow everyone to get in touch with the art of the country and its rich history .Even more lovers of antiquity will be able to carry on visiting castles and ancient monuments of Denmark reminiscent of the glorious era of the Vikings..Unique amusement parks will be a great place to rest the whole family..And, of course, the amazing nature of Denmark, few will leave indifferent .

The fairy capital of Denmark - Copenhagen

It is fair to begin the description of key attractions of Denmark from its cities, or rather from Copenhagen, the Danish capital .After all, it is with the capital status of Copenhagen that the popularity of its key attractions - the City Hall, the Castle of Rosenborg, the Christianborg and Amalienborg Palace, is largely connected .The history of these buildings is inextricably linked with the history of the Danish monarchy .Amalienborg Palace Complex is the official residence of the royal family from the end of the 18th century .It is at this palace that all those who wish can witness the spectacular ceremony of changing the guard every day .
Of course, speaking of Copenhagen, we can not fail to mention the statue of the Little Mermaid, which has become a recognized symbol of the Danish capital.

Cities in Denmark

The capital of Jutland, the city of Århus, is the second largest in Denmark..Aarhus acquired a special popularity thanks to the delightful Old Town, which houses the restored houses from all over Denmark - $ .No less exciting can be a trip to the port city of Odense, the capital of the island Fyn .This city is also known as the birthplace of the writer G .X .Andersen, as well as the world's second longest suspension bridge across the Great Belt Strait .Especially noteworthy is the ancient town of Roskilde in Western Zealand, famous for its Cathedral - the first brick monument in the history of ± G $ .

Museums of Denmark

On the museums of Denmark should be said separately, despite the fact that many of them are in the above-mentioned cities .In addition to the well-known Royal Museum of Fine Arts and the New Glyptotek Carlsberg, guests of the Danish capital may be interested in visiting the Louis Tussauds wax museum .Extremely popular in Denmark is contemporary art .One of the most vivid collections is the collection of museums "Arken", located 20 km from Copenhagen and "Louisiana" in Humlebeke .In Odense, everyone can visit the open-air museum "Fünskaja derevnya", where the life of a Danish village is reconstructed to the smallest detail .If you liked the "Fün village", then the exposition of the Old Town Museum in Århus will also have to your liking .To all who are not indifferent to fishing, it is recommended to visit the fishing museum in Esbjerg .

Speaking of Copenhagen, we can not fail to mention the statue of the Little Mermaid, which has become a recognized symbol of the Danish capital.

Castles of Denmark

A special attraction is the numerous castles of Denmark and even more ancient monuments that have preserved to this day evidence of the Viking age .Around a dozen Danish castles are known .Most of them were built in the 16th and 17th centuries and are often nothing more than a castle-style palace (Frederiksborg in Hillerod) or a later rebuild of an ancient fortification (Sønderborg on the island of Als) .However, ancient fortresses used for their intended purpose, such as Hamersus on the island of Bronholm or Danish circular castles, used by Vikings and preserved in different parts of present-day Denmark and Sweden, have survived to the present day..The legacy of the Vikings is also widely represented across the country .For example, in the city of Roskilde there is a museum of Viking ships, an impressive exposition devoted to Vikings is also in the National Museum in Copenhagen .

Invariable interest is also enjoyed by runestone stones from Jelling - commemorative signs of Denmark's baptism in the 9th century, marking the end of the Viking age.


Holiday in Denmark is hard to imagine without entertainment..And according to surveys conducted among tourists in 2008, 6 of the 10 most popular attractions were amusement parks! Of course, one immediately wants to note the uniqueness of the Legoland park, created from 50 million details of the Lego constructor .However, in the list of amusement parks it is by no means the first: the leadership among Danish attractions is steadily maintained by Tivoli park, located in Copenhagen .Known for its amazing fountains and attractions, Tivoli Park is among the top three amusement parks in Europe..Extremely popular zoo of Copenhagen, the largest in the country and the oldest in Europe is .

However, Danish nature is no less attractive. Countless uninhabited islands scattered along the coast, white Stevens cliffs, Kogernes protected forests in Northern Zealand and endless sand dunes can not but impress with their beauty.