What to bring to the Dominican Republic?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Documents A visa is not required. But you need a passport (and a photocopy, preferably in duplicate), 6 color photographs, a statement on the account status ($ 1000 for each family member) for processing a tourist card at the customs office.

Foreigners are treated only for insurance, therefore, an insurance medical insurance is necessary. If you are traveling with minors - a birth certificate and a copy of the marriage certificate of the parents.

Money is best to take in cash, it is more convenient to use small denominations: the ATM network is small.


First, analgesics and antipyretic drugs: here they are acquired, as a rule, only with the prescription of a doctor .Funds for colds will be needed if climate change turns out to be sharp for you $ $ .Russians do not have immunity to many local diseases, so it is advisable to take antibiotics .Drops for eyes can be useful (the sea around it is inhabited by microorganisms - it is possible conjunctivitis) .Local food with unaccustomed habit often causes gastrointestinal disorders, so grab the appropriate drugs .It is worth to have a gel from bruises, elastic bandage, a cooling bag for compresses and greenery .Useful fumigator and cream for allergy to insect bites, which can be quite a few .Tanning cream is required .


Panama, light things from natural fabrics, bathing suit, windbreaker in case of bad weather and for evening walks. It will be cheaper to take a swimming mask and flippers made of natural rubber from the house to protect against sea urchins and jellyfish.

For a child

Swimming vests or inflatables in the Dominican Republic are not cheap, it's better to take them with you. Traditionally, they take children's sunblock and means from bruises, plasters.


An iron and a hairdryer are available in any decent hotel. But just need an adapter and a special adapter that allows you to normalize the voltage (its level in the network exceeds 100-120 V). You can rent it (at 110 V the phone is charging for at least 6 hours).

May 7, 2013

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