The Galapagos are a thousand kilometers from the Ecuadorian Pacific coast. The archipelago owes its birth to volcanic eruptions that occurred under the water more than six million years ago. In total, the archipelago includes nineteen different in the area of ​​the islands, each of which has its own peculiarity, its zest, its "hobby."

Galapagos cruises are popular with domestic tourists . This trip, of course, times more expensive than the banal Turkey or Egypt, but it also guarantees much more impressions! The Galapagos Islands are a national park and an ecological reserve . Let's talk about what incredible adventures and spectacles await tourists on this Ecuadorian land . First I would like to tell you an interesting fact: it was with the Galapagos that a large-scale study began founder of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin . Representatives of the fauna and flora of these islands so inspired the scientist that he subsequently created the most famous to date theory of the origin of species, the essence of which is known to each student .

Tourist planning a trip to the Galapagos Islands during the Christmas holidays or May holidays should take care of booking a cruise in the archipelago in advance . Late cruises in the Galapagos are, of course, excellent an opportunity to save, however, many of us will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity because of their employment . That is why tourists should pay attention to the cruise booking service, which, incidentally, can be as fabulously expensive - for lovers of luxury ha premium and acceptable - for those who appreciate comfort and a modest traveling to the Galapagos Islands, mainly because sights and impressions .

A spectacles on this earth - by the thousand! On the island of Genovese you are waiting for thousands of frigates - beautiful proud tropical birds who have chosen these places for nesting . Next to them are sunbathing up the belly with fluffy seals and walking iguanas - marine outlandish animals . If you want to get acquainted with marine lions, penguins and pelicans - go to Fernandina: these comrades roam in crowds . A variety and differently sized sea birds inhabit the island of Hispaniola, and giant tortoises settled in neighboring Isabela . By the way, it is here you can see one of hundreds of representatives of Geochelone elephatopus guntheri: yes, you did not misinterpret, these turtles on the planet are only one hundred, and they are all here - in the Galapagos archipelago! Go on a cruise on the Galapagos Islands - make yourself a gift that will leave an indelible mark in your memory!

 Galapagos, Ecuador  Galapagos cruises : to visit sea lions and giant turtles
Galapagos, Ecuador
 Galapagos tortoise, Galapagos Islands  Cruise s Galapagos: visiting sea lions and giant turtles
Galapagos tortoise