Quito hotels

Book Hotel in Ecuador at the best price

  • Quito hotels

For local hotels in Ecuador there is no classification, only international hotel chains such as Radisson, Swissotel, Mercury, Hilton and Marriott have a "star rating" here. Moreover, even if the local hotels are designated according to the star system, it does not always correspond to the truth in terms of service level: so in three stars there may not be a TV in the room, and a hotel with modern conveniences can be rated in one star, or without stars at all. The

Ecuador includes the Galapagos Islands. It is about twelve islands, of which five are inhabited. These places are considered the center of ecotourism: every year thousands of tourists visit them to see unique species of plants and animals. The main part of the hotels on the islands is eco-hotels, made of natural materials. Also you will be offered accommodation on ships.

The tax on entry to the Galapagossa for foreign tourists is $ 110. The period from August to October is the most unsuitable time for rest here - the rainy season comes and the water becomes cool.

Expert reviews about hotels in Ecuador

Hotels in Ecuador
Thinness Editor

There are two seemingly different, but some similarities, options for living in the natural zone of Ecuador - a hacienda (farm), located in the highlands of the Andes, and eco-hotels in the Orient and the Amazon basin. In both cases, you will get the most adventure and unity with the country's nature.


Features of the hacienda - delicious home-cooked food, cozy atmosphere, the opportunity to try on the life of a farmer in Ecuador. Some hacienda have a rich history, up to the 17th century. However, history is history, but the convenience of the 21st century is not alien to local farmers: modern rooms, free Wi-Fi, cable TV - all at the service of travelers. From the available entertainment you can note horseback riding and interesting excursions to places of memory with a long history.


Ecohotels also offer a good excursion program and cycling tours. They are most often located in very picturesque places and justify their name, being in ecologically clean areas of the country. It is always cozy, quiet and peaceful. A pleasant picture is complemented by quality service, experienced guides and delicious food.

The main representatives of the Hacienda and ecohotel types in Ecuador are: Hacienda Cusín, Hacienda Zuleta, Black Sheep Inn, Hacienda Leito, Hacienda San Augustin de Callo, Hostería La Andaluza, Kashama, Napo Wildlife Center, Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve.
Features of the hacienda - delicious home-cooked food, cozy atmosphere, the opportunity to try on the life of a farmer in Ecuador. The

Luxury hotels

Luxury hotels in Ecuador are significantly different from eco-hotels. Most often they are modern buildings with a magnificent interior and exterior, decorated with expensive materials. Service here is carried out at the highest level, the infrastructure is well developed (mainly to high-class hotels here it is possible to include representative offices of international hotel chains). Next to these hotels are always a lot of clubs, bars, restaurants.

In the capital of Ecuador, the city of Quito, there is a special area for foreigners, called Mariscal (Gringolandia). It is here that most hotels, restaurants and bars are located.

However, there are exceptions - hotels for those who like comfort and silence: for example, the hotel Finch Bay Hotel, located on the coast of Santk Cruz. In addition, in the vicinity of these hotels are located various parks and museums. The luxury hotels include: JW Marriott Hotel, Nü house, Hotel Patio Andaluz, Sheraton Quito, La Mirage Garden Hotel & Spa, Samari Spa Resort, Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil, Finch Bay Hotel.

Loggias and outdoor accommodation

Another popular type of accommodation is either in the mountains (the famous Andes are also on the territory of Ecuador), or in the jungle, where tourists are accommodated in huts made of straw and wood (lodges). Naturally, not everywhere in such a housing there is air conditioning, and cellular communication can be unstable. But in the territory of such settlements, there is often a swimming pool. Eat here at a certain time, so as not to attract wild animals again.

If you intend to stay in a hotel located on the Pacific coast, then it is better to reserve the room in advance, as these places are in great demand among local residents, especially on weekends and holidays.

Motels and hostels

In addition, for a very small price, you can stay in the huts of local residents, located right in the jungle. As a rule, motels are located on the outskirts of cities in Ecuador. It is worth considering that the local often use them for romantic meetings - if you are looking for accommodation, the word "motel" is better not to use.

At gas stations located on intercity highways, there is a shower with hot water.

As always, hostels are one of the cheapest ways of accommodation. They are located throughout Ecuador. And, what is remarkable, even in the most remote places in the hostels you will find a shower with hot water.

The cost of living in hotels in Ecuador

On average, the prices for hotels in Ecuador are the following: very expensive hotels will cost guests $ 200 (£ 133) and above, expensive - from $ 100 to $ 200 (£ 67 - £ 133). The average price range is from $ 50 to $ 100 (£ 33 - £ 67), while cheap hotels cost less than $ 50 (£ 33).

Do not wait for luxury from the hotels of Ecuador: here everything is simple and no frills. The

At the same time in Quito you can rent a neat room with bathroom and TV for just over $ 20 (£ 13), in small towns you can find accommodation for $ 12 (£ 8). At the same time, it is not only possible to bargain in small hotels in Ecuador, but also it is necessary: ​​often the prices in them are too high.

Also it is worth considering that in the price lists of hotels prices are not always indicated with taxes included - without specifying this in advance, do not be surprised if you have to pay 22% more than originally claimed.

In the big cities of the country you can pay for accommodation or lunch in the restaurant either in cash or by credit card. However, keep in mind that there is not always a change from $ 100.

Peculiarities of accommodation in hotels of Ecuador

Do not wait for luxury from the hotels of Ecuador: here everything is simple and no frills. Most likely you will be provided with bright rooms with a minimal amount of furniture and a fan instead of an air conditioner. But in four-and five-star hotels, the rooms are adorned with flowers. And, it should be borne in mind that the larger the size of the room, the higher the price.

Meals in large hotels are most often included in the price of accommodation, and in high category hotels also offer free laundry.