
  • 1 Isabela
  • 2 Santa Cruz
  • 3 Fernandina
  • 4 San Salvador
  • 5 Santa Maria
  • 6 Espanyola
  • 7 How to get
    • 7.1 Search for air tickets to the city of Quito (the nearest airport to the Galapagos Islands)
  • 8 Climate of the Galapagos Islands
  • 9 National parks of the Galapagos Islands
    • 9.1 Galapagos Islands


Isabela (Albemarle) is the largest island in the archipelago. It is decorated with many beautiful lagoons inhabited by flamingos, pelicans, frigate birds, hawks, cormorants and penguins, and coastal waters abound with sharks, whales and other marine life

Attractions:. Urbina Bay - there live large colored iguanas, penguins and the largest colony of giant turtles, Punta Morena is impressed by the diversity of flora in mangrove forests, the Wolf volcano is the highest point of the Galapagos Islands, the Sierra Negra volcano is one of the largest craters in the world (diameter 10 km. )

 Galapagos Islands
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Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz (Indefatigable) - the second largest and most densely populated island of the archipelago . This is where is the largest city in the Galapagos - Puerto Ayora, which is a tourist center with a well-developed infrastructure (which is rare in the region) . Sightseeing: Charles Darwin Research Station . Charles Darwin (its most important task is the control of breeding turtles on the island of 11 species), twin craters located in one of the highest points of the island (in the space between the craters there is an unusual vegetation and many rare species of birds live) . In addition, us numerous bays of the island, each of which is unique .

Fernandina Fernandina (Narborough) - the third largest island, located in the most western part of the archipelago. Attractions of the island - the volcano La Cumbre, Punta Espinosa (the world's largest colony of marine iguanas and pelicans, and the flightless cormorant), Urbina Bay is famous for its beautiful coral reefs, and Elizabeth Bay is home to penguins and pelicans

. San Salvador

San Salvador (Santiago, James) is a small island whose whole coastal zone is black rocks of volcanic origin . On the island of San Cristobal (Chatham) is the capital of the archipelago of Puerto Baqueriso Moreno and the airport . Here are all the riches Galapagos Yelnia zone - from undersized desert to luxurious Pampa, moreover, is only an island in an archipelago, which is not dried up source of fresh water (Lake in crater El Junco) . The island live giant turtles, seals, gannetwhale and frigate birds . And in the town of Punta Pitt there are beaches ideal for snorkeling, diving or just swimming .

Jungle of the Amazon and the Galapagos Islands

Santa Maria

Santa Maria (Floreana , Charles) - an island located in the southern part of the archipelago . Its main site stoprimechatelnost - Corona of the Devil, the crater of an extinct volcano, divided into three prongs, and partially immersed in water . crater area is ideal for diving . In addition, in the coastal waters of the island there are sperm whales, killer whales and dolphins, and sharks in the Gulf, which washes the shores of the village of Punta Cormoran, are found as a relatively harmless reef sharks and whale . The white sands of the local beach from December to May, turtles lay their eggs, also is home to pink flamingos and a variety of aquatic and terrestrial bird .

E Pagnol

Hispaniola (Hood) is the middle-sized island in the south of the archipelago. This is the only place in the world where albatrosses nest. The beaches here are favored by sea lions, seals, iguanas and mockingboys

  • What kind of hotel to choose in the Galapagos Islands

How to get there

From Quito to get to the Galapagos Islands it is possible to fly Aerolineas Galapagos with a landing in Guayaquil. The duration of the flight from Quito to the Galápagos is 3 hours, from Guayaquil to the Galápagos - 1, 5 hours

Search for air tickets to the city of Quito (the nearest airport to the Galapagos Islands)

Climate of the Galápagos Islands

Weather in the Galápagos Islands is determined by the nature of the ocean currents and winds. There are two main seasons: the rainy season (December-April) and the dry season (July-October). From December to June the hottest is all, from July to November the temperature drops slightly. The average annual temperature is kept in the region of +24 ° C.

The Galapagos is very high in the level of solar radiation: it is easy to burn in a few hours. Therefore it is recommended to use sunscreens and hats, especially from December to April.
The Incredible Underwater Life of the Galapagos Islands (English, part 1)

National Parks of the Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands National Park - the first and most a large park of Ecuador. The main inhabitants of this unique place are giant tortoises, gannets, corvorans, albatrosses and marine iguanas.

Currently, about 90% of the archipelago's territory is under protection, so tourists should observe strict visiting rules. First, you should walk only on the permitted paths (there are 62 permitted sites and trails between them). Secondly, all visitors must be accompanied by a guide from the park service. Also, it is forbidden to perform any actions that can harm the wildlife, from loud sounds to bonfire breeding.

The entrance to the Galapagos Islands National Park is paid (currently about 100 USD). Payment is only on the spot, immediately upon arrival to the Galapagos - and only in cash. Photo of the Galapagos Islands (26)