Can a Moldovan citizen obtain a tourist visa to Egypt upon arrival? If not, what are the real terms of receipt at the Moscow embassy and what documents are needed to obtain a visa?

Responds Zaur Harikov, "Units" company
For citizens of Moldova flying to Egypt for the purpose of tourist travel, a visa must be obtained in advance, at the consulate of Egypt (in your case - in Moscow).

According to the documents, first of all, this is a passport (valid for at least 3 months from the date of departure from Egypt); a questionnaire filled out in English in block letters; photo color 3x4 cm on white background. You may also need a guarantee letter from the agency about the return of tourists.

A full list of documents for a visa to Egypt, as well as documents for legal residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, you will help to collect in a travel agency. The terms for issuing a visa are very stretched, from 7 days, they can be delayed up to 30 days, it all depends on the competent documentation.

February 7, 2013

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