I plan a trip to Egypt (Hurghada), the tour will be purchased in Moscow, but I want to take with me a niece (a Moldovan citizen, 9 years old). How can a girl get a visa in Moldova, if the tour will take place in Moscow?

Responds Zaur Harikov, "Units" company
In Moldova at the moment there is no consular mission of the Egyptian Republic .When a Moldovan citizen leaves Egypt from Moscow, it is better to open a visa at the Egyptian embassy in Moscow (Moldova citizens can also get a visa in Kiev or Bucharest, depending on the convenience of the territorial basis) .However, it is better to insure yourself and open a visa directly at the embassy in the Consular Section .Consular fees are not charged for children under the age of 12 and inscribed in their parents' passport..I also want to warn you that you must have permission to export the child from his parents, this issue is especially important..So, it's better to resolve all issues in advance at the consulate in advance of .
Responds Galina Slezko
The girl's parents must specify in which consulate she needs a visa.

January 28, 2013

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