The Nile River is one of the greatest waterways on the planet Earth .Without exaggeration, we can say that the Nile is the source of life for the whole of Africa and, in particular, for Egypt..For a long time this river was considered the longest in the world (about 6700 km), but now it is established - the Amazon length is more than .The Nile is unusual not only for its length, but also for its "behavior" .In the hottest months of the year, instead of drying up, like other, numerous water bodies in this part of the globe, it comes out of the coast, spilling, changing color and painting the flooded territories with red water .

The origin of the name of the river goes back centuries, at a time when the birth of world civilizations was only taking place. The word "Nile" is derived from the ancient Greek "Neilos". The Greeks also called the river "Egiptos", hence, apparently, Egypt occurred.

The role of the Nile for the formation and development of ancient Egyptian civilization, which is considered equal to the Sumerian ancestor of all cultures, can not be assessed. Egypt is the Nile. The rich flora and fauna of the river, the huge amount of silt settling on the ground after the spill is only a small part of the gifts.

In ancient times, the surrounding world was fraught with many dangers: droughts, floods, death from animal attacks..Good relationship with nature needed to earn $ $ .Thus, the ancient Egyptians worshiped the Nile crocodile, god Sebeku $ $ .It was believed that the god with the head of the crocodile protects from the forces of darkness .In honor of it, temples were built, where specially decorated animals reigned, who after death were buried with great honors .Today, crocodiles left the Nile .Moreover, these one of the most ancient animals - a great rarity in Africa as a whole .
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  • 1 The source and tributaries of the Nile
  • 2 Pool and Nile Valley
  • 3 Cruises on the Nile
  • 4 City of the Nile
    • 4.1 Cities and monuments of the great Nile River

The source and tributaries of the Nile

Since antiquity, it remained a mystery where the river takes its waters, which encourages it to fill the valley every year. Various assumptions were made, but none of them was final. That is why for a long time in art the allegorical image of the Nile looked like a deity with a draped head that symbolized ignorance.

At present, there is no single point of view regarding either origin or length. It is well known that the Nile flows from the East African plateau, the most remote point of which is the Kageru River, which flows into Lake Victoria.

Fullness and spills are provided by tributaries. The most famous of them are Blue and White Nile. The White Nile flows from Lake Victoria. It got its name because of the color of the water, stained with clay suspended in it. The Blue Nile originates from Lake Tan (Ethiopian Highlands), and it is his waters that determine the entire volume of the Nile.

In Ethiopia, the Blue Nile is a sacred river, which local people worship and donate products.

The change in the color of the Nile during the season of spills is caused again by tributaries. Red is the mineral minerals in the water, traces of melted glaciers. Green is a legacy of tropical vegetation.

Pool and Nile Valley

The Nile is huge. Traditionally, this river is associated only with Egypt, but in its basin is a huge number of states: Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda. On the territory of Egypt is just over twenty percent of the Nile, the rest are other countries.

This small percentage and created the Nile Valley, a kind of tourist oasis, a paradise for admirers of archeology and history .Most major Egyptian cities, including the capital of Egypt and the largest city of Africa - Cairo, are located on the banks of the Nile .The valley stretches from the delta, where the river is divided into channels and flows into the Mediterranean Sea, to the southern border with Sudan..In addition to cities, here are the most ancient and most famous cultural monuments, some of the most interesting museums: the pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the Luxor and Karnak Temple, the Valley of the Kings, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo..

Egypt - a country born by the Nile

Cruises on the Nile

For lovers to see everything and immediately there are cruises on the Nile, popular among travelers as far back as the nineteenth century.

One of the most famous travels along the Nile is described in the book of Agatha Christie with the frightening title "Death on the Nile". This work clearly demonstrates the high degree of popularity of cruises among the wealthy strata of European society in the early 20th century. Based on the book, a lot of adaptations were made. So those who wish can easily get acquainted with the Egyptian color and even with the cruise on the Nile, watching and reviewing your favorite movie.
  • How much is a cruise on the Nile

City of the Nile

The main city of the Valley is Cairo .Its Old Town attracts a huge number of tourists .There is also a well-known museum that stores the world's largest number of items of ancient Egyptian art .In his south-western suburb of Giza there is one of the wonders of the world, the famous pyramids-tombs of the pharaohs Khufs, Khafre and Mikerin, created before Christ .Not far from the pyramids - the Great Sphinx, with the broken off during the Napoleonic wars in the late 18th century, nose .Memphis and Sakkara will enjoy the giant statue of Ramses, the Serapeum and the ancient cemetery .

The second largest city, but extremely important in importance - Alexandria. This sea port was founded by Alexander the Great and is known primarily for its beacon losses, which is also one of the wonders of the world, and the legend of the Alexandria Library.

About Luxor and Thebes one way or another heard everything: the temples of Karnak and Luxor, the Valley of the Tsarits and Kings, the Colossi of Memnon and Ramesseum, the temple of Hatshepsut - all this is located right here.

In Aswan, the Nubian community lives and a dam is located that has turned the Nile into an obedient river, which allows harvesting up to three times a year. Cities with difficultly pronounced names of El Fayyum, Beni Mazar, El Minier will demonstrate how the representatives of the well-to-do class live. Magnificent villas and a high standard of living - this is also Egypt.

Photo of the Nile (15)