Features of a holiday in Egypt?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
On holiday in Egypt, a cream for a safe tan with a high UV filter is necessary for everyone, including those already inundated and residents of the south. It is better not to swim near coral reefs with strong excitement and in any weather wear special slippers (they are cheaper to buy in Egypt). No swim in the Nile, if you want to protect yourself from infections!

Wash your hands thoroughly, do not drink raw water and, just in case, the one that was brought in a bottle with an unscrewed lid. At the time of rest, exclude from your diet dishes with mayonnaise and yoghurt dressings - heat, they easily deteriorate.

Be friendly with the hotel staff and on the streets of the resorts. Bargain, smile and do not allow yourself to incorrect comments in your native language: it's not only impolite, but also dangerous, you can understand. Do not give to the poor, telling about their heavy share, then you can not count the valuable things from your pockets. Keep them in the safe, like the original documents.

Lovely ladies, do not provoke local residents with ultra open apparels! And do not go for a walk alone in the neighborhoods away from the hotel. In all tense situations, frighten local "macho" tourist police.

July 28, 2011

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