Moses Mountain
Ivan Shishkin

Moses Mountain

Moses went up the mountain and the cloud covered the mountain ... Moses stepped into the middle of the cloud and ascended the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

Sas-Safsafeh, Serbal, Jabal-Musa, Paran, Horev, Sinai. Many names of one mountain peak. Mount Sinai, the symbolic place of Revelation. This mountain, lost once, but not forgotten, forever remained the source of the acquisition of higher knowledge and a sign of the grandiose breakthrough of the Exodus - the great wanderings

Moses, followed by Elijah. Prophets. That's all pilgrims for millennia. Dried stones of the mountain desert have waited for many centuries. Christians believed in the power of the mountain, settled here - and people went. In two thousand years - how many eyes did the sun of Sinai see rising from ridges that still block the path to the Promised Land?

From the night - by morning. That's the way to go, invisible, cold, first getting into the dust of the path after sunset, and sitting down shortly before the dawn of a new day. The top is not visible from below, and in this - a secret. Nobody knows what will happen.
Christian pilgrims from all over the world leave, dissolve in the darkness to repeat the path of Moses and meet the sun on top.

Dead stones under ringing stars . In the hands of pilgrims - Envelopes of stationary camels, night . Metaphysical picture of the life of the most populous peak in the world falls apart in two parts, like the life of a vampire, only on the contrary . When the Moon, looking through a hazy haze on a bustle at the foot, only ghosts are visible and audible around . The disembodied shadows write lights of lanterns in nep cold cold air - mysterious, suspiciously similar to the Arabian ligature, flaming letters that vibrate over dark red stones and for a long time do not scatter on sparks .

 At the foot of the mountain of Moses, Egypthttp: // .com / uc? export = view & id = 1tfTVnSXOeePHJCDvmQDj_xvKsxoC6C6n  Moses Mountain
Moses Mountain

Spirits are not afraid of light, they are drawn to him, in the thirst for flesh to rise to the top, in order to rather meet the sun - sunrise on the mountain, letting go of all sins . The sun will give the mysterious shadows of the body, turn them into ordinary, in general, people, tired of life, hungry for sleep, rest, resting $ $ . Decisive silence on the slope and heavy sighs just before the top . There will be nothing but minutes of waiting for the sun, which, perhaps, and does not seem at all, hidden by the same dense haze. $ $ . It's even harder to survive than to pass by tight camels fifteen thousand steps along a narrow path and a ladder of seven hundred steps . However, the night steals distances . And not everyone, exhausted at night, disembodied and uncertain, realizes that there is still an outcome .

Mountain dwellers are the only ones who keep their shell in the night. The Bedouin tribe, settled over time nomads, is proud of its kinship with the soldiers of Justinian, who remained to live near the monastery with their families. The Bedouins still understand Greek and say, it seems, in all languages, but to the question: "What faith are you? "Answer:" Hamdalah "-" Glory be to Allah. "

Hospitality, which has become a habit and even a profession - their bread, but at home the Bedouin is friendly and selfless.

Deeply talk about Allah, contact cultures, past and present, unsuccessfully trying to break through the children's hubbub, fatigue and drowsiness after a homemade breakfast. The hours of cold and darkness do not let the travelers go, and the mountain will dream of it for a long time, causing a strange feeling of delight and anxiety. After all, if you knew what you're going for, I would not. Now, knowing, it's necessary to return. The second time will be easier: all sins are released and no longer pulled.