Pyramid of Djoser

Al Badrashin, Giza

 Pyramids of Egypt Deciding on this trip is definitely worth it, at least out of curiosity. After all, the pyramid of Djoser is recognized as the oldest preserved Egyptian pyramid. Yes, it is the first pyramid of Egypt, and it was built in honor of the ruler of Djoser by the architect and the approximate pharaoh Imhotep.

Pyramid of the Mikerin

Al Haram, Giza

 Pyramids of Egypt Pyramid of Mikerin is located on the Giza plateau next to other equally famous Egyptian pyramids - Cheops and Khafre. Compared to the "giant" neighbors, this is the smallest (its height is only 62 m) and the "youngest" pyramid of the famous triad.

Cheops Pyramid

Al Haram, Giza

 Pyramids Egypt Probably, there is no person who would not know the main Egyptian attraction - the pyramid of Cheops. And tourists who have visited Egypt and have not visited the only surviving Seven Wonders of the World, except that you can count on your fingers.

Khafren Pyramid

Al Haram, Giza

 Pyramids of Egypt The Pyramid of Khafre has two entrances. One - at a height of 15 m, the other on the same side, but at the base level. Tourists get inside through the upper entrance and then go along the passage-corridor to the burial chamber.


 Pyramids of Egypt Dashur is not so popular with tourists as say, Giza with the great pyramids. Nevertheless, there is something to see. Dashur is about 30 km from Cairo and therefore, if you have an excursion to the Egyptian capital, it is worthwhile to come here.

The pyramids of Egypt - a unique architectural monument, left in the centuries thanks to mysterious builders who managed to create structures so strong that no natural disasters and devastating wars could completely destroy these ancient Egyptian necropolis .The riddle of the pyramids has not yet been solved: it is impossible to speak with confidence about the method of their construction, nor about who acted as the main labor force .Now in Egypt there are about 118 pyramids, the largest of which were built during the reign of the III and IV dynasties of the pharaohs, that is, during the period of the so-called Ancient Kingdom .Pyramids are of two types: stepped and regular shape .The oldest are the structures of the first type .For example, the pyramid of the pharaoh Joser, dating from 2650 to n .e .

Necropolis in Greek means "city of the dead" and is a cemetery, located usually on the outskirts of the city. Egyptian pyramids - one of the types of this kind of burial - served as monumental tombs for pharaohs.

What do we know about the pyramids of Egypt?

For the first time the pyramids were recognized thanks to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC. Traveling through Egypt, he was struck by the famous pyramids of Giza and immediately ranked one of them, dedicated to Cheops, to the seven wonders of the world. Moreover, it was Herodotus who created the legend of how these buildings were built. As soon as the pyramids became the object of research of scientists, and this happened only two hundred years ago, this legend immediately became a historical truth, the reliability of which was refuted not so long ago.

How the ancient pyramids were built

Until now, in safety and integrity, not so much has gone as we would have liked .Numerous vandals who robbed the pyramids for the sake of hidden treasures, and local residents who broke stone blocks for the construction of palaces and mosques, destroyed part of the external and internal appearance..So, the Pink or Northern Pyramid from Dahshur (26 km south of Cairo) got its name because of the color of the stone, pink in the rays of the setting sun .However, it was not always such .Previously, the structure was covered with white limestone, which was fully used for building houses in Cairo .

For a long time it was believed that the ancient gods were doomed to death by people who disturbed the peace of the pharaohs. This was confirmed by the legend of the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, according to which all those who participated in the autopsy of the grave had to die for several years. Indeed, by 1929 (the tomb was opened in 1922) 22 people, somehow involved in the autopsy, were killed. Was the magic of Ancient Egypt caused by the poison, or poison, laid in the sarcophagus at the burial - it remains to be wondered.
It is believed that the famous Great Sphinx, lying near the pyramids of Giza, is the guardian of the peace of the buried pharaohs.

Architecture and internal arrangement of pyramids

Pyramids were only part of the ritual-funeral complex .Near each of them were two churches, one nearby, and the other much lower, so that its foot was washed by the Nile waters .Pyramids and temples were linked together by alleys .An analogue of the alley of such a plan can be seen in Luxor .Famous Luxor and Karnak temples were combined partly surviving to our time alleys of sphinxes .Pyramids of Giza almost did not preserve their temples and alleys: only the lower temple of Khafre, the pharaoh of the IV dynasty, which for a long time was considered to be the temple of the Great Sphinx, was left - $ .

The internal arrangement of the pyramids implied the presence of a camera where the sarcophagus with the mummy was located, and the cut passages to this chamber. Sometimes religious texts were placed there. Thus, the internal premises of the pyramids in Sakkara, an Egyptian village 30 km from Cairo, contained the oldest surviving works of the rest of the world.

It is believed that the famous Great Sphinx, lying near the pyramids of Giza, is the guardian of the peace of the buried pharaohs. The ancient Egyptian name of this first monumental sculpture in the world did not reach our time. In history there was only the Greek version of the designation. Medieval Arabs called the Sphinx "the father of horror."
Types of Egyptian pyramids

Modern Egyptologists suggest that the construction of the pyramids was conducted in several stages .And sometimes the size of the tomb in the process of creation increased several times in comparison with the original project .Pharaohs built their burial vault for many years .Only land works and leveling of the site for the future construction required at least ten .Pharaoh Cheops for the construction of the largest pyramid today took twenty years .The workers who built the tombs were not tortured to death by slaves at all .Moreover, archaeological excavations have shown that they were kept in fairly decent conditions, treated and fed normally .However, until now it is not known exactly how the huge stone blocks fell to the very top .Obviously, only that the technique of construction has changed over time, and later structures are constructed differently than the first .

At the end of the 20th century, architects established that the pyramids are perfect designs, with mathematically correct proportions.
Sphinx, Egypt Pyramids of Egypt
Majestic Sphinx
Ancient pyramids of Egypt Pyramids of Egypt
Ancient pyramids of Egypt
Pyramids of Giza, Egypt Pyramids of Egypt
Pyramids in Giza