Egypt has long and firmly associated with domestic tourists with a mass holiday near the sea at an affordable price .The variety of resorts and hotels, combined with good service and low prices for tours, made Egypt something like a dacha, where grandparents send their children for vacation .Holidays in Egypt with children are attractive in many ways: there are excellent sandy beaches, a lot of different entertainments - from water slides on the territory of hotels to a multinational team of animators and generally friendly attitude of the local population, because the Arab mentality is based on children .The short and inexpensive flight and lack of visa formalities contribute to the glory of Egypt as an ideal destination for recreation with children .

When to go

Rest in Egypt is comfortable all year round, so you can send children to the homeland of the pharaohs for the winter holidays, and in the summer .However, the country is still far from the equator, therefore each season has its own peculiarities .So, in winter, despite the pleasant temperature of the air, it will be cool to swim, especially to the smallest tourists .In this case, a pool with sea water will come to the rescue - these are available in almost every resort .From the end of April to the end of October - the time of a high tourist season, but from the middle of July and the whole of August it's better not to take out children of preschool age for rest - the temperature at +38 ° C will hurt the child rather than improve it .

In September - October - the ideal time for rest, even with the smallest children, but the prices for tours also reach their maximum.
El Gouna can boast of marine shoals up to 500-600 meters wide - it is exceptionally convenient for children's floundering in shallow water.
Egypt with children article Rest in Egypt with children
Egypt with children for article Rest in Egypt with children

Which resort should I choose

When choosing a resort in Egypt for recreation with children it is important to pay attention to the "material" of the beach - after all the first thing that the child wants to do is to splash in water .The most advantageous hotels here are Hurghada and the nearest resorts - El Gouna, Sahl Hasheesh, Makadi Bay .The sandy beaches of these places allow you not to worry that the child will injure his feet on stones or corals .In Hurghada - the largest selection of hotels of any category .El Gouna can boast of marine shoals up to 500-600 meters wide - it is exceptionally convenient for children's floundering in shallow waters .In Sahl Hasheesh the prices are higher, but the hotels are better, in addition there is a calm, respectable rest and good opportunities for diving - so adults will not get bored .In Makadi Bay is also very calm, the beaches are mostly sandy, only on the beaches of several hotels shoes are required at the entrance to the water - it is better to specify when booking .But in the cluster of resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh, only Sharm el-Maya with its sandy coast is suitable for rest with children; at other resorts, corals begin immediately from the shore .

For a rest in Egypt with children it is recommended to choose a hotel of a category not lower than four - five stars. In "treshki" not only service is worse, but also they are located, as a rule, not on the first line of the sea.
Article Egypt with children Rest in Egypt with children
For an article Egypt with children Rest in Egypt with children

Than to take the child

In addition to hotel entertainment - water park, mini-club and other children's joys, in Egypt it is worth taking a boat trip on a "pirate" ship or a boat with a transparent bottom. This will appeal to the smallest tourists. Those who are older, it will be interesting to go on a "light" excursion - to the zoo, oasis or aquarium of the Red Sea. Finally, if your child is sufficiently hardy and inquisitive - go with him on a "big" excursion - to Giza and the Valley of the Kings, Abu Simbel or Luxor.

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Rest in Egypt with children