Should I go to Egypt in winter?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
In winter (from November to March-April), the temperature in Egypt gradually drops to +20 .. + 25 ° C in the daytime, and at night and even lower - to -10 ° C. It would seem trivial for those who are accustomed to cold winters and a non-burnt summer: it is even better, because there is no scorching heat and an abundance of tourists. But bear this in mind, of course, is worth.

Water in the sea will cool down slowly, its temperature will be on average +19 .. + 21 ° C. Nevertheless, not everyone will want to swim in it. Therefore, thinking about whether to go to Egypt in the winter, find out if there is a heated pool in your chosen hotel - this will be especially true for children.

Another criterion for choosing a hotel is its location. A stably acceptable water temperature can practically be guaranteed where there are coral reefs, which are vitally necessary for warmth. Choose isolated bays: in winter in Egypt it is windy. A good barrier from the wind will be the high shore of the beach, but it will not save when it blows from the sea. However, it does not happen every day.

Going to Egypt in the winter, do not forget warm things for evening walks, as well as repellents and fumigators: in some parts of the country mosquitoes are activated at this time of year.

June 24, 2011

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