Whether to go to Egypt to pensioners?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Unlike foreign, our retirees on vacation abroad meet infrequently. Nevertheless, there are also such: many acquire their parents or themselves vouchers abroad, as a rule, to a beach resort, for example, to Egypt. This is a good choice: the sea, warmth, good service, new impressions, attractions. But there are certain subtleties when buying a tour to Egypt for pensioners.

Go there is for those who do not have obvious health problems .Flight from cold edges in the heat can provoke an aggravation of various chronic ailments or simply pass extremely hard..Therefore, carefully choose the season for the trip .Do not overload the rest with excursions: crossings can be transferred in different ways .Pay special attention to the choice of the hotel .It must have a first-aid post, the place should not be youth and party, the best hotel in quiet areas is .If grandparents want to relax from their grandchildren, then favorite for a holiday with children also do not fit .Pay attention to the beach did not need to descend to steep terraces, and the sea would be equipped with a convenient call .And then - a pleasant stay!

August 9, 2011

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