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Book a hotel in Estonia at the best price

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After Estonia gained independence, the number of hotels has grown from a few tens to hundreds. So in 2004, Tallinn was awarded the first place among the Baltic cities by the number of rooms in hotels, although it is still far from Stockholm and Helsinki.

Expert reviews about hotels in Estonia

Hotels in Estonia |
Thinness Editor

In Estonia there is an official classification of hotels from one to five stars, plus a separate classification of motels from one to three stars. At the same time, the official certification from the Association of Estonian Hotels and Restaurants (Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association), local hotels are held on a voluntary basis.

The same Association organizes a classification of restaurants and nightclubs, so if you turn here for advice, you can always choose the most upscale vacation spots.

All the conditions for accommodation in hotels that have passed the official classification are strictly regulated:

  1. In the hotel 1 * access for guests is round the clock, however the reception is open only from 7.00 to 23.00. The area of ​​single room - from 9 square. m, a double room - from 12 square meters. Shower / bath and toilet should be in every room, towels are required. Breakfast is included in the price.
  2. From hotels 1 * two-star differ in the presence of a telephone in the room, and if in the building of the hotel more than 4 floors, an elevator is required. At least 10% of the rooms must be non-smoking.
  3. The area of ​​a single room in a 3 * hotel must be at least 10 square meters. m, a double room - from 14 square meters. Reception in a similar hotel should work around the clock, guests should have access to computers with internet access, each room should have a TV. Breakfast can be served in the room, in the afternoon and in the evening meals are organized in the restaurant at the hotel (payable by the bill).
  4. In a four-star hotel, the area of ​​a single room is from 12 sq. M. m, a double room - from 17 square meters. m, the elevator should be in buildings above two floors. The rooms are required luxury furniture, TV with a choice of international channels and film library, mini-bar, Internet access. Hot meals can be served in rooms at least 16 hours a day.
  5. And, finally, in hotels 5 * the area of ​​the room can not be less than 14 square meters. m per one and 23 square meters. m for two guests. Each room must have a minimum of two armchairs and a sofa. From 7.00 to 23.00 in such a hotel a restaurant should work, and hot meals upon request of the guest should be served in the room at any time of the day. If there are more than 50 rooms in this hotel - there must be a swimming pool and a fitness center.
When choosing a hotel, be careful: some tour operators themselves give the characteristics of the hotels (often inflated) - when booking it is superfluous to specify the official "star" of the hotel.

Accommodation options in Estonia

In Tallinn, there are many options for accommodation from the most high-class hotels of international level, to quite decent hotels 1 * - 2 * with a full range of services and low prices. In other cities of the country may not be hotels 5 *, but in 3 * - 4 * hotels accommodation is very comfortable.

For more economical tourists, there is always a choice between Bed & Breakfast, small private hotels, hostels, and camping sites (both camping sites and campgrounds).

Moreover, in rural areas in Estonia, many locals keep the so-called "turismitalud" or tourist farms offering an inexpensive option of living a la "house in the village". Their services are actively used by both local residents and visitors - this is an excellent option for spending holidays in the fresh air, eating fresh natural products and joining in simple country life.

The cost of living in hotels in Estonia

The average price of a hotel room in Tallinn is € 50. For a room in a two-star hotel will need to lay out about € 35, in a three-star hotel - from € 40, starting from € 60 and € 115 - in four- and five-star hotels respectively.

However, you may well be lucky: local hotels often hold promotions, in the course of which in very good hotels, rooms can be booked in advance at a pleasantly reduced price - for example, subject to immediate payment by credit card.

Moreover, outside of Tallinn hotels are much cheaper: an average double room in such cities as Tartu, Narva, Pärnu and a number of others can be found for € 30 - € 40.

Breakfast is included in the cost of accommodation not in all hotels in Estonia. In some cases - and especially this practice is frequent in online hotels - breakfast is paid separately and costs € 7-10.