The Cathedral in Helsinki, Finland

Finland is a country of tens of thousands of lakes and dense boundless forests, famous for its marine fjords with the bewitching silence of the northern lights, the cleanest, head-spinning air, fishing, driving on dog and reindeer harnesses, and, finally, the possessions of the fabulous Santa Claus. Tours to Finland are always the smiles of open and friendly people, as well as a meeting with its charming capital - Helsinki.

Beginning in the 16th century, having survived the Swedes invasion, having got into the Russian Empire, Finland did not lose its identity, but, on the contrary, flourished, becoming one of the most stable and highly developed countries of the European continent. And its capital, Helsinki, has become a modern and cultural center of political and international relations. Now many states prefer this city to the place of the most important international meetings, on which the most important documents of world significance are signed.

In view of the swampiness of the marshy soil, the Finnish capital does not have high-rise buildings: the unique image of this city was created with the help of drainage structures and laborious work on drying the land. Finns preferred 2-5 storey buildings in architecture, which created a unique style and image of Helsinki - the northernmost of European capitals.

There are a lot of parks and squares, broken at the houses of the front gardens with flowers, with which caring hands are caring with a special touch, because the attitude towards the nature of the Finns is very quivering .High-speed motorways with an ideal covering, bridges, overpasses, road junctions, the metro line crossing the whole Helsinki is a modern look of the city that does not violate the natural harmony with the pristine beauty of the natural landscape..Finns are very careful about protecting and preserving the environment: in the city you can meet and protein, and rabbits, hedgehogs, and even small deer .

Finland is one of not many countries in the world where a caring female hand is felt in everything, and, it's not surprising, because the presidential post and the chair of the mayor of Helsinki are women .Sport in Finland is one of the leading places: Finnish athletes have repeatedly proved this at competitions of different levels, and in normal life this confirmation is the fact that cyclists have flooded the streets of Helsinki .At business meetings, in shops, offices, just for walks, citizens go on their two-wheeled friends - bicycles, which on the roads of Finland are given priority over other vehicles .

Walking is best done starting from the Esplanade - the most crowded and never abated boulevard, which is the best resting place of the capital. But Helsinki is also a city of museums, antiquities and theaters.

The State National Opera Theater, whose repertoire includes classical works of authors of past centuries; The city theater, which offers performances of our contemporaries to the audience; The Alexander Theater; The puppet theater, waiting for the youngest spectators to visit. Quite unusual, but no less interesting, will be visits to the Museum of the power plant, the entrance to which is free.

Touch the world of beauty offers the State Art Museum, in the hall Ateneum collected works of famous masters - Cezanne, Goya, Leger, Degas, are offered to view the canvases of Russian artists - Shishkin, Repin, Levitan.

The Uspensky Cathedral is a typical representative of Orthodoxy in Finland, built thanks to the Russian Tsar Alexander II, who widely preached and created all the conditions for expanding and promoting the Orthodox faith in Scandinavia .Every Sunday and on religious holidays in the cathedral there are divine services .In addition, the temple is considered the largest Orthodox center of northern Europe .Noteworthy in Helsinki and the church located in the area of ​​Teole, as it cut down right in the rock .This is a very popular place for tourists..

Not far from Helsinki is the largest in Northern Europe water park "Serena", with a lot of pools with heated water, as well as all kinds of attractions, games, slides with light and music. Here you can spend an entire day with children, fun and joyful fun.

It will be a great omission if you do not visit the real Finnish sauna in Helsinki, you can experience incomparable pleasure in the equipped bath complexes located in picturesque places near the lakes. Here, fishing is offered for lovers, and, most importantly, the catch is always provided.

Tours to Finland, this northern country, whimsically called Suomi, will undoubtedly bring joy and good mood, because this wonderful place is warmed by the warmth of human hearts, the hearts of Finnish residents.

Source: Holiday.rf