One of the closest neighbors of our country is Finland. This state in the north of Europe, once part of the Russian Empire and called the Grand Duchy of Finland, constantly attracts tourists from all over the world, including our compatriots. Why is the interest in him of an intransient character? Let's try to figure it out.

Houses in Finland

The main secret of the attractiveness of tours to Finland can be considered a unique synthesis of the pristine beauty of natural landscapes with a developed infrastructure that meets the highest modern standards..Agree, there are a few places on our planet where the purest water of lakes, magical verdure of forests, the richness of the gifts of nature, the heady fresh air does not at all overshadow the invasion of civilization..On the contrary, the resorts of Finland - a vivid indicator of how people can interact organically and the natural environment .

The peculiarities of the climate made it possible to organize wonderful ski resorts in this country, and people perfectly arranged them and turned them into modern tourist complexes with ski slopes of varying complexity, entertainment centers, restaurants, children's playgrounds. With the company "Viking Travel" you can visit resorts for lovers of traditional skiing, mountain descents and other winter sports fun - Himos, Levi, Vuokatti, Sappa.

Silence, a smooth surface, friendly woodlands - unique places of Jyväskylä, Tampere, Tahko, Kuopio are equipped as relaxation SPA-resorts, giving guests pleasure and rare in our fast-paced time the possibility of relaxing rest.

Cognitive interesting excursions promise trips to Helsinki - the capital of Finland; Rovaniemi is the town where the most important wizard of the planet Santa Claus lives; A hand where you can go for a deer or a dog farm ...

And also holiday tours (New Year, Christmas, etc.), snowmobiling, reindeer and dog sledding, motosafari, fishing, horseback riding, snowboarding training, trips to zoos and planetariums, visiting gnomes and mummies, trolls, travel on a ferry, winter paintball ... As you can see, a worthwhile occupation is for children, and for adults, and for athletes, and connoisseurs of relaxing procedures and outings for nature.

We named only a part of the resorts that are hospitably preparing to meet you, and showed a small part of all the opportunities to have a wonderful rest and original entertainment, which Finland gives along with the tourist company "Viking Travel".

One of the most hospitable countries of Scandinavia has surpassed all conceivable hopes and aspirations of tourists and regarding the comfort of living. The choice of travelers of the hotel in Finland of different price level, but invariably high class of service. Here you can stay for a long time and for a few days, pre-booking of rooms is available. Internet is a great way to get acquainted with hotel interiors, prices, additional services, reviews.

Of course, hotels are not the only opportunity to stay in comfort..Those who prefer more secluded places or the closest proximity to nature can rent a cottage in Finland - there are lots of such options in any resort in the country..Finns themselves often take advantage of this opportunity - they know a lot about rest! To the services of those who live not only cozy houses, but also additional services (at will): cleaning the cottage, meals, bed linen and other $ $ .Maximum comfort in accordance with the most diverse requirements is provided by an experienced and benevolent staff of the highest qualification .

Official site of the company "Viking Travel" - a kind of encyclopedia of the best places to travel in Finland and a reliable guide to its resorts.

Rest in Finland will undoubtedly leave wonderful memories and a nostalgic desire to visit this hospitable country again, and Viking Travel will gladly help to realize it.