The daughter is in the final year of the lyceum in France. Received a visa D for a period of 10 months from 27.08.10 to 27.06.11, although the documents from the French side are dated from August 28, 10 to July 16, 11. The daughter does not have time to pass the final exams. which begin in July (!).

Can I extend my visa in France or do I need to do this here? (now her daughter is 17 years old, in January she will turn 18). I shall be very grateful to you for professional consultation.

Sincerely, Natalia V.

Responds Valery Bulygin, head of the visa department of the company "Russian Express"
In France, you can not extend the visa. There are 2 options:

  1. Go to the Russian Consulate with copies of documents in order to correctly place the visa.
  2. Return after the end of the visa and open a short-term for the remainder of the stay.
September 2, 2010

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