"Every man has two homelands-his own and France," repeated the French playwright and poet Henri de Bornier, and one can not disagree with him. It seems that only the lazy do not know how beautiful Paris is - the focus of sophistication and charm, how admirable Versailles is - a masterpiece of palace and park art, how captivatingly magnificent Provence is a lavender province with lovely villages and luxurious villas.

France is in absentia adored even by those who have not yet visited this fabulous country, what to say about those who came here with excursions or just to rest.

France is in absentia adored even by those who have not yet visited this fabulous country, what to say about those who came here with excursions or just relax. The French direction is deservedly among the most popular, and many tourists choose the train as a means of getting to the country of dreams.

Routes and prices

You can get from Russia to France by train on trains 023/024 "Moscow-Berlin-Paris" and 017/018 "Moscow-Nice". Train 023/024 departs from the Belorussian station of Moscow three times a week, over 3700 hours it overcomes 3200 km, passing through the territory of several countries: Belarus, Poland, Germany - and stopping on the way in three capitals: Minsk, Warsaw and Berlin. The train includes carriages of different degrees of comfort: several cars of the first and second class and two luxury cars.

The cost of a three-seat coupe of the second class is 180 EUR for children and 350 EUR for adults, the first-class compartment will cost 250 EUR for children and 495 EUR for an adult passenger, in a luxury compartment children and adults can be purchased for 570 EUR and 1140 EUR, respectively. There are a number of discounts for family and group trips.

Train 017/018 leaves once a week from Belorussky railway station in Moscow. Passengers should tune in for a long unhurried journey through the cities and towns of our country, as well as through Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy and, finally, France - a trip to Nice takes no more than two days.

The cost of the ticket in a double compartment for an adult is 495 EUR, a trip in a luxury car will cost 1150 EUR, group and family discounts are also present.

Variations of railway tours to France

Under the train schedule "Moscow - Berlin - Paris" a program "To Paris by train" was compiled, it includes several sightseeing tours around the city (foot and bus), a walk through the Latin Quarter, an excursion to Montmartre. The cost of the tour starts from 1640 EUR, this includes train tickets (second class, triple coupe), hotel accommodation, breakfast, transfer station - hotel - station, excursions; separately need to pay a consular fee (85 EUR), insurance against travel. For those who wish to travel first class, a surcharge of 450 EUR per person.

On the train "Moscow - Nice" you will ride within the framework of the tour "Cote d'Azur and Provence" .For 12 days of your French vacation, you will make a sightseeing tour around the old Nice, stroll through the historic center of Avignon - the largest city of Provence, visit the Provencal market and taste local produce, including, of course, the famous wines .In addition, you will be offered additional excursions to the Principality of Monaco and the sunny city of Monte Carlo, the luxurious Cannes and Antibes .The minimum cost of the tour is 1890 EUR (included railway tickets "Nice - Avignon - Nice", travel by train "Moscow - Nice" is paid for itself) .

The amateurs will visit everywhere and immediately for certain will be pleased with the combined railway tours to France, the program of such tours includes acquaintance with different European countries and their main sights.

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to France by train