Paris is not accidentally considered one of the best cities for lovers..And let all the Londoners and Berliners exhale ecstatically, exuding poison because of eternal traffic jams, the flow of emigrants and the high cost of the French capital, we somehow know that the place for a kiss is more romantic than the open Eiffel Tower, you can not find .No wonder that wedding trips to Paris are in such demand .Of course, the cost of them will be slightly different from the standard excursion package, but a set of services, believe me, will satisfy even the most enamored in the Dolce Vita pair .Do you want a champagne with strawberries in your room, you want - a horse harness under the window, or even the Bole - a balloon flight over Versailles .There would be opportunities, and even than to take a newly-married couple or mark a beautiful anniversary with a symbolic wedding ceremony, a married couple will find .

With what it is necessary to decide initially - so it is with finances .Conditionally, to spend an unforgettable week in Paris it is possible and within 1500 EUR for two, but then about any tricks in the form of a transfer to "Bentley" it is necessary to forget .If the couple is ready to spend from 5 thousand .EUR and more - then the scope of their wedding trip will be limited only to the scope of their wallet .Of course, in the first place you should think about the hotel, because the nights of the honeymoon should be furnished with a pomp +/- $ .Breakfast in bed, view of the very tower or the Grand Opera, a joint visit to the spa center - only flowers .Berries are separate programs that tour operators offer in love .

For example, a one-day wedding program that includes a walk on a luxury yacht on the Seine, a dinner from the best chefs in Paris and, like a bright final point, the petals of a thousand roses that will fall from an ancient bridge to your ship, showering your love with a delicate floral by the message.
Of course, first of all you should think about the hotel, after all the fabulous nights of the honeymoon should be furnished with pomp.
Paris, love ...

There are excellent programs also near Paris - for example, dinner in the abbey, highlighted by hundreds of candles .Or flying in a private jet over the castles and forests of the environs of the French capital, during which the second plane flies with you, and on its wing will be written something understandable only to you two and your love..Of course, similar options to spend a honeymoon in Paris should be booked in advance .If you do not plan to leave an annual salary for the French charm, you still arrive in Paris .And go to Montmartre: leave a couple of tens of EUR for a talented artist who will make a joint portrait of the happiest tourists in France, do not take pity on the EUR for the gypsy who will surely tell you love, send an air kiss to the whole of Paris from the observation platform at Sacre-Coeur and, finally , tired, in love and happy sit in a cafe, ordering a spicy glass of Calvados or wine .In Paris, do not be in love, here you must love!

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Honeymoon in Paris