Many-faced Germany consists of 16 federal states, the most popular among tourists are Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and some others.

Each of the land has its own characteristics, its own characteristics, its color. All of them have their own governments, parliaments and constitutions - in general, the degree of their autonomy is very high. But, nevertheless, they are united by a single common legislative body - the Bundestag. Each land has its main city, each land has its own pride, which is known not only outside the land, but also outside Germany.

Traveling in Germany

Who has not heard about the famous Bavarian beer and the beer festival Oktoberfest? And the capital of Bavaria Munich (it received the status of the city in 1175) is one of the most famous tourist centers, attracting travelers from all over the world. And this is not surprising, because "Munchen mag dich" - "Munich loves you" - the motto of this city. Bavaria is not just beer. These are BMW factories, these are fairy-tale castles, the most famous of which is Neuschwanstein, these are picturesque alpine villages and large modern cities.

Saxon porcelain has long adorned the life of a variety of people, right up to the crowned faces. Since its appearance, it has become a cult for the European nobility. And it is made in the city of Meissen, near Dresden, in Saxony. Porcelain factory, built in 1710, produces not only magnificent dining utensils, but also interior items. The quality of Saxon porcelain is not inferior to Chinese, and the way underglaze painting is unique.

The city of Bremen, the capital of the land of Bremen, is famous not only for the Bremen musicians, it is an old merchant city, prosperous and prosperous. It was founded in 787 by Charles the Great. Now it is a major scientific and cultural center of Germany, in addition, it is a major port, attracting the attention of trade people to this. Cars, coffee, chocolate, electronics - follow through this harbor.

You can tell a lot about the lands of Germany, but it's better to see them with your own eyes and make sure that each of them is beautiful in its own way.

Architecture of Hamburg, Germany Areas of Germany
Architecture of Hamburg
Rudesheim Architecture, Germany Areas of Germany
Traditional Rudesheim
Schwetzingen architecture Areas of Germany