The legacy of Ancient Greece had a huge impact on the subsequent development of world architecture and architecture .This is not surprising, because any building created in this era, without exaggeration, can be called perfect $ $ .The main features of ancient architecture - simplicity, truthfulness and clarity of compositions .Perfect harmony and proportionality of forms .Thin and organic connection of architecture and sculpture .Greeks brought to perfection not only the buildings themselves, but all the elements, the smallest details of the decor .The architecture of Ancient Greece is inextricably linked with philosophy, it is based on the idea of ​​the beauty and power of man, his unity with nature .

Ancient architecture developed in two basic orders - Doric and Ionian. An order is a certain system of interaction and a combination of supporting and overlapping elements. In the ancient Greek architecture, these are columns and entablature-the overlapping on them.

The main features of the Doric style are laconism, severity and simplicity. It is distinguished by strict proportionality of forms and full compliance with mechanical laws. Compared with him, the ionic style has much more detail. It is distinguished by the lightness of proportions, elegance and decorativeness. On the basis of the Ionic, the third style of Greek architecture, the Corinthian, was formed. Even more lightness, grace of forms and special splendor are inherent in him.

The architecture of Ancient Greece is divided into three main periods: archaic (VIII - beginning of the fifth century BC), classical (480 - the end of the IV century) and Hellenistic period (320th years of the 4th century. AD).

Ancient Parthenon in Athens, Greece Architecture of Ancient Greece
Ancient Parthenon

Archaic period

At this time, new forms of social life arise and, as a consequence, new topics of buildings are emerging .The main place, of course, was occupied by temples .The search for new, more impressive, architectural forms began $ ±.Vivid examples of this - the Temple of Apollo Teropios in Hermone and the Temple of Hera in Olympia .However, these were, rather, searches, than successes in the field of architecture .In addition to temples, there were public buildings - $ $ .Booleutry - a house for community council meetings .Pritanya - a building in which official meetings and festive meals were held .Large complexes were built for schools for the education of youth (palestres and gymnasiums) .

The classical period is

No doubt, it was the most brilliant period of ancient Greek architecture .Doric style dominates .It becomes easier in its forms and bolder in their combination .Ionic style is also becoming more and more popular .Corinthian style is perfected and honed .Greek temples become more harmonious and noble .Temple of Thesa in Athens, which was built at the beginning of the period of the classics, becomes one of the bright and wonderful works of the Doric style .At the same time, a small temple appears in Ilisse (it has not survived to this day) and the Temple of the Undisputed Victory at the entrance to the Acropolis of Athens - $ .

The reign of Pericles in Athens was marked by the appearance of several magnificent monuments of architectural art .In place of the ancient sanctuaries of the Acropolis, which destroyed the Persians, the magnificent temple of the goddess Athena, the patroness of the city, was built .At the same time the architects Iktin and Kallikrat erected the Parthenon .He was decorated with numerous sculptures by Phidias and his students .At the same time, the construction of the Propylaeans - the solemn gates of the acropolis .Architect Moysikl achieved an excellent combination of Ionian and Doric styles .Such an architectural upsurge in Athens had a strong influence on the architectural work in other places of Attica and the Peloponnese .

Temple of Zeus in Athens

The Hellenistic Age

Artists and architects pay great attention to the effectiveness and splendor of their creations .Corinthian style prevails .During this period, palaces and theaters are actively built .The transition to a new direction in architecture personifies the temple of the Winged Athena .It was built by sculptor Scopas in Tegea .Undoubtedly, special attention deserves the temple of Zeus in Neme, the Horatical Monument of Lizikrat and the "Tower of the Winds" in Athens .You can not ignore the huge temple of Phoebe Didimsky in Mileet, and the temple of Athena in Priene .And the magnificent altar of Zeus in Pergamum? The fragments of his sculptural frieze preserved to this day were transported to the Berlin museum .

After Greece was in the power of Rome, the architectural activity in it almost ended, but did not cease to exist. Great architects and artists transferred their skills to Rome. Greek architecture at this time merged with the history of Roman art.

Acropolis in Athens