The future husband works as an international driver. The Moscow Consulate issued him a Polish working multivisa (type C, the purpose of issuance - 04). Can we go from Minsk to Greece on a honeymoon in the summer? I was told that you can not rest on a working visa, and the husband can only drive a wagon into the zone of the Schengen.

Answer Evgeny Lyubeznikov, All Poland company
If there are no special marks in the visa, and the territory of its operation is indicated by Panstwa Shengen, then the visa can be used for trips with other purposes to other Schengen countries, including Greece.

The purpose of the issuance - 04 specifies only that this visa is registered in business , but does not specify that it is a long-distance driver's visa and does not limit the purpose of the trip and the way of crossing the border.

Please note that this consultation is only the opinion of a specialist. An official answer can only be received at consular offices in Poland and Greece.

February 11, 2015

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