Meteors (in Greek "meteors" means "floating in the air") are massive rocks, on the tops of which one of the main sanctuaries of Greece is located, monasteries of Meteora . Unapproachable, cut off from the world, the tops of the rocks became a shelter of hermits from 11 Centuries . In the 14th century the first monastic communities arose here, six of which are still in effect . Earlier tourists could climb here only with the help of monks and a complex system of ropes, baskets, carts and horse power ±​​$ br > Today, from Kalambaka to the monasteries is laid good asphalt The road leading to unique frescoes, libraries storing rare medieval manuscripts, icons and priceless shrines . . Monasteries Meteor

The monastery of Agui Nikolaou Anapavs (St. Nicholas) was founded around 1500 by the Metropolitan Larissa Dionisy. The main temple is decorated with paintings of the famous Cretan painter Feofan Batas-Strelitz.

The monastery of Rusan was founded in 1545 by the brothers Joasaph and Maxim. The interior is decorated with magnificent paintings, a wooden altar with carvings and gilding, interesting icons and precious analogues.

 Monastery of Russanu, Meteora, Greece  Meteors
Monastery Russanu
 Bright colors Meteors  Meteors
Lovely Meteors
 Magnificent cliffs Meteor, Greece  Meteors
Magnificent cliffs Meteor

The monastery Varlaam is based in 1517 by Theophanes and the Nectar of Apsara. The frescoes of his main cathedral were executed in 1548 by Frank Catalano, a famous artist of the post-Byzantine period. The monastery houses a significant collection of rare manuscripts, carved wooden crosses, carvings, gold-embroidered shrouds, icons.

In the monastery of Agnas Triadas, a chapel is interesting, which can be reached by climbing 140 steps cut in the rock.

The monastery of Megalo Meteoro (Spaso-Preobrazhensky) was founded around 1400 by one of the greatest ascetics in the history of Orthodox monasticism, Afanasy Meteor. In 1552, the famous master Theophanes worked here. His frescoes became one of the best examples of post-Byzantine monumental painting. In the temple there is a considerable number of valuable icons of the 14th and 16th centuries, and in the old refectory there is a museum collection of the monastery.

In the monastery Agnas Triadas (Holy Trinity), a chapel is interesting, which can be reached by climbing 140 steps cut in the rock.

The monastery of Aghiu Stefanu (St. Stephen) is the only convent in Meteora. It contains the head of the saint, brought to the monastery by the ruler of Wallachia Vladislav. The monastery is famous for its valuable relics.