What to bring from Greece?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Many of our compatriots, going on vacation, are often more interested in the list of what you need to bring from the country of visit than the list of necessary things on the road.

It can not be said that this sweet feature can be classed as negative qualities of the character of a typical citizen of an immense country. Nevertheless, experienced experts insist that tourists more sensibly approach to the choice of memorable souvenirs.

The ancients used to say that Greece has everything. Fortunately, almost the way it is, but the same fact significantly complicates the problem of choice.

First of all, in Greece there are olives and olive oil. Individual categories of citizens periodically state that the oil that is sold in Greece is quite different from that sold in local supermarkets. As for olives, a rare compatriot tried them not in the form of canned food, but in the form of ripe fruits. They say that these are two completely different pleasures.

In addition, fans of Greek salad must necessarily visit the market and buy on the way home to more feta cheese, which in Greece is considered almost a national treasure and is an object of particular pride. Many people generally say that "real" feta is sold exclusively in Greece. While everything else is considered a low-quality forgery.

Alcoholic products are wines and cognacs. All this is done in Greece at home, with a soul, a feeling, really, with arrangement. However, here it is necessary to exercise special selectivity and not buy cognac, which is less than twelve years old, as well as wine, which costs below three EUR.

May 17, 2013

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