Greece is considered one of the largest manufacturers of fur coats and fur products in the world. Traditionally, fur coats are made in Kastorju, where most of the fur factories are located, and in Paris, Katerini, a major tourist and shopping center for the sale of fur products in Greece. - $

The main rule is not to go for a fur coat to Athens, and with caution You should choose a fur coat in large tourist centers. There very often you can run into poor-quality goods. Fur coats in Greece are sold both locally produced and Chinese, externally (and only externally!) Are indistinguishable from Greek. Therefore, attention should be paid to whether it is a specialized store and what kind of fur factories are supplied.


Kastoria is an ancient city in the north-west of the country, the largest center for the production, processing and trade of fur products in Greece . Manufacture of fur products here is not just an industry, but first of all the history of the city, its centuries-old traditions. The beginning of furrier fishing in these places was laid back in the 14th century, since then this skill is passed down from generation to generation, from which the quality of fur coats only wins.

 Factories of Greece
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Factories of Kastoria

According to various sources, 1200 to 2,000 fur factories are not currently operating in Kastoria. Their products are exhibited at the largest in Europe exhibition and sale of fur products "Edica", which works all year round. Every year in May, here is an international exhibition of furs. In addition, fur products from Kastoria are exhibited every year at the largest international exhibitions, always receiving high marks, and the largest fashion houses make orders for the production of fur products under their brand in Greek fur factories.

The largest and most famous fur factories in Kastoria: Avanti, Naomi, Papadopoulos Furs (P.K.Z. Furs S.A.), Rizos Furs, Chrisos Furs, Estel Furs and many others.

The traditional craft of the inhabitants of Kastoria Factories of Greece
Streets of Kastoria, Greece Factories of Greece
Monastery-market in Athenshttp: // export = view & id = 1JOjvPn_SNvo5kX-7lPprF0IkU3gs_uYl Factories of Greece

Factory Avanti

The company Avanti was founded by Argiris Cranias in 1864. After three generations, it became one of the most advanced, known in the international market, while remaining a family enterprise that keeps its traditions and values. The exhibition hall and workshop of Avanti are located on the territory of about 1000 m².

Factory Naomi

In the same year of 1864 the company Naomi was founded, presenting today the richest assortment of original designer and classic products from high-quality fur. Cooperating with famous designers, the company produces not only fur coats, but also a wide range of fur accessories.

Factory Papadopoulos Furs S.A.

Company P.K.Z. Furs S.A. (Papadopoulos Furs) was founded in 1959. The masters of the factory are constantly improving their skills, striving to introduce all the latest developments in fur processing, tracking both the fashion and technological trends of the industry.

Factory Rizos

The factory for the production of fur products Rizos has been working for more than 40 years, repeatedly exhibiting its products at world exhibitions and fashion podiums. The specialization of the factory is an ageless classic, making the owner of a fur coat a real queen. Thanks to the contacts, obtained at exhibitions and shows, the factory buys skins for the manufacture of fur coats at well-known auctions in Canada, America, Scandinavia.

Factory Chrisos Furs

The production of the Chrisos Furs factory, founded by Chrysostomomos Cranias, is also on the list, and has become one of the most famous producers of the fur industry due to participation in the famous furs of Hong Kong, Milan, Moscow. Raw materials for the factory's fur products are purchased at major world auctions (primarily Seattle's American Legend), where the highest quality skins are selected under the Blackglama brand.

Factory Estel Furs

The factory Estel Furs specializes in the production of fur products since 1956, declaring itself as one of the best factories not only in Europe but also in America. At the Estel Furs factory in Kastoria, fur products are not only produced, but also repaired, processed, and ready-made. All the products of the factory are famous for their ideal cut and excellent quality.

Greek fur coat

Paralia Katerinis

Paralia Katerinis is a resort town near the town of Katerini on the Aegean Sea, 75 km from Thessaloniki. It is located not far from the castor factories of Kastoria, and it has great opportunities for recreation - beach, sightseeing, night.

Here there are about a hundred shops of fur products, and it is believed that the prices here are lower than the Kastorian. In Paralia Katerinis there are few premium quality fur products, but the range of fur products in the middle and low price range is much richer than in other places.

The main centers of trade in fur coats in Paralia Katerinis are on Nikis street - the largest of them: Scandinavia, Marco Varni, Regina, Obsession Furs. It is recommended to true connoisseurs to turn into alleys - here you can find real "pearls", while in the very center of the tourist center on the Quay are sold mostly furs of lower quality, sewn from pieces.

Many shops of fur coats in Greece work closely with factories - if you need a non-standard size or an unusual style, you can order production on average within 4-5 days in Paralia Katerinis, but in any case, reliably interact directly with the factory in Kastorje. ±​​$ The

Types of fur coats in Greece

Shub-tour to Greece can be purchased "with the obligation" of purchase and without. In the first case, fur factories pay tourists a trip with a minimum tourist and excursion program, while he must buy a fur coat for a certain amount - otherwise he will have to pay a penalty. Because the trip is paid by local factories, they need to buy a fur coat from them. Such a tour is good when buying more than one fur coat.

When choosing a tour without obligations, tourists are also transported to the largest factories and trade centers by Greek fur coats, only self-payment of accommodation removes all restrictions on the place and amount of purchase.

The cost of a fur coat is

The trip to Kastoria and a three-day stay in the city will cost approximately € 700 - € 800 per person: € 300 the cheapest flight to Thessaloniki, € 65 visa, plus € 200 transfer to Kastoria and back. It is possible to get to Katerini from Saliniki for about € 10, from there to the resort area of ​​Paralia - another € 5. Plus about € 200 for at least 3 days of accommodation and meals.

The cost of fur products may vary, but on average, the price class is as follows: a fur coat from pieces (paws, tails) will cost from € 950, short fur coats from karakulchi with fox trim will cost from € 1000 and above, sheepskin coats with a collar from a lynx or other fur with a belt - from € 2300, and a long fur coat from a mink depending on the color will cost from € 2600. A set of cap + knitted mink scarf is about € 80, and a chinchilla collar is up to € 1500.

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Factories of Greece