The history of ancient India was a series of emerging and collapsing empires .Perhaps the brightest page, a kind of "golden age" of the history of India, was the rule of the Gupta dynasty (4-5th century of the new era) .As a result of campaigns, conquests and diplomatic tricks, almost the entire territory of modern India entered the empire .The founder of the Samudragupta dynasty was a successful commander, a famous poet and musician, as well as a patron of art who promoted the development of arts and crafts .Nalanda (present state of Bihar) - has become a hotbed of culture for the whole of Asia .

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Dynasty Gupta

At the imperial court they spoke Sanskrit. The poet Kalidas wrote his poems and plays. According to legend, Kalidasa (whose name translates as "Kali's slave") received his poetic gift, and also turned from a poor shepherd into a princess's wife as a result of intense prayers addressed to the goddess Kali. However, the end of his sad - Kalidasa died at the hands of envious courtiers.

At the same time, Aryabhata, the father of Indian astronomy, made his discoveries, proving that the Earth rotates around its axis, calculating the length of the equator, predicting lunar and solar eclipses, and giving "zero" and "pi" numbers to grateful descendants.

The philosopher Vasubandhu (author of numerous Buddhist treatises) often won in religious disputes with scholars of other faiths. Since the mind and persuasiveness were highly valued at that time, Vasubandhu received large monetary prizes from the government for his victories. So for winning the dispute with representatives of the Samkhya school, he received 300,000 gold coins (and spent them on building Buddhist monasteries).

Material evidence of India's prosperity in the "golden age" has survived to this day. This is the cave monasteries of Ajanta, the Delhi iron column, and the stone Buddha Sarnath.

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The invasion of nomads in the fifth century destroyed the Gupt empire. After a couple of centuries of timelessness (in the seventh century), India became the Muslim Sultanate. The Muslim invasion began 15 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad by the landing of an Arab assault on the Mumbai coast.

Great Moguls

The sultanates disintegrated and united and this lasted until the 16th century, when Akbar the First founded the empire of the Great Moguls. Akbar was an illiterate but far-sighted ruler and surrounded himself with brilliant people - poets, historians, musicians.

In the era of the Great Moguls, such historical monuments as the world famous Taj Mahal, the Red Fort in Agra, Humayun's tomb and the Jama Masjit Mosque in Delhi were built.

Even under the reign of the Great Moguls, Europeans began to show increasing interest in India. The Portuguese landed and captured Goa in 1550, and the Dutch founded the Dutch East India Company in 1602.

English colony

But the greatest influence in India since the beginning of the seventeenth century and almost to the present day had Englishmen .In search of a legendary and mysterious country, English explorers discovered the island of Newfoundland (when they were looking for India in the waters of the Arctic Ocean) and the territory of modern Canada (when they were looking for India in the Atlantic).The first Englishman to step on the land of India was the Jesuit Thomas Stevens (it happened in 1579) .After the founding of the British East India Company in 1600, the British consistently seized or bought Indian territories .Since the time of the first Governor-General of Warren Hastings (1773-1785), and until the last Luis Mountbatten (1947) - India was a British colony .

Only in 1947 Britain abandoned claims to the colony and divided India into two dominions - Pakistan and the Indian Union. Three years later, in 1950, the Indian Union became a republic.

Mysticism of the Past: India