Starting a story about India, let's turn to the legacy of Nicholas of our Drozdov ."Pay attention to how many faces and rich in vivid types of tourists world of India are..Do you see a lazy stirring on the coast of South Goa? India in this region is teeming with wealthy beach lovers who, staying in luxury hotels, provide themselves with an even tan, turning to the sun by one, then another sideways .And if you look a little to the north, where India is washed by the Arabian Sea, you can witness a surprising phenomenon: the massive migration of tourists from North Goa along the shore in search of open-air rave discos .These individuals, as you can see, are much more mobile and do not tend to spend big money on hotels - India, I recall, is famous for its "superbase" accommodation .Now let's look at the internal areas of the country ... see a lot of buses? This, of course, lovers of "excursion", inspired by the "Golden Triangle" and around it .Yes, I almost forgot! India is interesting for another exotic subspecies of tourists, called "seekers of sacred truths" .They buy only air tickets and independently go deep into the country or, conversely, purchase special yoga tours .» For those who are only going to visit this country, the article "The first time in India: five councils" is suitable. And those who India has repeatedly taken into their exotic embrace, can safely storm the most remote cities and resorts of the country.

The capital is Dehli, the major cities are Mumbai (formerly Mumbai, formerly Bombay), Kolkata (former Kolkata), Chennai (formerly Madras).

The main resorts are: Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, North and South Goa.

For a complete list of the most popular holiday destinations in the country, see the city page and the resorts of India.

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  • 1 How to get to India?
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to India - $
  • 2 Visa to India is
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Phone Numbers
  • 5 Transport of India
  • 6 Car rental
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 The climate of India is
  • 9 Beaches
  • 10 Hotels
    • 10.1 Book hotel in India at the best price
  • 11 Banks and exchange points
  • 12 Shopping and shopping
  • 13 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 14 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of India
  • 15 Ayurveda in India
    • 15.1 We also recommend

How to get to India?

Transaero performs regular and charter flights Moscow-Goa, Aeroflot flies daily in Delhi .Qatar Airways operates several times a week via Doha to Cochin, Trivandrum, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore and Dabolim (Goa) .Emirates Airlines operates daily flights to Mumbai, Delhi, Cochin, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai (via Dubai), and 4 flights a week to Trivandrum and Kolkata (via the same Dubai) .Etihad Airways daily flies to Delhi, Mumbai and Cochin (via Abu Dhabi) and three times a week to Trivandrum and Madras (via Abu Dhabi) .Thai Airways flies to Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai via Bangkok .

"Turkmen Airlines" fly to Delhi through Ashgabat twice a week. On flights of "International Airlines of Ukraine" from Kiev, direct flights can fly to Goa.

Search for air tickets to India - $

Visa to India is

Russian citizens need a visa to visit India. In some cases, you can extend your visa without leaving the country.


Import of foreign currency (and exportation previously imported) is not limited, national - it is forbidden. More than 10 000 USD in cash (or equivalent in another currency), as well as personal computers and laptops need to be declared. Allowed duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, alcoholic beverages - up to 0, 95 liters, jewelry, food, household items and things - within personal needs.

It is prohibited to import drugs and narcotic substances containing drugs, weapons and ammunition without appropriate permits. It is forbidden to export skins of tigers, wild animals and feathers of birds, hides and leather goods of rare reptiles and ivory, living plants, gold and silver bullion, jewelry worth more than 2000 INR (except those bought in duty free), antiques , manufactured more than a hundred years ago.

  • Can I bring with me to Goa underwater gun?
  • What are the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage in India?
  • What are the rules for taking medications when flying to India?

Phone Numbers

Embassy of India in Moscow (consular department): st. Vorontsovo Field, 4; tel .: (495) 783-75-35, fax: 916-36-32, 917-22-85; website

Embassy of Russia in New Delhi: Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, 110021; tel .: (11) 268-737-99, 268-891-60; website

Consulate General in Mumbai: 42, Jagmohandas Marg (Nepean Sea Road); tel .: (22) 236-336-27, 236-336-28; website

Consulate in Kolkata: 22A, Raja Santosh Road, Alipore; tel .: (33) 247-970-06; website

Consulate in Chennai: 14, Santhome High Road; tel .: (44) 249-323-20, 249-823-30; website

Police: 100, fire brigade: 101, ambulance: 102

In India, you can significantly save on telephone calls, if you use the services of local mobile operators. It is not difficult to buy a SIM card: for this purpose it is necessary to present a passport and one color photo of 3x4 (since there is practically no place to take photos at the scene, it is better to take the photo with you). An important moment for those who plan to travel in India: you can replenish the balance of the card only in the state of the country in which it was purchased.

Maps of India

Transport of India

Traveling around the country is more comfortable and quicker on an airplane, cheaper - by train (for long distances) or by bus (for short ones). Since the ticket of the first class to the train is sometimes a little cheaper than an air ticket to the same point, it is wiser to travel the second class with air conditioning. Such cars are of two types: 4 and 6 people per compartment.

A special train with conditioned cars "Taj Express" runs between Delhi and Agra: it departs from the capital in the morning and returns in the evening. In his car-restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

At the main stations of the largest cities and international airports there are separate "windows" or even halls for selling tickets to foreigners (usually for dollars, and giving change in rupees).

The bus network in India is well developed: public transportation companies and a large number of private companies are in every state. All types of public buses are quite suitable for travel: the difference is only in the level of comfort and cost.

With a taxi, there will be no problems either, the only point worth paying attention to is that cars that have a license to service tourists have yellow numbers. With the driver you must necessarily bargain about the price, and do it before departure. When going on a long trip, it is better to know in advance its approximate cost from the hotel administration - "in India" almost never travel by "meter".

The world's richest temple is Padmanabhaswamy, a Hindu temple located in the city of Trivandrum. His condition is estimated at about $ 20 billion.

Moto and bike rickshaw can be hired just like a taxi. Moto rickshaws - though exotic, but quite fast and convenient way to travel around the city. At the same time it costs about two times cheaper than a taxi. But trishikeks are suitable only for small trips: the speed is small, no comfort. And if the passenger "in the body", do not pull at all in the hill, you have to get out and go near.

Crowd taxi drivers on suburban trips sometimes bring a passenger not to where he asked for - after which they demand additional payment for the correction of their own "mistake". The way to solve this problem is simple: you need to write down the number of the machine and promise the "boss" to contact the owner of the firm or the police. In addition, in no case should the taxi driver be allowed to pick up on the way of fellow travelers. In some Indian states, there are officially so-called "days of a taxi driver". These days on the territory of hotels only buses are allowed, delivering tourists to or from the airport. All other transportations, including excursions, have the right to carry out only taxi drivers.

Car rental

If very briefly: it is better not to have .There are several reasons, one weighing another: first, the routes are narrow (albeit in a decent state), and the markings and road signs are sometimes absent .Secondly, the traffic is very dense almost around the clock, in the general flow of ox carts, motorcycles, people moving on a regular basis, various representatives of the local fauna .Well, the last, but most important: Indian drivers do not comply with even the minimum rules of the road .To top it all off, driving in India is left-handed . Therefore, to travel around the country it is better to rent a car with a driver. It will not go so far that it's too expensive, but it's safe. The average rental price is 14-20 INR per km of travel plus 300-400 INR per day - fee to the driver.

The most popular vehicles in India are motorcycles and scooters. Very convenient, given the density of motion. The average cost of renting a scooter is approximately 200-250 INR per day, with no one canceling the bargain, especially if the lease period is more than a week. Required documents: passport and driver's license.

  • Are there any particularities of road traffic in India?

Safety of tourists

Ladies for walking outside the hotel should dress more modestly, without bare shoulders and miniskirts. But in the hotels themselves it is better to use the safe and always remember the commandment "do not tempt", leaving no value or money in sight or in easily accessible places. Locked in a suitcase or bag, no one will touch them.

Doing any special vaccinations before going to India is not required. As well as almost everywhere in the south, it is not recommended to drink raw water from the tap. Hands and bought vegetables-fruits should be washed thoroughly with soap. And for greater peace of mind - to exclude salads from fresh vegetables from the diet, using only vegetables that have been heat-treated inside (in general, the newly arrived European should not be eaten indiscriminately in India). Another good tip: always carry hygienic napkins, especially on the road.

The cow is a sacred animal and the personification of the mother in Hinduism, so in some states of India the consumption of beef is prohibited, and the killing of a cow is a criminal offense.

Continuing the theme of hygiene, we note that in the Indian province this concept is completely abstract, as well as "cleanliness in the streets." If your courageous customers are not going to sit all day on the hotel grounds, be sure to prepare them for this. In addition, the "white sagiba" in Indian cities should always be ready to "attack" on the extremely annoying sellers of any shabbiness, doers, fakirs, beggars and just curious.

In the Indian "outback", where Europeans are still - a rarity, the local population can show to tourists a lively, but absolutely unselfish interest. In many places it is still considered a good sign to touch the "white brother". So do not be surprised (and even more so - annoyed) that visitors from the north will be looked at, offered a handshake or clap on the shoulder.

For more information on security, see the articles "Getting to India", "Rules of Conduct in India", "On Hygiene, Rules of Behavior in the Street and Religion in India", "Safety Rules to be observed in India."

At the entrance to any temple, guests will be asked to take off their shoes. In some temples it is allowed to enter socks, which at the exit is best ruthlessly discarded. Therefore - you need to stock up enough pairs of socks or plastic shoe covers before the trip.
Some churches will not be allowed with bare shoulders (for the most part this applies to the fairer sex), as well as in short skirts or shorts (the latter already applies to men). Therefore, going on a trip, the ladies should take a handkerchief with them to cover their shoulders before entering the temple (or, best of all, to wear a T-shirt). Men just in case it is recommended to wear pants.
  • What are the customs of India worth knowing before visiting the country?
  • What vaccinations should be done before visiting India?
  • What is allowed and what is prohibited in India?
Attractions, Taj Mahal, India India
Taj Mahal
Types of Jaipur India
Varkala Beach, Kerala.jpeg India
Varkala Beach
x150px India

The climate of India is

The climate in the south of India is closer to the equatorial, in the north - to the mountain subtropical. The change of seasons is determined by monsoons. The hot and dry season lasts from April to June, the average temperature at that time is + 38 ... + 46 ° C, and from the middle of June to the beginning of October the rainy season lasts (+ 35 ... + 38 ° С).

"High" tourist season in continental and southern India lasts from early October to late March. The sky in this period is almost cloudless, and the air temperature in the daytime is + 25 ... + 30 ° C, at night + 20 ... + 25 ° C. In Delhi and north it is cool in December-January, at this time the average temperature is about +13 ° C. In April, when it gets too hot in the south and in the center of the country, favorable weather is established in the Himalayan states.

See also the current weather forecast for the main cities and resorts in India.

  • When the season in India is
  • What is the weather in India in January?
  • What is the weather in India in December?


The coast of India, with a total length of almost 6,000 kilometers, boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world..The most "mastered" and popular beach resorts are in the states of Goa and Kerala .On the beaches of Mumbai, too, a stormy nightlife is boiling, but Russians are not particularly attracted by .These beaches are famous for their crazy incendiary discos, which are not only collected by the local "golden youth", but also secured European heirs of famous families .Also practically not mastered by our tourists are the beaches of the states of Karnataka (Arabian Sea) and Tamil Nadu (Bengal Bay and Indian Ocean) .

Beaches of the Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands are great for diving and snorkeling. This is quite hard-to-reach and, as a consequence, low-income beaches of India: true lovers of loneliness come here to enjoy the beauties of the wild.

  • What are the best beaches in India?


Hotels in the resorts of India are built not above the palm tree (9 meters) and not closer than 300 meters to the sea due to strong tides. Coastal establishments of the category of five "stars" make an impression: it's not just a place of rest with a large set of services, but fabulous palaces, where the staff tries to fulfill almost all the wishes of tourists. The most refined in this category include hotels of international "chains" of the Taj group, Marriott and Hyatt. But the city "five" does not always correspond to its high rank - the service in them sometimes leaves much to be desired.

"Four" in the resort areas offer their guests a good service, a fairly large range of services, including traditional, only for India's health improvement programs .With urban institutions of the same level the situation is worse - it's not easy to find the stars that meet their stars .Often, four stars on the facade serve as a decoration of the building .Well, about the city "treshki" and say nothing, although every rule has a pleasant exception: it is possible to stumble even on two "stars" with clean rooms and good service .Most often these hotels belong to former military or families of higher castes .

The mains voltage in India is 230-240 V, the frequency is 50 Hz. Rosettes are often different from standard European, but everywhere you can buy an adapter.

Book hotel in India at the best price

Banks and exchange points

You can exchange money at the airport (the rate will not be the most profitable), at the bank, at certified exchange offices (under the passport) or at the offices of travel companies (but not in all). When exchanging it is better to take a receipt - this will allow, if necessary, to reverse the exchange of money when leaving the country (but not more than 25% of the officially exchanged amount). It is best to import dollars or EUR, the currency of other countries is not changed in all banks, but if they change, then at a less favorable rate. Banks are open on weekdays from 10:00 to 14:00, and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 12:00.

Cash travelers checks can only be used in large banks, preference is given to "Thomas Cook" and "American Express." Credit cards have limited circulation - only in the capital and large resort areas.

Even in large cities on Sundays almost all banks and exchange offices are closed, and in the few that function, the exchange will be possible only at a greatly understated rate.
  • Is it possible to exchange rubles for rupees in Russia and to import them into India?

Shopping and shopping

The list of "obligatory" purchases and various souvenirs is amazing. Here is just a short list of what can be brought from India: fabrics - cashmere, silk and Rajasthan cotton. They are made of magnificent saris, scarves, skirts, shawls and blouses. Another - tea, the same, but without the elephant. Further - Indian spices: pepper, turmeric, saffron, clove, cinnamon, as well as unknown to us fragrant powders, which can not be dispensed with when preparing curry. All excellent quality and, by our standards, almost free.

Moto rickshaws - though exotic, but quite fast and convenient way of movement. At the same time it costs about half the price of a taxi.

On request: ornaments from copper, brass, bronze, silver and gold with inlay, bright enamel, semiprecious and precious pebbles. To the heap: statuettes and figurines of clay, copper, glass, sandalwood, bamboo, rosewood and Indian walnut.

Important point: spices can not be carried in hand luggage - only with luggage. In India, you can and should bargain (except - supermarkets and similar stores with fixed prices).
  • What prices in India are
  • What goods from India should you bring?
  • Should I buy precious metal products in India?

Kitchen and restaurants

The basis for a very diverse, eclectic and spicy-sweet-sour-sweet Indian cuisine is a variety of vegetables, fish, rice, flour products, "puri" cakes and various dairy products .The number of original dishes in it has not yet been estimated by anyone (unreal) .Well, the main "visiting card" of local chefs is, of course, spices, which are added to almost any dish, even in sweets, and in the most unusual combinations .Therefore, if the stomach of a tourist does not need a particularly vivid impression, it is better to immediately warn the waiter about it .

Tipping in India does not have the status of "mandatory", but no one from them, of course, will not refuse. Their size depends on the type of service and the level of the institution. Usually they are 5-10 INR and more. The taxi driver will be happy with a small reward of 20-30 INR, while in restaurants and cafes the tip is equal to the traditional 10% of the invoice amount. In large hotels there is an official allowance for the service at 10-25%, so "tea" there can not be given.

One day in India is

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of India

To say that there is something to see in India means to say nothing. One "Golden Triangle" is worth it! In order not to get lost in them from the very beginning, we will move to the states: at least some system. For example, the state of Rajasthan (Western India) is known for its turbulent military history and many ancient fortresses and forts. There, among the desert areas of the Tar desert, many ancient civilizations were formed and such picturesque cities as Jodhpur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer and Udaipur were built:

  • The secluded city of Jaisalmer, located near the Pakistan border and separated from the rest of India by the Tar desert, evokes a lasting sense of time. The main mode of transport there is camels, and people still live in the city fort, it's the only residential fort in India. Every February the city attracts tourists with a three-day desert festival with parades of camels, processions of local residents in bright clothes, acrobats, fakirs and jugglers.
  • "Blue City" Jodhpur - the former capital of the ancient state of Marwar, in the meaning of "Land of Death." Such a nice name this area, apparently, due to the harsh climate of the Tar desert, on the edge of which stands Jodhpur. It consists of the Lower City and the huge Mehrangar fortress on top of a hill surrounded by a 10-kilometer wall with seven gates through which the paths to the palaces pass.
  • "White City" Udaipur, located on interconnected lakes, is called the most romantic place in Rajasthan, if not all of India.

Very interesting route Jansi - Orchha - Khajuraho - Varanasi, most of which passes through the state of Madhya Pradesh:

  • Jansi is a small and frankly boring town known for its fort and proximity to Orchha.
  • In the small picturesque town of Orchha there are more sights than in any large and ancient Central European city: the tombs, temples, the Raja-Mahal palace, the five-storeyed Great Mogul Palace - Jahangir Mahal, from which a beautiful view of the tomb of the royal family in the bend of the river. And also a unique multi-storeyed Vishnu Temple, built in the form of a cross.
  • Khajuraho is twenty-two restored, literally collected by pieces of archaeologists, ancient temples .Since the construction of the first of them has passed a thousand-odd years, but their architecture is still relevant and attracts the attention of .Mainly its intricate ornamentation, after all these are the famous temples of the goddess of love Kami - so that the carving is extremely rich in various erotic (and it's still softly said) scenes .Inspired by ancient creativity, the local craftsmen make (and sell right there in the shops) such silver pendants that can drive even the producers of some German films into the paint .
  • Varanasi - the most sacred and ancient city of India on the banks of the Ganges, for many centuries it serves as a place of ritual ablutions and no less ritual cremations of Hindus .Here there are many sacred places of Buddhism: the stone column and stupa of Dharmarajik, the Damekkh stupa on the site of the first Buddha's service, the Jainist temple of Sriansanth, the temples of Viswanath, Annapurna and Manmandir, and also one of the best museums in India, Bhavan .In addition to a variety of historical attractions, Madhya Pradesh has many pristine protected areas where you can even watch tigers in natural conditions..The most popular are the national parks of Kanha and Bandhavgarh .
Local residents often ask to be photographed with tourists, sometimes even whole families. Then it is necessary to show what the image turned out, this is enough for everyone's joy.

In Kerala, tourists are invited to travel through the jungle, nature reserves and spice plantations, sail on "hauzbots" along lagoons and backwaters, visiting lake, mountain and beach resorts. There is also the famous Cochin, a city on a dozen islands. The ancient cities of Vrindavan and Fatehpur-Sikri are interesting in Uttar Pradesh.

The state of Orissa stretches along the western coast of the Bay of Bengal. Its main attractions are the three great temple cities - Bhubaneswar with the temple of the phallus king Lingaraja, Puri with the temple of the Lord of the Universe Jagannath-Mandir and the Sun Temple in Konarak.

The state of Maharashtra attracts tourists, firstly, because it is located here Mumbai, which locals persist in calling Bombay, and, secondly, by numerous rock temples and monasteries. The most interesting of them are located near the city of Aurangabad.

In the state of Tamil Nadu - a lot of places, well, just mandatory for a visit. It is also Canniqumare, the sacred place of the confluence of the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, and Madurai with its Shiva temple, and Mamallapuram with numerous stone carvers' studios, interesting temples and a long deserted beach. No less attention deserves the former French colony of Pondicherry, Tanjavur with the temple of Brihadishvara and, of course, Chennai (formerly Madras), founded as an outpost of Britain on the peninsula.

Among other things, there is a remarkable number of interesting museums in the country.

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Ayurveda in India

India - 100% exotic country, so all sorts of "chips" in it to obscene a lot of .That there is only one world-famous method of treatment, or more precisely, even culture - Ayurveda .Ayurveda (literally "the science of life") is a complex of treatment, one of the few recognized by the World Health Organization as an effective system of alternative medicine..Now about 150,000 foreigners come to India for ayurvedic treatment per year .In Russia, ayurvedic tours have also become popular and fashionable lately, so now many people go to India not for the beaches of Goa or the cities of the "Golden Triangle", but solely for treatment . Photos of India (1048)