Interesting in India
10 must-visit cities in 2012
10 cities in the world that in 2012 pleased and surprised tourists.
 Interesting in India
10 ideal beaches for rest with children
It's time to learn the top 10 beaches that are capable of giving a lot of fun, joy and pleasant memories that would last a whole year ahead .
 Interesting in India
10 best festivals in the world
Some of them are not only surprisingly large, but also extremely unusual in themselves.
 Ying in India + $
12 colors: Motorcycling in India
In October 2012 I will arrive in New Delhi, buy a local motorcycle there and travel more than 7000 km to Goa state .
 Interesting in India
«Sang and danced», or top 5 of the unusual romantic traditions of the world
However for those who have already tried everything ( and marrying as well), but for the present has not despaired, the task to surprise the narrowed / narrowed and self is not as impossible as it seems - it is enough to pay attention to the romantic traditions of the peoples of the world and, It is possible to bring something to your holiday.
 Interesting in India
Actors of India
Annually movie tickets for Indian films are bought by four billion people, and the actors of Indian cinema are cult figures for a wide circle of initiates.
 Interesting in India
Ayurveda in India
Ayurvedic approach to life is that, to "hear" your body, take into account its specific qualities and needs, learn to maintain emotional balance, improve morally, and d , ecclesiastical
 Interesting in India
Breaking Bad:. individual tourism in its extreme manifestations
In the segment of unusual tours, not only demand generates supply, but vice versa.
 Interesting in India
Waterfalls of the world
Each schoolboy will recall a couple of titles waterfalls, and in their number, most likely, will fall Niagara and Victoria.
 Interesting in India
Where to survive the crisis of middle age
Travel around the places of "fighting glory" of your favorite literary heroes and legendary musicians, fill a full tank, take camcorder and feel the wind in your hair.
 Interesting in India
Five hot cities of the must-visit 2013
Among the lucky ones chosen were quite expected bidders , and unexpected candidates.
 Interesting in India
Discounted tours in Goa
Especially in Goa t youth, and all thanks to the developed infrastructure of night entertainment.
 Interesting in India
Diving, trekking, yoga - everything about fitness tourism
The brightest property of fitness tourism - to open already seemingly familiar directions from a new unexpected side.
 Interesting in India
Ancient India
In the fourth century Before the new era, Alexander the Great invaded India.
 Interesting in India
One more look at Goa
The fact that India is a country of patriots arkalnaya and conservative, I found out when I was already there with a suitcase stuffed with silk dresses.
 Interesting in India
Pearl of India
The smallest, the most European , the most exotic - such epithets are awarded to the state of Goa - the pearl of India.
 Interesting in India
India: exceeding expectations and destroying stereotypes
Kovalam is a small village on the shores of the Indian Ocean. At first, the town scares its shabby and garbage dumps.
Interesting in India is
The Art of India
Indian dance is designed to reproduce everything on earth - animals, people, plants, natural phenomena and emotions.
Interesting in India is
History of India
The history of ancient India was a series of emergent and collapsing empires.
Interesting in India is
Which islands of India are famous for diving
The best places to dive are Lakshadweep (they are Lakkadiv) and Andaman Islands
Interesting in India is
Castes in India
Since ancient times, the whole population of India is divided into brahmanas - priests and scientists, warriors - kshatriyas, traders and craftsmen - vaisyas and servants - sudras.
Interesting in India is
Culture of India
When talking about India's contribution to the development of the culture of all mankind, the first thing to remember is the Indian religion.
Interesting in India is
The culture of ancient India is
Ancient India is only Egypt. And the culture of ancient India is comparable in level of development with the Egyptian (except that the pyramids are not enough).
Interesting in India is
The best forbidden pleasure in the world - $
Every man at least once in his life should give free rein to his forbidden desires ...
Interesting in India is
Top attractions for a photo
There are five places in front of you that will lead to the indescribable delight of any photographer.
Interesting in India is
Peoples of India
The caste system, which for centuries has been held by the majority of Indians, has allowed to preserve intact all the shades of the ethnic diversity of India.
Interesting in India is
Not a penny of money - the top 5 free entertainment in the world.
And even in the sphere of tourism, so dependent on the incomes of the population, there are encouraging moments, among which are absolutely free, that is, donations, attractions, routes and events.
Interesting in India is
Goa Islands
There are 8 islands off the coast of Goa. Most of them are well known and loved by divers.
Interesting in India is
Holiday in Goa
It is in Goa, embodied in itself the best features of European and Indian culture, life is serene, relaxed and filled to the brim.
Interesting in India is
Holidays in India
In the Indian capital you will find everything: from the architectural monuments of the great Mughals, to the Hindu and Christian shrines.
Interesting in India is
First time in India: five tips
Mad, confusing, dirty, poor, sultry, unbearable, noisy, frightening.
Interesting in India is
Beach holidays in Goa
Go to South or North Goa - this is the most urgent issue for those who are planning a vacation in India. Since it is unlikely to move from one area to another easily, you have to choose.
Interesting in India is
Holidays in India
Incredible confusion of religions, historical traditions and circumstances of the life of the peoples of India gave rise to a huge number of colorful and mysterious holidays.
Interesting in India is
Treasures of Agra
Agra, the former capital of the great Mughals, is truly a world treasure.
Interesting in India is
Cellular communication in India is
Cellular communication in the country is well developed. Numerous European and local mobile operators offer their services.
Interesting in India is
The cost of Ayurvedic procedures in Goa is
Procedures in India are great for every taste. The cost of the procedures in the hotel or in a specialized spa can vary a little.
Interesting in India is
Top-5 guaranteed good places to offer hands and hearts
So, the hot five of the most interesting directions in order to say "yes" ...
Interesting in India is
Top 5 places - where you can celebrate the New Year on March 22
It is not for nothing that many people quite logically consider this date the beginning of the New Year - and celebrate it with the appropriate scope.
Interesting in India is
Top 5 most unusual borders of the world
Passport control, customs clearance, "open the suitcase," "remove the strap" - how terribly boring and exhausting bureaucratic red tape - especially at that long-awaited hour when your vacation has finally begun and looms ahead the tempting prospect of plunging into another, so inviting and attractive a world of no overshadowed rest.
Interesting in India is
Top-7 of the most remarkable buildings of the world
Higher and higher, on the one hand, and more beautiful inside - on the other - so in a nutshell you can describe the history of architecture.
Interesting in India is
Traditions of India
If the East is a delicate business, then India, with its numerous religions, traditions and characteristics - is altogether incomprehensible.
Interesting in India is
The philosophy of India is
Let's imagine a picture of the world of Buddhists: the number of worlds is infinite ("more than grains of sand in the Ganges River") and each of the worlds lives a billion years.
Interesting in India is
Philosophy of ancient India - $
The main idea of ​​the philosophy of ancient India is that the living one is closely connected with each other, can flow, change forms and transform.
Interesting in India is
States of India
Each Indian state is unique: one attracts businessmen, others - lovers of recreation at sea, the third - seekers of enlightenment and unity with the cosmos.
Interesting in India is
Excursion tours to India
India is the alluring mystery of the East, the land of wise men and Maharajas, the birthplace of wise Vedas and incendiary Bollywood.