Questions about Goa
about visa to India - $
Total questions: 133

  • Is it necessary for a Russian to know English by going to India?Feb 27, 2015
  • Do I need to vaccinate before going to India?Feb 24, 2015
  • Which currency is better to go to India?Feb 24, 2015
  • Are there individual tours to India?Feb 4, 2015
  • To go with a child to rest in India in the summer Jan 27, 2015
  • Are there any restrictions on importing food products into India?Jan 26, 2015
  • How much does it cost to rent a house or cottage in India?Jan 25, 2015
  • How to get from Delhi to Hyderabad by public transport 16 Jan 2015
  • Where can I go for medical help in Mumbai and Jaipur, if there is no health insurance?Dec 5, 2014
  • Where it is better to go to retirees to rest in December Dec 2, 2014
  • How to get from Varka to Arambola by public transport 11 Nov 2014
  • How many ATMs in Calangute are Oct 15, 2014
  • Where to go on honeymoon in December 23 Sep 2014
  • How can I buy a scooter in Delhi?15 Sep 2014
  • What is the norm of luggage when flying from Delhi?5 Sep 2014
  • In which country can you go for a budget beach vacation?Aug 7, 2014
  • Is it possible to visit Bollywood and meet Indian actors? $ 10 Jul 2014
  • Beach vacation in winter: where to go 10 Jul 2014
  • In what countries is an inexpensive beach holiday in winter?8 Jul 2014
  • Where it is better to go on beach vacation in January 25 Jun 2014
  • Where better to go on beach vacation in December 24 Jun 2014
  • How much will cost an economy living with treatment in India in November May 28, 2014
  • What are the rules for taking medications when flying to India?May 11, 2014
  • Which stores are worth visiting in Trivandrum?21 Apr 2014
  • What sim card to buy in Bangalore for connection with Russia and access to the Internet? $ Feb 4, 2014
  • What language is in India?Jan 30, 2014
  • What is the weather in India in February?Jan 30, 2014
  • Is it true that there are many snakes in India?Jan 28, 2014
  • What holidays are celebrated in India?16 Jan 2014
  • Are there any particularities of road traffic in India?18 Dec 2013
  • What is the weather in India in January?12 Dec 2013
  • What is the weather in India in December?10 Dec 2013
  • Are there any hot tours to India?Dec 9, 2013
  • In what Indian resort can you combine beach and sightseeing rest? $ 20 Nov 2013
  • Which hotels in Kerala are suitable for Ayurvedic treatments?20 Nov 2013
  • What prices in India are 19 Nov 2013
  • When the season in India is 14 Nov 2013
  • What is allowed and what is prohibited in India?8 Nov 2013
  • How to celebrate the New Year in India 8 Nov 2013
  • Is it possible to exchange rubles for rupees in Russia and to import them into India?1 Oct 2013
  • Is there a strong surf on the coast of Kerala Aug 14, 2013
  • Should I buy precious metal products in India?23 Apr 2013
  • What is the cost of living and treatment in Kerala?Jul 19, 2012
  • How best to get to Kerala and how much will the airfare cost $ $ Jul 19, 2012
  • How much to fly to India?15 Mar 2012
  • The weather in Dharamsala in December is Dec 7, 2011
  • What goods from India should you bring?Aug 22, 2011
  • What are the customs of India worth knowing before visiting the country?Aug 22, 2011
  • What language is spoken in India?Aug 22, 2011
  • India - Moscow: how to get Aug 22, 2011
  • Geography of India Aug 1, 2011
  • What is the relationship between India and Pakistan?Aug 1, 2011
  • What religion in India is Jul 29, 2011
  • What is the sacred river of India called?Jul 27, 2011
  • Which islands of India are famous for diving Jul 26, 2011
  • Time in India is Jul 22, 2011
  • Animals of India 10 Jul 2011
  • Flag of India 10 Jul 2011
  • The capital of India is 10 Jul 2011
  • The population of India is 10 Jul 2011
  • Are there tours of Japan - China - India 14 jun 2011
  • Where delicious and without health consequences to eat in Delhi Mar 21, 2011
  • How to buy a sim card in India?Oct 25, 2010
  • Where is Jagannath Puri?Jan 26, 2010
  • The ticket price for the Dabolim-Delhi air ticket is Dec 15, 2009
  • The rules for carrying liquid in hand luggage in India are Dec 15, 2009
  • What vaccinations should be done before visiting India?Dec 1, 2009
  • Is Mumbai suitable for rest with children? $ 30 Nov 2009
  • Which hotels are located on Anjuna beach?12 Nov 2009

Questions about the visa to India - $

  • How to get a visa to India, if the Russian passport does not have a stamp on residence registration $ $ Feb 24, 2015
  • Is it possible to extend an electronic visa to India?9 Feb 2015
  • Can I issue a tourist multivisa to India?30 Jan 2015
  • Can I visit South Goa while staying at a hotel in North Goa?Dec 24, 2014
  • Will it be possible to travel freely in India if you issue a visa in Goa using TVOA Dec 17, 2014
  • When should I apply for a visa to India for a trip to the residents of the Far East in January?18 Nov 2014
  • Do I need an official permission from my father to an underage child traveling to India with his mother?Oct 24, 2014
  • Can a Russian citizen apply for a visa to India while in Pattaya?Oct 22, 2014
  • Do I need a visa to travel to North Goa?Oct 14, 2014
  • How to apply for a six-month visa to India for pensioners? $ 22 Sep 2014
  • Can I extend my visa to India?16 Jul 2014
  • How fast can I open a re-entry visa to India?28 Apr 2014
  • How can you find out if there is a restriction on issuing an Indian visa for a specific person?Mar 18 2014
  • How to enter India with a double visa?24 Feb 2014
  • Can I issue a visa in Goa upon arrival for two weeks without a return ticket? $ 18 Feb 2014
  • How to get a visa to India yourself Feb 5, 2014
  • How to apply for a visa to India to a citizen of Ukraine?Feb 4, 2014
  • How to apply for a visa to India in St. Petersburg to a citizen of Belarus?Jan 28, 2014
  • Can I leave my passport at the border service on arrival in Goa instead of a visa?28 Nov 2013
  • Can I get a visa to India while in Thailand?26 Nov 2013
  • Do I need a temporary registration for an Indian visa?Aug 27, 2013
  • For how long is a visa issued to India?26 Nov 2012
  • Is it possible to fly to Goa if the validity of the passport is less than 6 months from the date of the start of the tour 1 Oct 2012
  • The address of the Indian Embassy in Moscow is Jul 22, 2011
  • How to extend a visa to India?24 jun 2010
  • Can I issue an Indian visa in Thailand?Dec 1, 2009
  • Getting a double visa to India is 9 Nov 2009
  • Terms of visa processing in India - $ 2 Nov 2009