India - a federal state, consists of 28 states, six union territories and the capital district. The states of India have their own history and realities of the day, their own government and laws. Each Indian state is unique: one attracts businessmen, others - lovers of recreation at sea, the third - seekers of enlightenment and unity with the cosmos.


The smallest state of India - Goa - is the most popular among tourists. If the rest of India bears a notable imprint of British colonization, Goa, under the rule of the Portuguese, imbibed their traditions of unhurried enjoyment of earthly joys, a relaxed and positive outlook on life.


The most prosperous and educated state of Kerala. In addition to the luxurious beaches and stunning imaginations of Kerala's landscapes - Indian Venice, the traveler is presented with the opportunity to see India from an unexpected side while traveling in boat-hotels along multi-kilometer canals. Here ayurveda arose and developed, the traditions of Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity are intermixed. (By the way, the ruling party in Kerala is a communist).

Arambol Beach States of India
Beauty, Himalayas, India States of India
Valley Bhadrava, Jammuhttp: // export = view & id = 1ZNvhbZrkBzKzP9hjDllcVNhGVWhijva5 States of India
Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir

The northernmost state of India - Jammu and Kashmir is striking in its contrasts and contradictions. The valley of Kashmir is characterized by a mild and comfortable climate, and the mountain Ladakh, where the temperature falls to -40C in winter, attracts extreme tourism lovers with its inaccessibility.

Madhya Pradesh

The most central state of India Madhya Pradesh, located far from the sea coasts, is arid and hot, boasting a unique complex of Khajuraho and numerous national parks where tourists can come in contact with the diverse and magnificent nature of India.


The most populated state of India, Maharashtra, is home to 97 million people, the headquarters of the largest Indian firms and, of course, Bollywood. In addition to one of the most cosmopolitan cities of India, Mumbai, tourists are attracted by the rock and cave temples of Ajanta and Ellora, as well as Lake Lonar, located in the crater of the meteorite.

Incredible India