Ayurveda - ancient Indian healing system
Ways to surprise, entice, please and tie the traveler to the Indian arsenal - literally to the indecency a lot of .That there is only one world-famous method of treatment (or more precisely, an entire culture) - Ayurveda .Ayurveda (literally, the "science of life") is one of the few alternative medicine systems recognized by the World Health Organization as effective .Now about 150,000 foreigners come to India for ayurvedic treatment per year .In Russia, Ayurvedic tours are also becoming very fashionable lately, so now many people go to India not for the beaches of Goa or the cities of the Golden Triangle, but solely for the treatment of .
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Ayurvedic approach to life is to "hear" your body, take into account its specific qualities and needs, learn to maintain emotional balance, improve morally and spiritually. Ayurveda considers a person as a whole, including physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions.
The long experience of different countries confirms that Ayurveda serves as an excellent alternative to traditional conservative medicine. The methods used by her successfully replace often unsafe methods of conventional medicine - for example, taking antibiotics, cytostatics or hormones. In addition, as practice has shown, Ayurveda is very effective in treating a variety of chronic diseases, and many of the methods used in it are simultaneously not only curative, but also preventative.
To improve the body, as well as in the treatment of Ayurveda uses natural medicines of plant, animal or mineral origin, diets that are equivalent to drugs, and special procedures .All used medications and procedures are selected individually for patients, depending on the type of their constitution (the "Three Dosh" principle) and the imbalance of doshas that led to the disease .The basis of most ayurvedic procedures is the so-called "oiling" of the body - both internal and external .Saturation of the body with medicinal oils makes it possible to bind fat-soluble poisons and slags accumulated in biological membranes and fat depots, and then naturally withdraw them .
Here is just a small list of diseases in which the use of Ayurvedic treatment methods allows achieving remarkable results:
- cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, etc.)
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, colitis, etc.)
- diseases associated with metabolic disorders and the endocrine system (diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease)
- diseases of the nervous system (stress, depression, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and further on the list)
- infertility and sexual disorders
- skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, etc.)
- allergic diseases of various nature (skin, respiratory, pollinosis, etc.)
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis)
- diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc.)
- gynecological diseases
- rehabilitation after neurological diseases.
The concept of three doshas
According to Ayurveda, the human body consists of five main elements: earth, water, fire, air and space (ether). These five elements are centered in three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata (body air), the source of kinetic energy of the body, is connected mainly with the nervous system and controls all body movements .Vata controls breathing, blinking of eyelids, movement in muscles and tissues, heart pulsation, all extensions and constrictions, movements of cytoplasm and cell membranes, motion of single pulses of nerve cells .And also with such feelings and emotions as fear, anxiety, pain, trembling and spasms .Location of cotton wool - large intestine, pelvic cavity, bones, skin, ears and hips .If excess vata develops in the body, it will accumulate in these areas .
Kapha (bodily water) - the beginning of potential energy, controls the stability of the body and its fluids .The scope of kapha - the organs of the body and waste of its vital activity, the movement of which is controlled by cotton wool .Kapha is physiologically responsible for the biological strength and strength of body tissues .Kapha lubricates the articulation of joints, moisturizes the skin, helps healing wounds, fills space in the body, gives a biological strength, energy and stability, supports good memory and immunity .On an emotional level, kapha is responsible for attachments, greed, long-term envy, and also manifests itself in the desire for peace, forgiveness and love..Location of kapha - thorax, throat, head, mouth and nose, stomach, articulations, protoplasm, plasma, liquid mucous discharge .
Pitta (bodily fire) is responsible for the equilibrium of the kinetic and potential energies of the body. Pitta controls digestion, absorption, absorption, dissolution, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, skin color, eye shine, as well as intelligence and understanding. The main "field of activity" of pitta is the enzymatic and endocrine systems. Pitta awakens anger, hatred and envy. Pitta location - small intestine, stomach, sweat glands, blood, fat, eyes and skin.
For human health, you need a balance of three doshas .Vata moves kapha and pitta, for kapha and pitta themselves are immobile .All three doshas control the metabolism in the body: anabolism is answered by kapha, catabolism is vata, metabolism is pitta .Excessively accumulating in the main places of its localization, the doshas can cause illnesses .The organ in which the dosha is located has a tendency to the disorder that is characteristic of this dosha .Therefore, if the doshas are affected by appropriate methods, you can stop the disease at the root .Ayurveda pays great attention not only to cure ailments, but also to their prevention by methods of strengthening immunity and improving well-being..
In Ayurveda, there are three main types of diagnosis for detecting imbalances in doses and human diseases:
- Darshana-pariksa - the study of the physical characteristics and symptoms of the patient: physique, weight, hair and skin color, eye size and color, behavior, body condition.
- Prashna-pariksa - the doctor asks short questions to determine the imbalance of the dosha.
- Shparshana-Pariksha - patient examination, pulse and pressure measurement.
Ayurvedic methods
One of the most important ayurvedic procedures - panchakarma, a five-stage system of body cleansing .It has no analogues on the effectiveness of removing toxins from all tissues of the body, affecting the cellular level and restoring the natural balance in the body, eradicating the causative factors of somatic and psychosomatic illnesses .The complex includes five procedures: Vamana emetic therapy, Virechana intestinal cleansing, Nasya nose cleansing, Anuvasana Vasti herbal enema, enema with Niroaha Vasti herbal deco .Panchakarme is preceded by internal and external oiling of the body and excretion of slags from it by means of thermo procedures .
Indications: bronchial asthma and bronchitis, diabetes, anemia, gastritis and colitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, heart disease, vascular disorders, liver, urinary tract diseases, skin diseases, gynecological disorders, a number of other acute and chronic diseases.
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