India - the alluring mystery of the East, the country of wise men and Maharajas, the birthplace of wise Vedas and incendiary Bollywood .India harmoniously combines the Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and European cultures .More than 6 thousand years the history of this country lasts: its most ancient historical monuments - the ruins of the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro - belong to the 4-3 millennium BC - $ .Incredible and mysterious, distant and desirable today, India reveals its secrets to strangers and invites you to go on an unforgettable journey .Excursion tours to India will introduce tourists to the Hindu temples of the sacred Ganges, Christian temples in Goa, the mausoleum of the Taj Mahal in Agra, the "temple of love" in Khajuraho, cave temples in Ajanta, the monumental station in Mumbai and the Red Fort in Delhi. >.

Classical India

A sightseeing tour to India "Classical India" will take you through the cities of Delhi, Jaipur, Fatehpur Sikri, Agra, Mathura, Vrindavan, Orcha, Khajuraho, Varanasi and will acquaint you with the key sights of these cities. Tourists will see the President's palace and the Lotus temple, the gates of India and the Lakshmi Narayan temple complex and, of course, the incomparable Taj Mahal.

This incredible voyage to Indian cities will devote travelers to the subtleties of the traditions of the country, tell about its history and architecture, and also help to get acquainted with the foundations of Indian philosophy, which is built on the multiplicity of worlds and souls.

The cost of an 11-day tour for one person with a double accommodation is 2 000 USD, this price includes a visa, domestic and international flights, hotel accommodation, breakfast-based meals, bus transfers and transfers, Russian-speaking guide, medical insurance.

Incredible and mysterious, distant and desirable today, India reveals its secrets to foreigners and invites you to go on an unforgettable journey.

Rajasthan treasures

Do you want to feel the spirit of true India and make a truly exciting trip? For you, the astonishing Rajasthan opens the door - the largest state in India, in which feudal traditions and the caste system have survived to the present day - $ .The route of the "Land of Rajas" tour passes through colorful cities, each of which can be called without exaggeration a work of art .Pink monuments of Jaipur, the ruins of Chittorgarh in Mevara, the city of lakes Udaipur, the palaces of the princes Bikaner and Koty, the Amber fortress, the Mehrangarh fortress in Marvara, the Golden fortress of Jaisalmer - the cultural heritage of Rajasthan can not be overestimated .

The cost of a 12-day tour is 1,570 USD (the price is per person for a double accommodation).

The price includes accommodation in 3-star hotels, breakfast-based meals, all transfers on a comfortable bus, entrance tickets to museums and guided tours of the program, Russian speaking guide services, visa, medical insurance.

Lovely Taj Mahal Excursion tours to India
Lovely Taj Mahal
x130px Excursion tours to India
Ganges River
Temple of Brighadeswar Mandir in Tanjavur Excursion tours to India
Temple of Brighadeswar Mandir

In the footsteps of tigers

To merge with the pristine nature and to discover the state of Madhya Pradesh, not yet very popular among tourists, the tour "In the footsteps of tigers" will help you + $ .Not only that countless high mountains and plains, lakes and turbulent rivers form an indescribable beauty of landscapes, creating favorable conditions for the habitat of tigers, gazelles, red wolves, antelopes and other animals, as well as the noteworthy sights here are collected apparently-invisible ±​​$ br >.Tour of Khajuraho - the oldest city of the glorious Indian dynasty of Chandell, visiting the complex of temples of priestesses of love, exploring sculptures and bas-reliefs illustrating the Kama Sutra treatise, walking around the national park Bandhavargarh, visiting the Kanha reserve - the habitat of Indian bison, jungle safaris, trip to the jungle reserve of tigers Pench, visit to the elephant nursery - here is an approximate program of the tour "Following the Tigers" .

For the opportunity to see wildlife representatives of the state of Madhya Pradesh have to pay 2 000 USD (the price is indicated for 1 person for a double accommodation), this price includes accommodation in a 3 star hotel, meals - breakfast, all transfers and transfers, excursions with a local Russian speaker guide, entrance tickets to museums, medical insurance, tourist visa. Please note that this tour does not include airfare.

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Excursion tours to India