Until 1989, the island of Batam in the Malacca Strait near Singapore was a small area of ​​land with fishing villages and untouched nature. However, immediately after gaining the status of a free trade zone, Batamian affairs went steeply uphill: there appeared a modern airport, many hotels and a developed tourist infrastructure.

The island has several very high-end golf courses: Tamarin Santana, Palmsprings, Southlinks and Tering Bay.
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  • 1 How to get to Batam
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Singapore (nearest a / p to Batam)
  • 2 Shopping and shopping Batama
  • 3 Climate of Batam
  • 4 Beaches of Batam
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Batam
    • 5.1 Batam and Bintan

How to get to Batam

Hang Nadim Airport accepts flights from Jakarta, Surabaya, Banduna, Medan, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Padang, Palembang, Thomaya, Johor Bahru, Natun and Pankalpin. Batam is only 45 minutes from Singapore, so many tourists use it as a transit point. Daily ferries to Singapore depart from the port of Sekupang, from there the ships start to the islands of Karimun and Sumatra.

Not far from the capital is another port, Batu-Ampar, from where ferries are also sent to Singapore and Malaysia. From the port of Telagi-Pungur, 30 km from Nagoya, boats go to Bintan and other islands south of Batam.

In the vicinity of the village of Kabil, the construction of a huge "Port of Asia" is currently in full swing, which, as project investors assure us, we will soon hear - and how!

Search airfares to Singapore (nearest a / p to Batam)

Shopping and shopping Batama

In the capital of the island of Nagoya and in other major ports you can buy cigarettes, alcohol, perfume and chocolate for ridiculous money. In addition, as a souvenir from the island, often imported intricate handicrafts.

Climate of Batam

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 28 + 29 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 29 + 30 + 28 + 29 + 28 + 28
night + 23 + 23 + 23 + 23 + 24 + 23 + 23 + 23 + 23 + 23 + 23 + 23
of water + 29 + 29 + 28 + 28 + 28 + 28 + 27 + 27 + 28 + 28 + 28 + 28

On Batam, a hot climate and a significant amount of precipitation - 2600 mm per year. The wettest months are November-December and March-April. But in May-October, there is almost no rain, so this is the most suitable period for traveling to the island.

Beaches of Batam

On Batam, there are several resorts where you can find hotels of any level: from modern five-star complexes with golf clubs to budget pensions. The most expensive hotels are in the northern part of the island, in the resort of Nongs and in the capital Nagoya. On the west coast of Batam, near Sekupang port, there is another popular resort area of ​​Waterfront.

Nagoya is not distinguished by its exquisite architecture or interesting museums. But there are a lot of shops, cafes, restaurants, discos and karaoke bars - in a word, the most stormy nightlife on the island. In addition, Nagoya is considered the financial and commercial center of Batam, so there are many banks, currency exchange points and ATMs.

The main resort of Batam is the Nongsa peninsula in the northwest, an hour's drive from Sekupang. Most people in Singapore are vacationing there. A lot of expensive hotels and restaurants are scattered on the peninsula, there are also good golf clubs.

Next to Sekupang, on the west coast of Batam is the resort area Waterfront, also very popular among Singaporeans. There are fans of water sports, active beach recreation and night clubs.

Book popular Batam hotels at the best prices

HARRIS Hotel Batam Center from 2 686 rubles Batam Center Jl. Engku Putri Horison Ultima King's Batam from 2 139 rubles Batam Center Jl. St. Yos Sudarso, Seraya Atas Harmoni One Convention Hotel and Service Apartments from 2 835 rubles Batam Center Jalan Engku Putri No 1
Zia Boutique Hotel from 1 783 rubles Batam Center Jl. Laksamana Bintan Komplek Inti Batam Blok G 3-6, Nagoya, Batam Island, Indonesia Centro By Orchardz Hotel from 1 878 rubles Batam Center Jl Central Raya no 8, The Central Sukajadi Hotel 01 Batam from 1,664 rubles Batam Center Jalan Engku Putri no 01
Lovina Inn Batam Center from 1 516 rubles Batam Center Komp.Anugrah blok A1 No.1 Aviari Hotel from 1 285 rub. Batam Center Jl. R. Suprapto, Samping RSUD Embung Fatimah, Kel. Bukit Tempayan, Kec. Batu Aji Sky View Hotel from 1 094 rubles Batam Center Komp Palm Spring Blok B1 No 1 - 3

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Batam

One of the most popular attractions of the island - the bridges of Barralang, whose name is made up of the first syllables of the names of the islands that they link: Batam, Rempang and Galang. Another point worth visiting is the islands of Penyengat and Lingga, the restored Vietnamese refugee camp, the traditional Malay villages of Bakau Serip and Teluk Mata Ikan, a Buddhist temple.