What are the prices in Indonesia?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
In local supermarkets and markets, you can buy a variety of fruits for only $ 1-3 per kilogram .Exotic fruit durian is more expensive, about 3-4 $ per piece .Juices cost about 1-1 .5 $, freshly squeezed - 2-3 $ .Modestly to eat in a cafe with European cuisine can be for $ 15-20, for a plentiful dinner with drinks for two in a restaurant will have to give $ 25-40 and above .Often the price in the menu is not final and at calculation from you can ask 21% of taxes from the order amount: specify it in advance or be mentally ready for overpayment .In small village restaurants you can bargain and get a substantial discount of .Extreme variant: food in varungs, canteens for local people .Lunch there will cost up to $ 10, but can harm your health .

You can travel around Indonesia by car with a Russian-speaking guide ($ 30-50 per day), a taxi (an average of $ 4-5 per trip in the city) or a rented scooter ($ 6 a day). ±​​$ br >

Souvenirs are very different. Magnets for $ 2 you can collect 5 pieces, the prices for paintings from $ 10-15, for carved wooden pieces $ 15-30. Those that are cheaper, small in size and simple wood. Cheap clothes: T-shirts-shorts-dresses from 5-10 $.

October 21, 2011

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