The most charismatic city of Iran, the ancient Yazd is located exactly in the center of the country, at an almost equal distance from Isfahan, Kerman and Shiraz .There is everything to feel like you are on another planet: whole forests of wind turbines "badgirs", thanks to a complex system of vortices delivering fresh air in the homes languishing from the summer heat, the oldest Zoroastrian temple, whose sacred fire is maintained unchallenged for 15 centuries, and a labyrinth of narrow streets of the old city where in the weaving workshops the world's best silk fabrics are born, once struck by the imagination of Marco Polo himself .You can spend the night here in one of the unusual hotels: inns in Yazd have been converted into old residential houses with all their centuries-old attributes, and to drink a cup of morning coffee - in a pleasant company of a believing Zoroastrian who will tell you that heaven is hot, but hell - on the contrary, icy (with which we, the inhabitants of cold Moscow, 100% agree) .Among other things, Yazd is the second most ancient city of mankind, inhabited to the present day - the first mention of the settlement dates back to the 3rd millennium BC + $ .e .

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How to get to Yazda

As in most cities in Iran, Yazd has its own airport, which accepts international and domestic flights. From the cities of Russia to Yazda, it is most convenient to get through Tehran on direct flights from Aeroflot or IranAir from Moscow's Sheremetyevo. At least two planes are sent to Yazd from Tehran each day; Travel time is just over an hour, the fare is about 320000 IRR. To get from the airport to the center of Yazd, take a taxi (no more than 15,000 IRR).

Search airfares to Tehran (nearest a / n to Yazdu)

By train

Yazd can also be reached by train, both from Tehran and from other cities of the country. Train Tehran-Yazd leaves every evening, the journey takes 6 hours, the ticket price - from 60,000 IRR in a six-seater coupe to 105,000 IRR in a comfortable car (we recommend the second option). Taxi from the station to the city center will cost 10,000 IRR.

By bus

In addition, Yazd can be reached by intercity express bus from any city in Iran. We remind you that it is better to take the "super" class with the included "snack" and air-conditioned air. By the way, the road Tehran-Yazd is of excellent quality, and such a journey can be classified as very pleasant.

Transport in the city

The old town of Yazda can easily be reached on foot. For further trips, you can take a taxi: 4000-6000 IRR for an individual trip to the specified address and 1000-2000 IRR for the opportunity to get into the collective car and get out where necessary in the course of taxi traffic. There are also mototaxists in Yazd, which will whistle in your ears along the streets of the city. Such a trip will cost even cheaper, and impressions will be presented by a lot!

Welcome to Yazd

Cuisine and Restaurants Yazda

Yazd offers travelers a rare opportunity to dine in ancient buildings converted to restaurants .One of the most popular establishments is the restaurant "Hammam-e Khan", as it is easy to guess, located in the premises of the old hammam .Here you can enjoy magnificent Persian cuisine under the measured swaying of the water in the swimming pools, under the canopy of vaulted ceilings and surrounded by expert wall ceramics .In addition, almost every restaurant Yazda as a free supplement to the meal offers a view of a particular landmark, for example, Friday Mosque (restaurant "Marco Polo"), the old town ("Malek-o Tozhar") or an old manor with a magnificent garden ( "Mozaffar") .

Delicious sweets and cakes can be tasted in a specialized confectionery on the boulevard Jomhuriye-Eslami - the sweet works of the master work directly with you and, most pleasantly, you are allowed to try the result of your works.

Have a look at the Amiran Paludeh confectionery and enjoy the Iranian sherbet pail - a pike of rice flour, fruit pulp and rose water (1500 IRR per dish).

Shopping and shopping

The main shopping-dislocation in Yazd is the bazaars of the old city. Here you can see and buy wonderful carpets (at lower prices than in Tehran and other popular cities in the country), chased and leather products, spices, sweets and souvenirs. Pay attention to the Yazd silks, called here "tyirma". You can buy fabric cuts or ready-made products - from headscarves to covers.

Yazd - transfer "Around the World"

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Yazda

The old town of Yazda is one big attraction. The appearance of most buildings has not changed here for more than one century: the dark brown walls of buildings, built of sun-baked raw bricks and otherworldly designs of wind towers on every roof. Having risen on the roof of one of the open buildings, you can see the vast expanses of the desert surrounding Yazd from all sides.

Zoroastrian Temple Atashkade - a place of pilgrimage of the followers of this religion from around the world. The sacred fire of the temple is supported from 470; It can be seen through a small window in the central hall.

The Water Museum is an interesting exhibition, telling about the ancient way of water delivery to the city through underground tunnels. The art of constructing such a water pipe totals more than two thousand years!

Zoroastrian Silence Towers, which were used, according to the beliefs of the Zoroastrians, in order that the deceased's body naturally decay in the air, ceased to serve its purpose only from the 60s of the 20th century.

Zoroastrian Silence Towers are located a short distance from the city, they are easily accessible by taxi. According to the beliefs of the Zoroastrians, the body of the deceased must naturally decay in the air - therefore the deceased were taken to remote structures of the tower type, where they were left on the upper platform to be eaten by predatory birds. By the way, the towers are not used only from the 60s of the 20th century.

To enjoy the magnificent Islamic architecture, go and see the Friday Mosque, Hazire Mosque and Amir Shakmakh.

Not far from the mosque of Amir Shakmakh is the eponymous complex of buildings, from the top of which it is possible to survey Yazd from the height of almost bird's flight.

Do not ignore the most beautiful Kajar house with a 150-year history - Khan-e Lari. Here you can see some of the best preserved wind towers, graceful arched passages, alcoves and traditional doors.

All prices are given for May 2011

Photo of the Yazd (6)