The Ring of Kerry is a 179-kilometer route along the coast of the Aiverah Peninsula in the county of Kerry. During the trip, the most picturesque views of Ireland are opened to him: virgin beaches and microscopic islands, the ruins of medieval coastal fortifications, mountains, lakes and steep cliffs, about which waves of the Atlantic break up.


  • 1 The route through the Ring of Kerry is
    • 1.1 Killarney
    • 1.2 Ross Castle
    • 1.3 Macross House
    • 1.4 Lakes and Killarney National Park
    • 1.5 Abbey Macross
    • 1.6 Snim
    • 1.7 West of Ireland and the coast

The route through the Ring of Kerry is

The Ring of Kerry can be reached by buses of the municipal company "Bas Eirean". Every day at 13:15 from Killarney there is a bus number 280, which follows around the whole coast with 6 stops in the most picturesque places. The bus returns to the city at 17:40. Another option is to join an organized tour offered at local travel agencies (cost is about 25 EUR).

But still the best option is a rented car; a detailed map with all the sights and stops along the route can be found in any Killarney bookshop or in the information office there.

The main points of the route: one of the most beautiful villages of Ireland Killarney - Kenmare - Sneem - Waterville - Kahersivin - Glenbey - Killorglin.

I must say that almost all the route passes against the background of the immense beautiful Atlantic Ocean.

The road winds along the rugged coast, then rising to the clouds, where the wind seems to be blowing down, then descending into the quiet valleys .Here and there there are panoramic sites that open amazing views of the raging water surface and luxurious sandy beaches .A special highlight of the route is colorful fishing villages, diluting the landscape from all shades of green with its mottled red, green and blue walls of houses with obligatory contrast shutters .Of course, each of these villages is happy to lure you to its rustic and extremely cozy pub .The main rule in which one - do not want to want, and "Guinness" drink .


Killarney - the starting point of the path along the Kerry ring deserves the closest attention .Even if you do not have time to swing one of the most beautiful routes in the world, Killarney is worth a visit just by itself .Founded at the beginning of the 17th century, this town can be called a comfort in the flesh, where every first feels at home, and every second wants to meet here an old age .His main wealth is music pubs .Naturally, they say that it is in Killarney that you can listen to the best performers of folk songs, often in Irish .There are, of course, in the city and places of interest - the Catholic cathedral required for every settlement of the country, as well as the Macross Abbey, the Macross House, Ross Castle, and the same name with the city of the lake and the national park, located side by side with Killarney..

No good castle can do without a legend. Ross in this regard will give odds to any upstart from the coast of the French Loire.

Ross Castle

Ross Castle is a clan of O'Donahue clan located on the shore of the beautiful Loch Lane Lake, which is in the territory of the Killarney National Park. Built at the end of the 15th century, the castle changed owners many times, until it was "entrenched" behind Sir Valentine Brown, Count of Kenmara. This, incidentally, is one of the most impregnable castles in the country, which until the last "was fastened", before surrendering to Oliver Cromwell. Thanks to its rich history, Ross became a symbol of the struggle of the Irish for independence.

No good castle can do without a legend. Ross in this regard will give odds to any upstart from the coast of the French Loire. It is said that the head of the O'Donaghu clan was literally "sucked" out of the window of his bedroom with furniture, books and even a horse (that's true, what she was doing in the room is a question). But that's not all: he said, flying a distance, he did not just drown in the lake near the castle, but since then he lives in a large palace at the bottom, keeping a close eye on news and events on the surface.

Macross House

The Macross Museum-Estate, located just 6 km from Killarney, is a graceful 19th-century mansion that nestled in the middle of the picturesque vegetation of the national park .The farmstead was built for Henry Arthur Herbert and his wife, a famous watercolorist, Balfour Mary Herbert .The author of the project - the famous Scottish architect William Berne, who managed to realize the dream of stone in just 4 years: from 1839 to 1843 .45 elegantly decorated rooms, the grand halls in the Tudor style, an old kitchen - every corner of this house seemed to come off the books of an old good English novel .

In 1861, the English Queen Victoria visited Macross House, whose visit was waited and prepared for 10 years!

After the visit of the Queen, the Herberts felt certain financial difficulties, because in 1899 they were forced to sell the estate to the famous Guinness family. However, they did not last long on the estate, and already in 1910 the Macross House moved to the wealthy American William Bourne. And only in 1932 the estate is given to the Irish nation, creating one of the most beautiful museum complexes in the country. Every year it is visited by a quarter of a million people, and a surprisingly beautiful garden with red and pink rhododendrons that blossom from April to July contributes to it.

Near the estate there is a Macross farm, which was built relatively recently, but modeled on 1933 specifically so that tourists could get to know the life of ordinary Irish peasants of the early 20th century. In the range: a dwelling house, a workshop of a carpenter, a saddler, a forge, bed-lockers and, of course, all kinds of sheep and horses.

In 1861 in the Macross House visited the Queen Victoria, whose visit waited and cooked for 10 years!

Lakes and Killarney National Park

The network of lakes in the south-west of Ireland is part of the national park of the same name with the city of Killarney and includes Loch Lane, Macross (Middle) and Upper Lakes. The largest of them is Loch Lane: its depth reaches an impressive 13.4 m. The main attraction here is the ancient copper mines, built more than six thousand years ago on the eastern shore. It is worth to visit the relict yew grove that is between the lakes Macross and Loch Lane.

At the top of the ridge that surrounds Killarney Lakes, there is a stunning observation deck Ladies View ("Lady's View"). Allegedly all the ladies who passed here, gasped and sighed - the local species are so good. Panorama and the truth is impressive, and it will not be difficult to find it - it's right on the way from Killarney along the Kerry ring, it's impossible to miss.

Abbey Macross

Abbey Macross, which is located on the territory of the same national park Killarney, in fact, is an ancient ruins, but very picturesque. The former men's Franciscan monastery, founded in 1448, draws attention to the old as a world cemetery, which still operates. Here, by the way, are the two famous Irish poet - O'Sullivan and O'Donagh.


It is worth visiting for the sake of prehistoric stone fort An-Steg, which is included in the list of candidates for UNESCO World Heritage sites. Built in the interval 300-400 years. AD, as a fortress, it has an interesting architecture: when erecting a lime mortar was not used, and inside it a complex system of ladders and passageways was placed.

Photos of Kerry (47)