If the decision is made to spend a holiday in Ireland, the city of Kilkenny will become one of the best contenders for the title suitable for this place. Kilkenny is the smallest city in size and population in the whole of Ireland. But despite this, it is believed that after Dublin, this is the most attractive place for tourists to relax, as well as residents of the country.

The name of the city came from the combination of the word "church" and the name of the monk Canika, who founded the monastery here at the beginning of the first millennium. In the history of this small town there was such a period when he had to bear the title of the capital of the country. It was here in the 17th century, after the Irish uprising against the colonists, the parliament began to be in.

Interesting fact: the symbol of the city of Kilkenny is traditionally cats. The basis for this is the ancient legend that once there lived two tribes of cats: one - on the Irish half of the city, the other - in English. And these two tribes constantly feuded among themselves. Now, under the "cat's" spirit means the unyielding strength of the spirit of local residents.

How to get

You can get to Kilkenny by plane to Dublin, and then by land transport: a rented car or a bus.

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Kilkenny March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+6 ° С in the day
+5 ° С at night
° С water
Kilkenny March 2, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+5 ° С in the afternoon
+1 ° C at night
° С water
Kilkenny March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+5 ° С in the afternoon
0 ° C at night
° С water
Kilkenny weather forecast for 10 days

Shopping and souvenirs

Souvenirs from Kilkenny, and indeed throughout Ireland - these are knitted things, whiskeys and exquisite ceramics. Where to buy: for example, in Kilkenny Designer. What to look for: sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves and so on. Often these are all handmade items that are very high quality.


If tired long walks to local attractions and shops, it's time to get a job in one of the cafes in the open air and taste local dishes. It is rumored that Kilkenny is known for his sausages from deer meat, so that the waiter first of all can be contacted with this order.

And, of course, you should not even try to get up from the table without tasting the local legendary ale, whose name is the city of the same name - "Kilkenny". Thanks to the efforts of an Irishman, in the 18th century a brewery appeared here, which used a recipe for Franciscan monks when making a drink.

This ale has a characteristic reddish hue, which it owes to specially processed malt.

Book popular Kilkenny hotels at the best prices

Lyrath Estate Hotel and Spa from 8 546 rubles Kilkenny Dublin Road
Kilkenny Pembroke Hotel from 5 514 rubles Kilkenny Patrick Street Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel from 5 169 rubles Kilkenny Ormonde Street Hotel Kilkenny from 4 480 rubles Kilkenny College Road
Kilford Arms from 3 791 rubles Kilkenny John Street Kilkenny Inn Hotel from 3,446 rubles Kilkenny 15/16 Vicar Street Springhill Court Hotel, Spa & Leisure Club from 3 033 rubles Kilkenny Waterford Road
Club House Hotel Kilkenny from 3,446 rubles Kilkenny Patrick Street

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Kilkenny

One of the most interesting places in this Irish city is Kilkenny Castle, located on the banks of the River Nor .It has been known in this place since the Normans, but supposedly it was built not of stone, but of wood and earth, as is typical of Normans .For all time of its existence the castle has been repeatedly reconstructed, which resulted in a combination of different architectural styles ±.Today you can admire the rich furnishings, luxurious tapestries and paintings of famous artists hanging on the walls .And also take a stroll around the castle: the park here is beautifully beaten, the views open up magical .

Saint Canis Cathedral

The cathedral of Saint Canicus is the present cathedral church of Kilkenny. The first church was laid here by the founder of the settlement, and the stone building that can be seen now dates back to the 13th century. A unique addition to the ancient architecture of the temple is the round tower near the height of 100 meters. Its uniqueness is not at all in height, but that it is one of two ancient round towers in the whole of Ireland, on which one can climb. The stone throne in this Gothic building is still used to consecrate the bishops here.

Festival of Celtic Culture

Those who appreciate a unique cultural identity, will also have something to do in this small town .For example, every year there is a festival of Celtic culture and traditions .The plan of the event includes a lot: from the dishes of the Irish cuisine and the lessons of the legendary dance to the study of the basics of the language of the local population .Each time the festival is dedicated to one of the six Celtic nations: residents of Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man, Ireland, Cornwall or Brittany .At the same time leading experts on each of the nationalities are invited, and ancient monuments, castles and other attractions are selected as the venue for festivals.. Photos of Kilkenny (22)