High-altitude Safed or Safed (Tzfat, Safed) - a city of Kabbalists and mystics, causing great interest not only for pilgrims from different countries, but also for tourists..Safed is located at the very top of the mountain, at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level, in Upper Galilee .A rich historical, mostly religious, heritage, the Quarter of Artists and stunning landscapes make up the main value of the city .Here you can simultaneously observe both the Sea of ​​Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea .A mild climate provides warm summers and a cold snowy winter..It should be remembered that the intricate labyrinths of cobblestone streets - the residence of many orthodox Jews, which means that the presence of closed hands and feet when visiting local shrines is necessary .You also need to be careful when taking pictures of .Safed is one of the four sacred cities for Israelis, along with Jerusalem, Tiberias and Hebron .

Walking around the city, you can see that many of the doorways are painted blue. This is not accidental. It is believed that the blue protects from the evil eye, as well as the hams amulets, which hang at the entrance to the house, in the car and are worn on the body. The word "hamsa" is translated as "five". The amulet is a symbolic image of the palm, in the center of which are sometimes placed images of fish, eyes, the Star of David. As a hamsu amulet, not only Jews, but also Muslims use it.
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How to get

It is most convenient and cheaper to get to Zefat by bus. This can be done from many large Israeli cities. In particular, from Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Tiberias.

From Haifa, the journey time by bus No. 361 will be about two hours. The fare is 36 shekels. From Tiberias it is necessary to go with one change, and from Tel Aviv there is only one bus № 846 per day, in the evening. Travel time is three and a half hours. The fare is 45 shekels. From the Central Station in Jerusalem, bus number 982 will take to Zefat in three and a half hours. Buses run regularly. The fare is 40 shekels.

Search flights to Tel Aviv (nearest a / n to Safedu)


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 8 + 9 + 11 + 18 + 23 + 27 + 29 + 30 + 27 + 26 + 20 + 12
night + 4 + 3 + 4 + 8 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 18 + 16 + 15 + 12 + 6

History and culture

Apparently, the name of the city came from the verb "observe", so in translation from Hebrew "tzfat" means "observation point" .This was for a long time, serving in the era of the Second Temple built on the site of the destroyed Temple of Solomon, a border fortress, mention of which is also in the famous ancient text of Josephus Flavius ​​"The Jewish War" .During the Crusades, the city is captured by the Crusaders, and in the 11th century Safed becomes a strategically important point in the territory of the Kingdom of Jerusalem..In addition to the crusaders, the fortress was in the hands of Muslims .The local population, despite constant military action, has been steadily growing, and as a result, thanks to its activity, the city has become a notable trading center .After the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal, in the 16th century Safed was chosen by the Sephardi .It is at this time that one can talk about forming an idea of ​​the city as the main center of the study of Kabbalah .In the 18th century, Hasis from Central Europe joined the Sephardim..

Kabbalah is an esoteric stream that emerged in the 12th century, and aims to understand the secrets hidden in the sacred books of Judaism.

In addition to the fact that behind Safed was the reputation of a religious center, in the 20th century it became a stronghold of culture. In 1930, a community of artists is formed here, which today owns many art galleries.

Sights of Safed

How to navigate in the city

The central part of Safed, whose heart is the old quarters, is small enough not to use public transportation for transportation..It is located at an elevation of .In the eastern part there is a bus stop, in the western, exactly opposite, - Jerusalem (Jerusalem), where there is a tour desk and several restaurants .Here you can find the oldest buildings .The synagogue quarter and the Quarter of artists are compulsory, but entering any synagogue for someone who does not share the religious beliefs of the local population can be difficult..

Types of Zefat

Shopping and shopping

First of all, it is worth to visit the famous Quarter of Artists, where the studio studios present the author's works of art, which can be purchased in memory of this wonderful city. Also in the territory of Safed is a plant for the production of wax candles and dairies, where different high-quality cheeses are made. Both are local attractions. Before you buy a local cheese production, you can try it in the same place, in a dairy.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

The main attraction of Safed is the synagogue .There are a lot of them, and each of them is the owner of history covered with legends .The most famous is the Ashkenazi synagogue Ari, built in the 16th century by the Sephardi .It is believed that Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, who created one of the directions in Kabbalah, on the eve of the Shabbat ±​​$.The second synagogue is Rabbi Yosef Karo's synagogue, also built in the 16th century as the House for the Study of the Torah .According to legend, under this holy place there is a cellar in which the angel-instructor passed on the secrets of the Kabbalah .

The ruins of Safte Fortress, left from the Crusades, date back to the 12th century. Originally there was a solitary tower, which was well fortified. The fortress served faithfully and truthfully to the Knights Templar. From the hill there is a beautiful view of the city. Also worth seeing is the famous Quarter of Artists. Photos of Safed (8)