A magnificent excursion program, which includes visits to the incredibly large number of Israeli sights, can carry both an introductory-secular nature and a religious one. In the first case, a pile of knowledge will be filled with crazy-poetic names of stunning geographical beauties. Just listen and you will understand that this is not a dry description of the topographic characteristics of the terrain, it is a whole poem written by the artist's inspired hand:

"The heights of Galilee are crowned by the sharp mountain of Israel Meron, from which the tired traveler can grasp the endless expanses of the Esdralel valley, then look enough at the Judean and Samaria hills, run along the coastal plains and the Negev desert and drown in the turbulent waters of the Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Tiberias ) to fall in love with the nature of Israel irrevocably and passionately. "
Lake of the Sea of ​​Galilee or the Sea of ​​Galilee, Israel

For the four seas ...

Another appetizing feature of the Jewish land that will arouse lively interest among the lovers of everything unusual and unique is that it is in Israel that you can relax on the coasts of four seas at once: the Mediterranean, the Red, the Dead and the Galilee. The choice of breathtaking landscapes of Eilat, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Caesarea, Herzliya, Haifa, where apart from summer holidays, you can spend an unforgettable vacation in winter.

In the miraculous properties of the Dead Sea salts, the whole world has long been convinced, therefore, thousands of tourists rely on the coast of the world's saltiest sea of ​​tourists on the coast all year round .The cost of rejuvenation and healing depends on the level of the hotel, quality of service and technology .For example, a double room in a modern first class hotel with breakfast and dinner costs about $ 200 per day, a two-week course of treatment - 1000-1500 dollars, a massage session - 160 shekels .Nearby are the resorts of Ein Gedi, Ein Bokek, Carmel Forest, Herods Vitalis, famous thermal springs .

Not only the body but also the soul will be cured by the azure waters of the Sea of ​​Galilee, the Sea of ​​Galilee, the fresh lake, the ancient source of inspiration for representatives of creative professions. The northern pearl of Israel, covered with legends, borders on the Jordanian state and connects the border bridge with civilization and antiquity, desert and bustling cities, virginity of nature and man-made wonders of modern architecture.

The most beautiful corners of the planet - Israel

For those who are happy with geographical discoveries and are ready to explore the unique features of the Promised Land, special visits will be given to visits to natural monuments: Ar Ha-Karmel, the natural arch of Keshet, the Stalactite Cave of Sorek, Almogima - a stunningly beautiful coral shore, the Adom Canyon (Red Canyon) Amoud Amram - fantastic mountains that change color depending on the time of day .To witness the unearthly magic of the "lunar landscape" of Mahtesh ha-Gadol and Mahtesh ha-Katan, to descend into the bowels of the Sodom cave with the salt pillar "Lot's wife" - begins to embrace the thrill of delight and anticipation already simply by mentioning these unique places .

One country, three religions

Spiritual acquaintance with the holy places mentioned in the Bible, whose history begins at the dawn of civilization, is a secret ritual, the boundaries of which are determined by each person for himself .Israel is an amazing land, on the picturesque landscapes of which three religions coexist: Christianity, Islam and Judaism .You go "savage" to Jerusalem, the center of religions with the Wailing Wall, the citadel of David, to personally climb the Temple Mount (the entrance is allowed on weekdays for an hour), go through the Sorrowful Path, visit the Church of the Holly Sepulcher, Gethsemane Garden .Or choose a group excursion on comfortable transport to make sure that Jaffa is indeed the place where Noah built his ark, that in Haifa next to Mount Carmel and the Bahai temple there is a Carmelite monastery that Nazareth, the city in which Jesus spent his childhood Christ, attracts crowds of pilgrims who seek to visit the largest cathedral in the Middle East - the Temple of the Annunciation, that the first miracle Jesus performed in the village of Canna provided her world-wide fame and reverence for the ages of .In addition to Christian and Jewish holy places, Muslims can also find shelter here: the El Aqsa mosque, the third most important Muslim shrine after Mecca and Medina is located in the New Part of Jerusalem..It is important that historical events, confirmed by the real existence of religious relics, acquire brightness and significance for a modern person who has the opportunity at any time to come to Bethlehem, for example, and feel the atmosphere of spirituality, harmony, unity,.

What to Travel on

Traveling in Israel is extremely convenient on a rented car: an hour will be required on the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Haifa or Beer Sheva, or on the road from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, from Haifa to the heart of Galilee..It is convenient to travel around the country by buses that are equipped with everything you need .Tickets can be purchased directly from the driver, but on Saturday bus transportation is not carried out .For example, a transfer from Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea costs 130 shekels per person .Taxis are also an affordable way to travel: the hour of the road costs about 60 shekels, the night rate is 25% more expensive .

Types of Tiberias Excursion tours to Israel
Types of Tiberias
Ancient rock carvings on Mount Karkom in Israel Excursion tours to Israel
Rock paintings on Mount Karkom
The Italian Hospital in Jerusalem Excursion tours to Israel
The Italian Hospital in Jerusalem
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Excursion tours to Israel