Sacred significance for pilgrims get places associated with biblical events. - $ . Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a journey to the birthplace of the world religion, to the beginning of all beginnings . Spiritual tourism for believers is the most important means of enlightenment and purification . Pilgrims experience spiritual renewal, harmony of soul and body, purification of thoughts and find peace during the tour to Jerusalem. $ . . Pilgrims travel not only to deeply religious people . Secular travelers who solve pious to pray with sacred things, they begin to understand the special meaning of religion, enjoy the beauty of the center of three world cultures . The most important thing during the trip will not be the outwardly exact execution of rites, but the sincerity and spirit that fill the heart of a pilgrim

During pilgrimage to Jerusalem, pilgrims experience spiritual renewal, harmony of soul and body, purification of thoughts and find peace.

The main goals of pilgrimage . Since pilgrimage trips to holy places of Jerusalem enjoy a steady and long-lasting demand, their the max program are perfectly tuned, adjusted to the requests of believers and allow you to abandon all earthly worries. - $ . Depending on the schedule of church holidays and the composition of the group, some elements of the Jerusalem program can change while preserving the visit to the main shrines. the item is usually a visit to the Russian Orthodox Church in Israel - the Russian spiritual mission, where they are blessed for the pilgrimage .

Traditionally, participants of tours bypass the religious attractions associated with the last earthly days of Jesus Christ. It is also necessary to visit the Mount of Olives, where several sacred places are concentrated: the graves of the prophets (Haggai, Malachi and Zacharias), the Gethsemane Garden, the tomb of the Virgin, the Russian monastery of Mary Magdalene, the Church of All Nations and the Our Father Church.

From the Mount of Olives, there is a delightful panorama of the Old City, a holy place for all Christians: here he preached and converted Jesus Christ, entered the ancient city through the Golden Gate and after all the ordeals ascended to eternal glory forty days after the resurrection.

In the Old City of Jerusalem, pilgrims visit the Temple Mount, the Wailing Wall, the house of Joachim and Anna (the birthplace of the Virgin Mary) and Pretoria - the place of Jesus imprisonment.

Possible additions

Visits to Jerusalem are combined with other cities in Israel, no less interesting as pilgrimage places .Bethlehem, located just 10 km from Jerusalem, is known as the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in Tiberias pilgrims visit the monastery of Sv .George Hozevita, the ancient city of Jericho, the Mountain of temptations and the Forty-day monastery .The Holy Places of Nazareth - the Church of the Archangel Gabriel and the Annunciation Cathedral .In the city of Haifa are the caves of Mount Carmel, where once the prophet Elijah was hiding .Now the cave has become a religious center for the worship of Jews and Christians..

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  • Pilgrimage tours to Jerusalem
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  • Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
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Pilgrimage tours to Jerusalem