Tell me please. Is it true at the customs of Israel to show all these documents: the reservation, honey. insurance, etc.? Or is it just on paper such rules, but in fact they do not check anything, like in Turkey, only put a stamp?

Responds Ekaterina Bobrova, the head of the Israeli department of the company "Russian Express"
The official requirements of the border authorities are as follows: "... we recommend guests and tourists to check in advance the validity of civil passports, and also carry: an air ticket with the dates of entry and exit; the policy of medical insurance for rendering services abroad; confirmation of the hotel reservation (if the purpose of the trip is tourism); letter from the medical institution (if the purpose of the trip is treatment); documents confirming the solvency .To visit Israeli relatives, friends or organizations - an invitation received in the original or by fax or e-mail ».

In fact, these documents are not always asked. BUT, if these documents the border guard asked you to show, and you do not have them, then you will have to return to your homeland on the same day.

In accordance with international practice, the final decision on the admission of a person to the territory of a foreign state (regardless of visa or visa-free regime) is taken by the border services and other competent authorities of the state of entry directly at the crossing of the state border.

The validity of the passport, by the way, must be at least 6 months from the moment of entry into the country.

November 12, 2009

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