Tell me, please, my wife and I have a two-time Schengen visa (we did Spanish), we fly to Italy and we want to take a cruise there. The cruise will pass through the countries of Schengen. Question: Do we need a multivisa or is it enough that we have? Theoretically, all countries in the Schengen area, but have read forums, and now there are doubts.

Responds Evgeniya Kochetkova, Russian Express company
In this case, for a cruise it's enough of such a visa , if tourists are not going to visit third countries that are not part of the Schengen area, and if they have a visa for the days left for the cruise.
Responds Elena Pekhova, ClickVoyage company
in a cruise in the Schengen countries, a multivisa of the country to which they enter first is placed, and a visa is placed for the duration of the stay or as the consulate decides. In order to specifically answer this question, it is necessary to see which visa is in the passport. Without this information, it's impossible to answer exactly: when registering a cruise, specify this point in your agency.

October 16, 2012

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