April 25, 2015

International soup festival in Bologna

 Holidays and events in Italy International festival of soup in Bologna traditionally takes place on the eve of April 25, the day liberation of Italy. Anyone can take part in the competition. To do this, it is enough to put on the ready soup of your own preparation on the street.

May 1, 2015 - October 31, 2015

 World Expo Expo 2015 in Milan Holidays and events in Italy

World Expo-2015 in Milan is a significant and large-scale event, 144 countries (including Russia) are registered for participation in it. The list of key participants includes three international organizations and 11 non-governmental organizations, as well as three corporate pavilions.

May 09, 2015

 Celebration La Sensa in Venice Celebrations and events in Italy

La Sensa - this is the name of the holiday Ascension of the Lord in the Venetian Republic. Usually, La-Sensa is celebrated on Sunday after the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ. It connects the memory of important historical events for the city, when the Doge Pietro II helped the inhabitants of Dalmatia to save themselves from the Slavs. - $

June 17, 2015

 Saint Ranieri Regatta Maybe Venice is famous for its gondolas, but in the country this tradition originated in Pisa. Which is 1,500 miles along the top of the Arno River back in the 1290s. Four narrow boats are painted in four different colors and represent areas of the city.

June 27, 2015

Joko Del Ponte

 Holidays and Events in Italy The historical costume festival of Joko del Ponte is held annually in Pisa on the Ponte di Medso bridge. The main event of the holiday is a historical reconstruction. 709 pedestrians and equestrian participants take part in the costumed historical procession, and the horse and rider are counted as one participant.

July 01, 2015 - July 09, 2015

Pink Night

Holidays and events in Italy This holiday, despite the commitment to a single color, is loved not only by feminists and women of the "blonde in law" type. On the Pink Night in Rimini with pleasure come and men. This grandiose holiday in the end of June - the beginning of July is held.

July 7, 2015 - August 31, 2015

Summer Sale in Italy

Holidays and events in Italy In the first days of the sale, the size of the discount is much less than at the end, but by that time things of the right size may no longer remain. The most optimal time for shopping at a sale is two weeks after its start.

August 16, 2015


Holidays and events in Italy The tradition to conduct equestrian competitions in the city was born a long time ago, back in the XIV century. Their main feature is that they pass not at the racetrack, as usual, but right in the city, on the main square.

August 26, 2015 - September 05, 2015

Venetian Film Festival

Holidays and events in Italy International Venice Film Festival - one of the main events of the cinematic world, taking place in late August - early September in Venice. Within ten to eleven days, the latest novelties - full-length and short-length pictures - are delivered to the jury and the public.

September 3rd 2015

Feast of the Holy Rosa in Viterbo

Holidays and events in Italy The Feast of the Holy Rose in Viterbo is celebrated for four centuries, and its main attribute is the night procession of a huge mobile tower. Decorated with luminous lights, a 30-meter construction is carried from the area to the area of ​​100 healthy men called Fakkini.

September 06, 2015


Holidays and events in Italy Formula-1 - the most important and most prestigious event in the world of racing, rightfully called the "queen of motorsport", has long become the dream of almost every rider in the world, and, in addition, is also the most expensive kind of motorsport.

September 10, 2015 - September 20, 2015

Pizza Festival in Naples

Holidays and events in Italy "Pizzafast" - this is a grand festival of pizza, which is loved not only by tourists, but also by all Italians. Traditionally, "Pizzafast" is held in Naples in the exhibition complex "Mostrad'Oltremare" in mid-September.

September 17, 2015 - September 23, 2015

Milan Fashion Week

Holidays and events in Italy The most luxurious in the splendor of outfits and rich in the number of collections represented, the Milan Fashion Week is the third in a series of similar events from the delicious couture world (recall: the most significant fashion weeks are also held in New York, London and Paris).

September 27, 2015

Folklore festival - donkey marathon Palo di Cocuconato

Holidays and events in Italy Palo di Cocconato was born in 1970 as a contest between the districts of the town, but on the grounds and solid foundation of the traditions and legends of the Middle Ages, in those times when the Counts of Radicati played a significant role in the feuds of the marquesses of Monferrato, Asti and Savoy. >

December 14, 2015

Feast of cuckolds

Holidays and events in Italy No one remembers why in Rocca Canterano, a village not far from Rome, decided to celebrate the Day of Cuckolders. In the centuries only there was noisy fun accompanying the events held in November in honor of all deceived wives and husbands.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Italy

Holidays and events in Italy As everyone has known for a long time, the Italians are hot and temperamental people, and therefore they always celebrate cheerfully and with a big time, especially for the New Year holidays, which begin with the Catholic Christmas and end with Epiphany, which falls here on January 6.

January 05, 2016 - March 1, 2016

Winter Sale in Italy

Holidays and events in Italy The winter sale in Italy amazes with its scope and is a real paradise for both shopaholics and people who want to buy quality goods at a low price. The discount rate in stores usually ranges from 30% to 70-80%, while it depends on the location of the store and the brand of clothing.

January 24, 2016 - February 14, 2016

Carnival in Viareggio

Holidays and events in Italy Carnival in Viareggio is known as the most impudent and accusatory in all of Italy, and figures in carnival wagons are unequivocally guessed by politicians and public figures of our days.

January 30, 2016 - February 9, 2016

Venetian Carnival

Holidays and events in Italy For two weeks before the Great Lent, Venice, already attracting romantics from around the world all year round, is filled with newcomers from fairy-tale worlds, bright masks, carnival costumes, music and laughter. The Venetian carnival is familiar to everyone, and more than half a million fans of the magical atmosphere of the medieval festival come to admire this miracle every year.

February 9, 2016 - February 14, 2016

Ambrosian Carnival in Milan

Holidays and events in Italy The protagonist of the Milan carnival is Meneghino, a kind witty servant, ridiculing the vices of the rich. He wears a long brown coat, trousers to the knees and stockings in a red and white strip; On his head he has a cocked hat and wig with a pigtail in French manners.

What a day, a holiday. The Italians, if they do not celebrate the state holiday, then necessarily "carnival" in honor of the next saint. Or mark the day of protection of a black cat, while we believe that these animals are in trouble! But the main celebration, from a tourist point of view, of course, is the Venice Carnival. Annually this grandiose event attracts more than half a million tourists.

Traditionally, the Venice Carnival opens with an ancient ritual - from the bell tower in St. Mark's Square, launch a paper pigeon to Columbine, which explodes in flight and turns into rain from confetti.

The Venetian carnival is the oldest of all costumed masquerades on the planet. The date of its opening depends on the beginning of the Catholic Lent and ends in 2 weeks. Origins take in antiquity: a holiday in honor of the god Saturn coped after harvesting and was accompanied by mass festivities. During the holiday, the slaves were allowed to sit at the master's table, but everyone hid their faces under their masks in order to be equal.

In the 18th century carnival costumes became examples of high fashion, and the protagonists of the holiday were heroes of the Italian comedy in masks. So on the streets appeared Harlequins, Pierrot, and Colombina became the emblem of the carnival.
Traditionally, the carnival opens with an ancient ritual - from the bell tower in St. Mark's Square, launch a paper pigeon to Columbine, which explodes in flight and turns into a rain of confetti. Celebrate the Italians and the New Year, just like we are, on December 31st. They have on March 8, it is true, the Italians do not like this holiday, because they believe that the women's day is everyone.
And on February 14 in Italy - really a holiday of lovers. It is not customary to give "valentines" to friends and relatives, only the second half. It is customary to give each other "kisses" - chocolate sweets, on whose candlesticks written confessions are written in different languages.

Palm Sunday for the Italians is called palm, the day of laughter is April Fisheye. Naturally, there are days of various saints and historical memorable dates. And also all kinds of festivals - wine, cheese, chocolate, white truffles and even ducks! One of the famous festivals is held in Rome and is called "White Night". Every second weekend in September, the sights of the city are open from sunset to dawn. Traditionally, the festival starts at 20.00 on Saturday and ends at 8.00 on Sunday.